Goalkeeper "shenanigans" on PKs

Started by Kuiper, March 29, 2023, 03:58:28 PM

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Last fall, @paulnewman posted this on the Mid-Atlantic Region thread (in an off-topic reaction to a situation where the starting GK was subbed out for a "PK specialist" backup GK):

QuoteA little off topic but I've been meaning to ask the GK experts (SC, Hop92, Kuiper, CSO, etc) here....

What is your opinion of the shenanigans and gamesmanship that GKs so often engage in during PKs and especially PK shootouts?  Trying to be the person who hands the ball to the next shooter, coming way out to "show big" until the ref tells them to get on the line, hanging from the bar so it shakes, and all the other tricks?  I also get annoyed with refs who don't pay attention and let a lot of this go.  Anyway, I noticed that the JHU sub GK did the "show big" routine standing 3-5 yards in front of the PK takers for Muhlenberg.

I'll add that, while didn't turn out this way with Muhlenberg, that the "show big' maneuver feels very effective at least from an observer pov.

It turns out that the IFAB agrees, changing Law 14 to add the following text (they were never permitted to touch the goalposts, crossbar or net): 


QuoteThe goalkeeper must not behave in a way that unfairly distracts the kicker, e.g. delay the taking of the kick or touch the
goalposts, crossbar or goal net.

We'll see whether and how refs interpret and enforce the new language, since "unfairly distracts" is a bit vague. 


GKs never bothered me.  I always knew where I was going so they could play all the "head" games they wanted.  I wish IFAB would take a hard look at the stutter step crap from the kickers.


I'm fine with the rule. I've dealt with a lot of PKs, and the extent of my mind games was to un-center/un-balance where I was in the goal and to block shots (for 5 round PK deals.)

I don't think all the other stuff is sporting or OK. I'm not a dinosaur, but I think sportsmanship matters. F'ing around with kicker and stuff like that seems crappy.


When my son was playing HS and College if his team were taking kicks to decide a game, and he was in line, he would face away from the GK until it was his turn.  Like others, he knew where he was going, and had his strategy, and this was his way of not letting the GK get in his head.