Baseball Energy Supplements

Started by powerhack, August 13, 2015, 10:09:07 AM

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I am looking for a place to start a convo about supplements used at the d3 level. I know a lot of my teammates take caffein and other energy/focus supplements before games and practices, yet we never discuss it on the boards.

I just found something called Baseball Powder and it looks like it's a pre-workout type supplement just for baseball players? Has anybody used it before? I put the link below


Just Bill

Don't take anything without consulting your school's athletic training staff first. They know what is and isn't safe and legal by NCAA standards. They are your best resource.
"That seems silly and pointless..." - Hoops Fan

The first and still most accurate description of the D3 Championship BeltTM thread.


Good point. I'm curious about the results either way though. What do other baseball players/athletes think?


A lot of supplements don't list their ingredients on their labels.  There is a reason for that and it is not good.  There are short term results and long term results of using these substances.  The professionals that do this (i.e. cheat) often have medical professionals that leave their ethics aside for the star power and monitor what goes into the athlete's body.  You most likely don't have that cushion.  In my 35+ years in college athletics, I have seen the effects of poor judgement with supplements and now energy drinks.  It's not worth it.  Caffeine is one of the worst things for your heart, but the energy drinks are loaded with it.

If you want to be proud of what you achieve as an athlete, build a work ethic and an understanding of how to play the game correctly.  That will allow to look back on what you did with integrity. You'll find that much more satisfying.

In the meantime, Just Bill is right.  Check with your athletic trainer.