WBB: Northern Athletics Collegiate Conference

Started by Warrior Fish, December 16, 2004, 12:33:34 PM

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Quote from: featheredfriend on February 06, 2006, 10:27:42 AM
d3d3, my point about the coach has to do with everyone has reasons for what they do. Things just happen, you deal with them, and you go on. The fact that it was summer is irrelavant. Didn't the coach recruit players to come play for him? If he had left wouldn't that seem disloyal to recruits and returning players? Did he tell recruits he was looking at other jobs? (That's a retorical question; which I don't believe he should have). Again, my point was everyone - players and coaches alike - have their reasons for things.

What gives you the right to be judge & jury to say what is acceptable? C'mon...it doesn't take an advanced degree to see what you say doesn't add up: 2-time conference Player of the Year (with stats supporting a third award), 3-time all-conference player and potential All-American suddenly decides just to quit basketball in the middle of her senior year. I'd bet money there's a lot more to Dorman leaving than the points you brought up...and, frankly, it's no one's business except the player & coach.

Would you call Strunz "selfish" for leaving Clarke College to go Rockford? Some people might argue that "finishing what you start" would apply there, too. I think she had every right to do what she felt was right for her...but I'll bet there were those in Dubuque who didn't see it that way.


What??  You stated,"things just happen, you deal with them, and you go on."  Thats right, not everything is perfect, so you make a decision and commitment so stick to it. 

It all adds up with Dorman.  To a normal person who doesn't care about personal glory, they stay on the team if not for themselves then for other players or coaches.  But Dorman is selfish and put herself before the team. 

Also what gives me the right to be a judge & jury?  Well, the fact that this is a message board where people state their opinions.

Featheredfriend-what you said about their Coach Amsberry and Kristi Strunz is ridiculous.  They didn't let their teams down in the middle of a season.  Its funny how you try to bring other people into the situation to try to defend Dorman and her actions.


d3d3...Dude, are you kidding?  I defended coach Amsberry and Kristi Strunz's decisions and you find fault with that???  I mentioned it to point out that you've got a double-standard going and not everyone necessarily sees things the way you do.  I could have mentioned dozens of other situations where people have left their teams, but those were two examples close to your own program.

This is one of those times when I guess we will have to agree to disagree.  You are obviously too close to the team and/or coach Amsberry to look at things objectively...so why bother continuing this conversation?  It's weird that you are so consumed in ripping Dorman.  Man, you need to let go of the hate and find Jesus or something.

Just Bill

No wonder nobody ever posts on this board.  Any subject that's brought up turns into a ridiculous catfight.
"That seems silly and pointless..." - Hoops Fan

The first and still most accurate description of the D3 Championship BeltTM thread.


Unfortunately, Just Bill, that happens on many message boards.

the Dorman

The majority of the girls on the team and I parted on good terms.  I still go to their games and I still support them as best I can even though I am no longer a part of the team.  I wish them the very best in the rest of their season and only wish others could do the same for me.  However, you all are entitled to your opinions and whether you think me "selfish" or "quitter" is entirely up to you.  I have my reasons for leaving the team and you all have your reasons for disagreeing with me.  There will be no happy medium regarding this issue.  As featherfriend said, "agree to disagree."  I do appreciate those of you who have shown your support. 

Tough loss to Aurora on Saturday but Rockford always seems to bounce back from losses.  Good luck to them tomorrow--I'll be there cheering for them. 


The Dorman--The name states that you see yourself on a higher pedestal than others. 

Thanks for quitting or getting kicked off, whatever you prefer!!!!


Hey "d3d3"-
Give it a rest.  If you had a clue, you would see that "The Dorman" was mocking post #40 by "regentfan1" not putting herself on a pedestal.  Frankly, you'd better read the rules for posting, because your last comment is bordering on slanderous.

How about engaging in topics like why your Regents aren't ranked with a 17-4 record instead? 


one more thing for d3d3...
Dorman had enough courage to sign in as herself.  It's easy to name-call behind your screen name as you did.  Have some guts and call her a "quitter" or "selfish" using your real name.  If what you say is true, you should have no problem doing so. C'mon...lend some credibility to your assertions.  I suspect you don't have a fraction of the courage Dorman does...but here's your chance to prove me wrong.


but here's your chance to prove me wrong.

***crickets chirping***


So featheredfriend are you regent06?  Maybe you are "THE DORMAN" too.


Give a REST...Why does the NIIC board only get action when people have personal agendas...Dorman has her reasons for leaving and they should be hers...not open to public speculation..This is DIII not DI, so I wish her well, she was a great player and we should remember her for that instead of bashing her behind screen names...

More basketball talk and less personal attacks...that would be a change for this board..


yeah...that's it...and I was on the grassy knoll, too.  Oh, and I helped them fake the moon landing, too.

You must like Oliver Stone movies?

BTW, we're still waiting for you to lend credibility to your name-calling. Why are you changing the subject?


feathered friend why don't you give us your real name?  I don't think people should take it personally.

I came to this post for the first time today to see what was happening in the NIIC, and wow you want to talk about a bunch gutless people.

Who cares if the Back-to-Back conference player of the year left, I have been at the last couple of conference tournaments and even went to the NCAA tournament last March and I don't think it really matters this year at all.  All it means is that the Rockford College B-Ball team will make lay-ups when the game is on the line.

Let's talk about the NIIC tournament coming up!!! 



Is it just me or has BEN's Tamika Curtis been dominating for the Eagles? (Don't confuse that with "dominating the Eagles," as players like Jennison Cox also perform quite well.) How many double-doubles does she have now to go with those four POTW awards? I'll be sure to tune in for the Benedictine-Clarke game tomorrow and see how she and Jennison Cox do against Jessi Briggs and Lauren Johnson as we face off against Curtis again on Saturday.

Going into the tournament, I predict it will be Rockford, Aurora, Benedictine, Clarke, Concordia, Eureka...anyone want to argue something relevant like this?