Player Turnover

Started by fishercats, March 29, 2020, 07:32:21 PM

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I'm looking for some insights and discussion on player turnover in DIII soccer.

What is the "normal" amount of turnover? - looks to be abour 30% leave on their own or are asked to leave.
What level of turnover is a "red flag"?
Does it vary among different types of program? How?
Is it different between different classes - fr, so, jr, sr?
Why do kids leave?

Any other insights?

A few sources - the number sits at around :
- Brown University - 30 percent of athletes quit respective teams
- Univ of Chicago - Why Do Athletes Quit?


Are you suggesting that 30% leave beyond those seniors who graduate?  That seems awfully high to me, but I don't have any research to back that up.  So for instance, if a team has 30 players each year, you seem to be saying that year to year there will be 9 players who leave beyond those who graduate, do I have that right? 


It seems high when you present it like that. But if you think about it over four years. If a class comes in with 10 guys having 3 depart between freshmen and senior year seems pretty normal.


Quote from: d4_Pace on April 01, 2020, 10:16:53 AM
It seems high when you present it like that. But if you think about it over four years. If a class comes in with 10 guys having 3 depart between freshmen and senior year seems pretty normal.

Maybe it was a reading comprehension issue on my part  :o because I was thinking on a year to year basis rather than over 4 years.  If it's over a 4 year period for a single recruiting class, I agree that a 30% turnover rate is probably about right.


When my daughter was looking at schools a bit more than ten years ago, I looked at the attrition rate for the places she was considering and I remember it being roughly 50% from freshmen to senior year.

After the regular season last fall I pulled all the individual match stats from the NCAA D-III statistical database for an analysis I was contemplating. I never got around to that project but seeing this topic reminded me I had the data. I think this analysis addresses the question with a couple of caveats:

  • The NCAA stats data does not appear to have any QC done. It is an upload from each matches boxscore.
  • This is players who played in at least one match. Most rosters have a few players who never make it into a game. I would speculate they are more likely first years.
  • A few of the schools don't include class year in the rosters they upload.

With that said, it's still a good data set; it's just not perfect.

men    women
Yearcountpct. chgcountpct. chg
Total    11,512(46.2%)9,726(40.3%)

I have a strong suspicion that these rates vary by success of the program on the pitch almost definitely and possibly by the academic rigor of the institution.

Jim Hutchinson
Jim Hutchinson
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