Preseason Team & Conference Previews

Started by HansenRatings, August 11, 2022, 10:06:51 PM

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Hey y'all, been a while since I posted, but I put together a preseason preview, and felt like sharing.

For each conference, preview shows comparisons of the opponent-adjusted ratings, projections for conference champions, & Pool C bids.

Getting into more detail, you can preview every team's schedule, with score predictions for each matchup, win probabilities, and projected won totals. I also detail the best players on each team from 2021, according to the yards above replacement statistics I've developed for my end of season awards. Because of the COVID year, I didn't even try to figure out who was coming back/graduated.

At the very end, you can see the weekly rating progression for your selected team over the last 25 seasons.

I hope you enjoy!

Here's the link:

And here's a preview of what the ARC/Wartburg preview looks like:

Follow me on Twitter. I post fun graphs sometimes. @LogHanRatings