Tweaking playoff selection process

Started by 02 Warhawk, June 10, 2011, 02:30:23 PM

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02 Warhawk

For those that haven't read it yet, it looks like the NCAA is going to make some post season changes.

I hope they eventually approve the other suggestions that are currently tabled...regarding a new SOS format.

Ron Boerger

Not sure about this one, tho:

Recommended that the Division III Management Council sponsor legislation for the 2012 Convention to specify that a professional sports organization (1) may serve as a financial sponsor of an intercollegiate competition event (for example, regular-season contest, conference championship, NCAA championship, other postseason competition), provided the organization is not publically identified as such; and (2) may serve as a financial sponsor of an activity or promotion that is ancillary to the competition event and may be publically identified as such.

So they can funnel money to a school's athletic department and nobody really will know?