Started by lastguyoffthebench, November 12, 2015, 10:57:33 AM

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Quote from: lastguyoffthebench on November 23, 2015, 05:16:01 PM
   8      8      8      8      16      16      32      191      TIE
Massey Ratings   AMHERST   8   HAVERFORD   0   LORAS   8   CALVIN   8   AMHERST      CALVIN      AMHERST      103      1
Flying Weasel   AMHERST   8   ONEONTA ST   8   LORAS   8   KENYON   0   AMHERST      LORAS      LORAS      98      3
Golden_Fan   AMHERST   8   ONEONTA ST   8   WHEATON   0   MSU   0   ONEONTA ST      MSU   0   MSU      93      3
Mr.Right   AMHERST   8   ONEONTA ST   8   LORAS   8   CHICAGO   0   ONEONTA ST      LORAS      LORAS      91      4
blooter442   AMHERST   8   ONEONTA ST   8   WHEATON   0   MSU   0   AMHERST      MSU   0   AMHERST      89      1
Consensus   AMHERST   8   HAVERFORD   0   LORAS   8   MSU   0   AMHERST      MSU   0   AMHERST      89      0
HeroSports   AMHERST   8   HAVERFORD   0   LORAS   8   KENYON   0   HAVERFORD   0   KENYON   0   HAVERFORD      88      0
NJrexSoccer03   AMHERST   8   R-CAMDEN   0   LORAS   8   MSU   0   AMHERST      MSU   0   AMHERST      86      3
RUMSU   BRANDEIS   0   HAVERFORD   0   LORAS   8   MSU   0   HAVERFORD   0   MSU   0   HAVERFORD      78      4
WarhawkFan   AMHERST   8   HAVERFORD   0   LORAS   8   KENYON   0   HAVERFORD   0   KENYON   0   HAVERFORD      77      4
Shooter McGavin   LYCOMING   0   ONEONTA ST   8   LORAS   8   OWU   0   ONEONTA ST      LORAS      ONEONTA ST      70      4
dontshootthegoose   AMHERST   8   HAVERFORD   0   LORAS   8   F&M   0   AMHERST      F&M   0   AMHERST      70      0
casualfan   BRANDEIS   0   HAVERFORD   0   WHEATON   0   KENYON   0   BRANDEIS   0   KENYON   0   KENYON      68      0
lastguyoffthebench   AMHERST   8   R-CAMDEN   0   WHEATON   0   MSU   0   AMHERST      MSU   0   AMHERST      67      2
D3 Scout   AMHERST   8   R-CAMDEN   0   U-WW   0   OWU   0   AMHERST      UW-W   0   AMHERST      66      0
Mid-Atlantic Fan   AMHERST   8   HAVERFORD   0   WHEATON   0   MSU   0   AMHERST      MSU   0   AMHERST      65      3
NCAC New England   AMHERST   8   SLU   0   U-WW   0   KENYON   0   SLU   0   KENYON   0   KENYON      61      3
NERevs127   BRANDEIS   0   HAVERFORD   0   WHEATON   0   KENYON   0   HAVERFORD   0   KENYON   0   KENYON      60      2
Letthekidsplay59   BRANDEIS   0   BOWDOIN   0   WASH (MO)   0   CHICAGO   0   BRANDEIS   0   CHICAGO   0   BRANDEIS      55      3
wingtips2   STEVENS   0   SLU   0   WHEATON   0   KENYON   0   SLU   0   KENYON   0   KENYON      54      1

Darn only shot I have is if Oneonta and calvin win other than than looks like it'll come down to FW and Mr. Right. Blooter also with a shot if Amherst wins it all against Calvin in the final

Flying Weasel

If I'm not mistaken, we each have two scenarios of winning.

blooter442 wins if Amherst is champs
Mr. Right wins is it's an Oneonta-Loras final
Golden_Fan wins if it's an Oneonta-Calvin final
Flying Weasel wins if Amherst is runner-up

Here's the eight scenarios:
Amherst over Loras:  blooter442 - 137 | Flying Weasel - 130 | Mr. Right - 107 | Golden_Fan 93
Amherst over Calvin:  blooter442 - 137 | Flying Weasel - 114 | Golden_Fan - 93 | Mr. Right - 91
Oneonta over Loras:  Mr. Right - 123 | Flying Weasel - 114 | Golden_Fan - 93 | blooter 442 - 89
Oneonta over Calvin:  Golden_Fan - 109 | Mr. Right - 107 | Flying Weasel - 98 | blooter 442 - 89
Loras over Amherst: Flying Weasel - 162 | Mr. Right - 139 | blooter442 - 105 | Golden_Fan - 93
Loras over Oneonta: Mr. Right - 155 | Flying Weasel - 146 | Golden_Fan - 109 | blooter 442 - 89
Calvin over Amherst: Flying Weasel - 114 | blooter442 - 105 | Golden_Fan - 93 | Mr. Right - 91
Calvin over Oneonta: Golden_Fan - 109 | Mr. Right - 107 | Flying Weasel - 98 | blooter 442 - 89

Shooter McGavin

Massey is kicking butt...stupid computers  :'(

I am sitting at 70 thus far but have both finalists alive (Oneonta vs Loras) with Oneonta winning. That would put me at 134 max if that happens. Not sure how close that puts me as I have not read this thread for that stuff yet but that's where I stand. I am assuming upper middle? Obviously my minimum is the 70 I am at right now and I can fall inbetween from anywhere to 86 points or 118. Lets hope for at least triple digits by the end of it!  ;D

Last Guy thanks for tracking all this and making the bracket challenge possible.

Flying Weasel

Ooops, Shooter McGavin, I missed that you had Oneonta State wining it all.  So Mr. Right and Golden-Fan only have on scenario to win.  Therefore, correcting my previous post . . .

Shooter McGavin wins if Oneonta St. is champs
blooter442 wins if Amherst is champs
Flying Weasel wins if Amherst is runner-up
Mr. Right wins Loras defeats Oneonta in the final
Golden_Fan wins if Calvin defeats Oneonta in the final

Here's the eight scenarios (with top 5 finishers and Massey):
Amherst over Loras:  Massey - 151 | blooter442 - 137 | NJrexSoccer03 - 134 | Flying Weasel - 130 | dontshootthegoose - 118 | lastguyoffthebench - 115
Amherst over Calvin:  Massey - 167 | blooter442 - 137 | NJrexSoccer03 - 134 | dontshootthegoose - 118 | lastguyoffthebench - 115 | Flying Weasel - 114
Oneonta over Loras:  Shooter McGavin - 134 | Mr. Right - 123 | Flying Weasel - 114 | Massey - 103 | Golden_Fan - 93 | blooter 442 - 89
Oneonta over Calvin:  Massey - 119 | Shooter McGavin - 118 | Golden_Fan - 109 | Mr. Right - 107 | Flying Weasel - 98 | blooter 442 - 89 
Loras over Amherst: Flying Weasel - 162 | Mr. Right - 139 | Massey - 119 | blooter442 - 105 | NJrexSoccer03 - 102 | Golden_Fan - 93
Loras over Oneonta: Mr. Right - 155 | Flying Weasel - 146 | Golden_Fan - 109 | Massey - 103 | Shooter McGavin - 102 | blooter 442 - 89
Calvin over Amherst: Massey - 135 | Flying Weasel - 114 | blooter442 - 105 | NJrexSoccer03 - 102 | Golden_Fan - 93 | Mr. Right - 91
Calvin over Oneonta: Massey - 119 | Golden_Fan - 109 | Mr. Right - 107 | Flying Weasel - 98 | blooter 442 - 89 | NJrexSoccer03 & Shooter McGavin - 86

There are three scenarios in which the winner will be ahead of Massey.

Shooter McGavin

Quote from: Flying Weasel on November 24, 2015, 12:00:51 PM
Ooops, Shooter McGavin, I missed that you had Oneonta State wining it all.  So Mr. Right and Golden-Fan only have on scenario to win.  Therefore, correcting my previous post . . .

No problem FW! It's a lot of info to go through  :)


Thanks LGOTB for keeping track. Glad to be back on the board. I haven't been around since the old message board. Hoping for my third place finish!

Shooter McGavin

Will we get a final standings page sometime this week? I missed out on cracking triple digits thanks to Oneonta St. losing. Was a fun challenge though!  :)


Massey Ratings          151
blooter442                   137
Consensus                   137
NJrexSoccer03           134
Flying Weasel           130
dontshootthegoose   118
lastguyoffthebench   115
D3 Scout                   114
Mid-Atlantic Fan    113
Mr.Right                   107
Golden_Fan            93
HeroSports            88
Shooter McGavin    86
RUMSU                    78
WarhawkFan            77
casualfan                    68
NCAC New England    61
NERevs127            60
Letthekidsplay59    55
wingtips2                    54


Quote from: lastguyoffthebench on December 07, 2015, 09:29:43 AM

blooter442                   137
Consensus                   137
NJrexSoccer03           134
Flying Weasel           130
dontshootthegoose   118
lastguyoffthebench   115
D3 Scout                   114
Mid-Atlantic Fan    113
Mr.Right                   107
Golden_Fan            93
HeroSports            88
Shooter McGavin    86
RUMSU                    78
WarhawkFan            77
casualfan                    68
NCAC New England    61
NERevs127            60
Letthekidsplay59    55
wingtips2                    54

Gonna amend this...we don't need to count Massey. ;)

(I am aware that Consensus and I are tied.)


Massey picks were 50-13!  Flying Weasel was 2nd with correct picks at 48-15.

Flying Weasel won round one with a score of 26 pts (26-6 record)
RUMSU and Massey tied for Sweet 16 with a score of 26 pts (13-3 record)
Golden_Fan, HeroSports, and Massey led the Elite 8 with a score of 28 pts (7-1 record)
Flying Weasel, Mr. Right, and Massey were tied with Final Four picks, 24pts (3-1 record)
Flying Weasel was the only entry that picked the correct finalists, Amherst vs Loras.


Damn I fell far. Hopefully I'll have better luck next year