2014-15 D3 Basketball advanced team/player stat pages

Started by National Sports Rankings, November 25, 2014, 05:22:02 PM

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National Sports Rankings

Here's a sample team from this year to look at: Wesleyan (CT)


To see all of last year's D3 teams go here:


I'm still inquiring about access to all of the teams stats to do these reports but so far I'm finding little help.

I don't mind adding some D3 teams each week, until the end of the season, if people are interested in a certain teams stats to look at. I'll update 10 a week based on user feedback.

If anyone is interested in seeing a team, make sure they have at least 3 games played this year, post the team and I'll create the page.

It's the best I can do until I can gain access to a stat feed to run my reports. Doing it manually takes way too long for just 1 team to run every team right now.

Comments, questions, thoughts are welcome.