NCAA Spring Football Rules

Started by TigerDad, March 27, 2008, 04:20:39 PM

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NCAA Division III Manual 2007-08 (pages 148-151)


17.11.6 Out-of-Season Athletically Related Activities.

Student-athletes and members of the coaching staff shall not engage in athletically related activities outside the playing season per Bylaw (Revised: 1/14/02, effective 8/1/02, 10/22/03, 1/12/04 effective 8/1/04, 8/5/04, 1/10/05) Exception.

An institution is permitted to conduct conditioning and strength training sessions and limited skill instruction during a consecutive five-week period outside the playing season. During this five-week period, the institution may conduct athletically related activity on a maximum of 16 days with no more than four days of athletically related activity in any one week. Any athletically related activity (per Bylaw shall constitute the use of a day. Skill instruction during this period shall be limited to passing, catching and kicking related drills. Such instruction may include offensive and defensive alignments, but may not involve contact. Except for footballs, the use of helmets, pads, blocking sleds or any other form of sport-related equipment is prohibited. No missed class time is permitted for these sessions. (Adopted: 1/10/05, Revised: 1/9/06)


17.02.1 Athletically Related Activities. Athletically Related Activities. The following are considered athletically related activities: (Adopted: 1/10/91 effective 8/1/92)

(a) Practice, which is defined as any meeting, activity or instruction involving sports-related information and having an athletics purpose, held for one or more student-athletes at the direction of, or supervised by, any member or members of an institution's coaching staff. Practice is considered to have occurred if one or more coaches and one or more student-athletes engage in any of the following activities:

(1) Field, floor or on-court activity;
(2) Setting up offensive or defensive alignment;
(3) Chalk talk;
(4) Lecture on or discussion of strategy related to the sport;
(5) Activities using equipment related to the sport;
(6) Discussions or review of game films, motion pictures or videotapes related to the sport; or (Revised: 10/17/06)
(7) Any other athletically related activity. (Revised: 10/18/04)

(b) Competition;

(c) Required weight-training and conditioning activities held at the direction of or supervised by an institutional staff member;

(d) Participation in a physical-fitness class (including a summer class) conducted by a member of the athletics staff not listed in the institution's catalog and not open to all students. Such a class may not include practice activities conducted under the guise of physical education class work; (Adopted: 1/10/95, Revised: 10/17/06)

(e) Required participation in camps, clinics or workshops;

(f ) Individual workouts required or supervised by a member of the coaching staff. A coach may design a voluntary general individual-workout program for a student-athlete (as opposed to a specific workout program for specific days) but cannot conduct the individual's workout; (Adopted: 1/10/91 effective 8/1/91, Revised: 1/12/04)

(g) On-court or on-field activities called by any member(s) of a team and confined primarily to members of that team that are considered requisite for participation in that sport (e.g., captain's practices);

(h) Visiting the competition site in cross country, golf and skiing; (Adopted: 1/16/93)

(i) Reservation or use of an institution's athletics facilities when such activities are supervised by or held at the direction of any member of an institution's coaching staff; (Revised: 1/10/92, 1/16/93)

(j) Involvement of an institution's strength and conditioning staff with enrolled student-athletes in required
conditioning programs; and (Revised: 1/10/92, 10/17/06)

(k) Observation by an institution's coaching staff member of enrolled student-athletes in nonorganized sport-specific activities (e.g., "pick-up games"). (Adopted: 1/10/05, 10/17/06) Exceptions. The following activities shall not be considered athletically related: (Revised: 10/17/06)

(a) Administrative and academic activities that are nonathletics in nature (e.g., academic meetings and compliance meetings); (Revised: 1/9/06, 10/17/06)

(b) Fundraising and community service activities not involving the use of athletics ability by student athletes to obtain funds (see Bylaw for restrictions on promotional activities); (Revised: 10/17/06)

(c) Observation of an officiating clinic related to playing rules that is conducted by video conference and does not require student-athletes to miss any class time to observe the clinic; (Revised: 10/17/06)

(d) Observation of enrolled student-athletes in organized competition (e.g., summer league), provided institutional athletics personnel do not direct or supervise the organized activity; and (Revised: 10/17/06)

(e) Voluntary individual workouts monitored for safety purposes by strength and conditioning personnel. (Revised: 10/17/06)
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