WBB: Northern Athletics Collegiate Conference

Started by Warrior Fish, December 16, 2004, 12:33:34 PM

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Don't hurt yourself backing up over that  "edgewood's season was a fluke" comment....looks like teh ship is headed in the right direction..Megan Scheele, ROY


Half way thru the conference 5-0 2 game lead with out the Dorman.

Better TEAM.

Should be ranked!


Big game on Saturday between the Regents and Spartans.  It is going to be tough for Rockford to come here and win.  AU is due for a big win and I guarantee that will happen on Saturday.


And by the way, the Regents are not a better team without Dorman.  She was back-to-back POY. Without her, they are an average team in bad conference.


What's up y'all.  I'm new to the board and excited to get in on some LMC talk down the stretch.  Good luck to all the teams.  Looks like we've got an exciting end to the race.  HUGE game down at the Edgedome on Saturday afternoon.  Not to mention a heated match up @ MSOE.


I said better TEAM. The team plays better as a group more balanced. Its hard to replace those numbers but its not hard to replace the selfish play.


Congrats AU on a big win over that "better TEAM" regentfan1 spoke of  (AU 75, Rockford 67).

regentfan1, you must be a parent of a kid who's finally getting to play because Dorman left the team.  I've seen Dorman play and if you think a player is "selfish" because they were one  of the most dominating players in the NIIC, then I suppose you are right.  RC has NO ONE that can take over a game - every time - like Dorman did.  Rockford is still a good team and has some nice players, but they are very average now without Dorman.  By the way, did you call Dorman "selfish" while she was playing for your Regents???

FYI, the combined won-lost record of the Regents' 17 victories is 134-209 (39%).  They have just three wins over schools with winning records and just five wins over teams with double-digit win totals currently.  The four teams who beat the Regents are currently 3rd (Aurora), 4th (UW-LaCrosse), 5th (Elmhurst) and 6th (UW-Whitewater) in their respective leagues.



That was a big win for AU and with my Eagles winning they pulled within a game of conference leader Rockford.  To Featherfriend.....Rockford has beaten the teams they should have and the losses have come to some quality teams (even if they are in the middle of their conferences).  17-4 is still a remarkable record either way and they are still winning conference.  And a go-to player?  How about Strunz who is averaging around 23 ppg in conference and lit up my Eagles for 30 in the game at our place?  How about we support our conference teams, instead of bashing the league leader.  It should be a fun race to watch down the stretch, good luck to everyone.


Eaglepride, it's not "bashing" your league leader to point out the facts, is it?  These posts don't have to be about holding hands and singing "Kumbayah".  Regentfan1 said Rockford should be ranked and I pointed out a couple reasons why they weren't...at least not when it comes to life as a Pool "B" team. 

Strunz is no doubt a great player...and so is Butler and Jones (among others).  My point to Regentfan1 was that Dorman's departure made RC average rather than dominent.  If RC had only a portion of what Dorman was averaging in the games they lost, they would be 20-1 right now. 

17-4 is very good (but all things considered far from remarkable), but I wonder if your Eagles had played the exact same schedule as RC if they might not be over .500 themselves (Didn't Benedictine lose to quite a few teams that are doing well this year?).  Rockford looks like it gambled on only scheduling a few "tough" games to try to have a good record for Pool B purposes and - if you don't win those games - it can bite you in the backside. 


Rockford is a better off without Dorman.  She is nothing but headaches for the team.  She is a quitter and we shouldn't even talk about someone who quits on a team. 
Obviously, she is not a team player so she shouldn't be talked about unless its on a Rockford College "Quitter" chat.  And the good thing about D3hoops.com is that you can start that chat!!!!


Great game at the Edgedome on Saturday!  Exciting to the last minute.  If they would have played another 5 minutes there is no telling who would have won that game.  This sets up an interesting game on Wednesday up at Lakeland, not to mention some other important games down the stretch for the teams on top.  Any predictions?

Feb. 8    Edgewood @ Lakeland*
Feb. 8    Marian @ Concordia (Wis.)*

Feb. 11    MSOE @ Lakeland*
Feb. 11    Wis. Lutheran @ Edgewood*

Feb. 13    Edgewood @ Marian*
Feb. 13    Lakeland @ Maranatha*
Feb. 13    Wis. Lutheran @ Concordia (Wis.)*

Good luck to everybody!


It's too bad those posting need to resort to name-calling ("selfish" & "quitter") of a college kid, as opposed to an intelligent discussion of circumstances.  I believe the quote, "Me thinks thou doth protest too much" might apply.  All the name calling leads me to believe Dorman must have been more valuable than "regentfan1" and "d3d3" care to admit!

Also, players leave teams for many, many reasons every season and have the right to do so.  Sometimes it takes more courage to do what you feel is right, rather than do what is easiest.  But, either way, this is D3 basketball and supposed to be about the student-athlete first...and therefore shouldn't elicit name-calling under any circumstances.

Rockford's Coach Amsbury has done a great job building up that program.  But if I remember correctly, last summer he was featured on D3Hoops.com as a finalist for the St. Thomas job.  Should people call him "selfish" or "quitter" because he was job hunting and looking to leave an NCAA playoff team at Rockford that was returning all of its top players?  Of course not.  He knows his circumstances and has a right to try to better himself...as does any player, especially at this level.


The topics should be about the student-athletes.  In saying that, Dorman is not a student-athlete. 

People do leave for many reasons that are acceptable and others that are not.  Leaving your team on a road trip the school is paying for..selfish.  Not coming back with your team...selfish. 

In my opinion, if you start something, finish it. 

As far as Rockford's coach, your statement is insane.  First, it was during the summer, not during the season.  Second, in coaching their is always potentially a better job available.


I'm with you featheredfriend.  Not only was Dorman the best player on our team, she has been the best player in the conference since she first stepped onto the floor as a freshman.  I wish her well.


d3d3, my point about the coach has to do with everyone has reasons for what they do.  Things just happen, you deal with them, and you go on.  The fact that it was summer is irrelavant.  Didn't the coach recruit players to come play for him? If he had left wouldn't that seem disloyal to recruits and returning players?  Did he tell recruits he was looking at other jobs? (That's a retorical question; which I don't believe he should have).  Again, my point was everyone - players and coaches alike - have their reasons for things.

What gives you the right to be judge & jury to say what is acceptable?   C'mon...it doesn't take an advanced degree to see what you say doesn't add up:  2-time conference Player of the Year (with stats supporting a third award), 3-time all-conference player and potential All-American suddenly decides just to quit basketball in the middle of her senior year. I'd bet money there's a lot more to Dorman leaving than the points you brought up...and, frankly, it's no one's business except the player & coach.

Would you call Strunz "selfish" for leaving Clarke College to go Rockford?  Some people might argue that "finishing what you start" would apply there, too.  I think she had every right to do what she felt was right for her...but I'll bet there were those in Dubuque who didn't see it that way.