MBB: Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

Started by Oxy'03SalemPavers, March 10, 2005, 12:17:44 PM

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OXY Oswald

The new gym looks great! Looking forward to catching a game there this season.

Tough days for Tiger Football.


Thanks, Oswald - I hope many of the local posters on this board are able to come out and catch a game this year.



I am  glad to see that the tigers will be playing good times like the mustangs of Cal Poly and St. Thomas. However, i am sad to see that the holiday classic will not be played this year... :'( :'( :'( :'(
"Statistics are used much like a drunk uses a lamppost: for support, not illumination."--Vin Scully

"I don't really care," he said with an impish smile. "It's all about the Dodgers. I don't think anyone really watches hockey anymore.".....Tiger Woods


Just thought I'd mention it because we've discussed it on this board before, but Rick Reilly had a column a couple of weeks ago in SI on student use of profanity during games.  It's good stuff, and I'd post a link but I think SI has cut off access to non subscribers.

OXY Oswald

Which issue?  I'll bet I've got in lying around the house somewhere.

Tough days for Tiger Football.

OXY Oswald

Well I found the article and seeing as I have some time to kill I'll copy it for anyone interested in reading it.

Swearing off Swearing.
by Rick Reilly
Sports Illustrated: September 25, 2006 Issue
p. 80

"You and I have the same problem.  We swear too goddamn much. 

Growing up, the worst my mom ever said was, 'Crying in the beer bucket!'  Still have no idea what it meant, but it was serious.  She said cursin was 'for the locker room.'  Man, she wouldn't believe how big the locker room is now.

I realized it a couple of weeks ago at the Colorado-Colorado State football game.  The two student sections cursed like teamsters in two-sizes-too-small thongs.

They yelled, 'F--- 'em up! F--- 'em up! Go CU!'  They sang, 'Bulllls---!' after a ref's call.  And they chanted 'F--- you, CSU!' (clap-clap, clap, clap, clap!)  And that was their clever stuff.

No student seemed to be able to pass a rival in the concourse without hurling a 'F--- you!' in the other's ear, accompanied by twin birds and projectile spittle.  (And, really, some of the men were just as bad)

It's not just Colorado.  We have become a nation of !@#$%&ers.  Michigan hockey fans serenade each opponent sent to the penalty box with a dozen elegant words: 'Chump! D---! Wuss! Douche bag! A------! P----! Cheater! Bitch! Whore! Slut! C---------!'

Higher education at it's finest.

That's why I'm all for what they're doing at Boston University.  Beginning this season, anybody who cusses at a BU home athletic event gets pitched out of the arena.  'We had to do something,' says hockey coach Jack Parker. 'People are telling me they're afraid to bring their kids to games.'

It's not going to be easy making BU hockey fans give up swearing.  It's like asking frogs to give up flied or R Kelly 15-year-olds.  Not only that, but how will the Terriers play games with only three players left on the ice?  'I just hope an usher doesn't come down and get me,' says Parker.

Athletic director Mike Lynch and dean of student Kenneth Elmore decided something had to be done after BU fans cursed a blue streak during last spring's NCAA hockey tournament.  Now the school will station cuss cops -- officials, ushers, even Lynch -- all over Agganis Arena's infamous section 118.  'They're trying to censor us,' says Nick Williams, sports editor of the student paper.  'I feel like it limits my freedom of speech.'

What the students are mad about is losing their favorite chant, which they yell 25 times a game, no matter whom they're playing: 'F--- 'em up! F--- 'em up! BC sucks!'  That's a speech?

Besides, until the last decade, it was 'Rough 'em up! Rough 'em up! BC sucks!' according to former BU and Olympic star Mike Eruzione, who asks, 'Is it too much to show a little class?'

At least BU has the guts to do something.  Maryland's students would make George Carlin blush, but the university still lets them work blue.   The best university president C.D. Mote could do was write a stenly worded letter to the student paper that said: 'Use of profanity will change when our students decide to change it.'  Great point, C.D.!  Even better, let's make the little darlings drop a nickle in a jar every time they swear!

I'm no better.  I'm cused with cursing.  I hate myself for it not just because it's disgusting but also because it's just so unimaginative.  When I shank one, I yell, 'Son of a f------ whore!'  I wish I could be like my buddy, who yells, 'My heinous cousin!'  Only his cousin can take offense.

Isn't it more fun to spew something fresher than the same old, 'Go f--- yourself!'?  Any Raiders fan could've scrawled that on his cell wall.  Why not, 'May you suffer a severe groin injury not covered in your workman's compensation package!'

Thanks to the book Cuss Control, by James V. O'Connor, director of (this is true) the Cuss Control Academy, I'm making progress.  According to O'Connor, I should use words that soud like cusses but aren't.  I've tried 'That was Bolshevik, pal!' and 'You nickerfutz ref!' and 'Sockchucker!'  People look at you as if they've been stabbed but can't find any blood. 

You could always unearth a dead language, like Sanskrit or Latin: illigitimi! (Bastards!)  Or steal from the 1920s: 'Great oogoly moogoly!'  Or go edgy Amish: 'You son of a biscuit!'

If those don't work, O'Connor says to pretend your grandma is listening.  Hey, Michigan students, would you repeat what you just said?  Your granny missed it. 

Anyway, the world is ugly enough without us turning on each other.  So good for you, BU.  Because, really, this s--- has got to stop.

(Oops. Sorry, Mom.)"

I apologize in advance for any typos, I think I avoided any major ones. 

Tough days for Tiger Football.


Thanks, Oswald!

Yoeman's duty on that one!

Maybe we can have a discussion when there are more people than just the two of us reading this board  ;) ;D


For the record, my new moniker is not a slight on any enthnicity or culture.  Rather, it is meant to reflect the term is it is now commonly associated with notions of deprivation and social exclusion.  Every SCIAC basketball fan who ventures out of So Cal understands what our position is in the D3 hoops nation.   We are outcasts, we are not insignificant and we are not forces to be reckoned with. 

The SCIAC is the DIIIGhetto. 

Every year gives us new opportunities to shine and show folks that who we are.   Who are our non-conference opponents this year?   

Gray Fox

Fierce When Roused

Sabretooth Tiger

Oswald:  Excellent post on the cursing issue.  I brought my son to and Oxy women's water polo game last year and was frankly embarrased at the cursing and conduct of the Oxy fans (I think the men's team).  I haven't brought him to any football games this year, but that because he just isn't a fan yet.

How are Oxy's home b-ball games these days (or at least last season)?  Kid friendly?


OXY Oswald

Quote from: Sabretooth Tiger on October 19, 2006, 02:46:25 PM
How are Oxy's home b-ball games these days (or at least last season)?  Kid friendly?


Definitely.  I think the games are exciting and the crowd has really been behind the team the last few years, and I'm sure that will continue.

Tough days for Tiger Football.

OXY Oswald

Pre-season polls are pretty interesting

Oxy at #20
CMS at #48
Puget Sound at #22

Looks like that loss to the Tigers in the 1st round hurt pretty bad in the pre-season rankings for CMS. 

Can't wait for another great season from the Tigers!  And there is a great game early on against St. Thomas.  Any thoughts on their All-American center (or insight from posters that have seen him play) Isaac Rosefelt?

Quick article on the guy too. http://www.stthomas.edu/tommies/shared/shownews.cfm?ArticleID=4122

Tough days for Tiger Football.


"Statistics are used much like a drunk uses a lamppost: for support, not illumination."--Vin Scully

"I don't really care," he said with an impish smile. "It's all about the Dodgers. I don't think anyone really watches hockey anymore.".....Tiger Woods

OXY Oswald

That too.... but I like to give the Tigers the credit.  ;D

Tough days for Tiger Football.