WBB: American Southwest Conference

Started by Pat Coleman, March 17, 2005, 02:27:01 AM

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Ron Boerger

Here is a brief article regarding the accident which claimed the life of Brittany Simpson:


My condolences to Ms. Simpson's family, friends, and teammates. 


Just because people haven't posted about the accident doesn't mean they aren't concerned.  My son goes to AC, and I phoned him as soon as I saw the report about the accident.  All he knew at that time was that the girl's name was Brittany, but he was pretty freaked out.  He is on the AC tennis team and of course drives around a lot, especially now that AC just finished their January Term.  It could happen as easily to him as it did to her, a parent's ultimate nightmare.


I am sorry for your loss and the sadness that has been brought upon the Austin College campus. But in response to your post I believe you owe everyone an apology. Every team suffers tragedy throughout their season. There have been two losses to the Lady Indians of McMurry in one semester. We are still dealing with those deaths everyday. I think it is unfair to accuse of us not caring and only thinking of basketball being important in one's life. Secondly, everyone in Division III plays for fun. WE, the WEST, do not get paid for being a member of any team, there are no athletic scholarships, and we are here to get an education first. I was a former player and had a passion for the game, that is why I played. Basketball is not life, but it is unfair to the WEST to say that is all we care about.  Div. III athletes only play for the love of the game. Sports are just an added bonus to the degree we earn and work so hard for.


will AC travel to MC of thurs(26th) to play or is this game cancelled?


George Levesque interviews HSU coach Shanna Briggs on this week's Sports Talk at www.ARNSportstalk.com.

Ralph Turner


I want to apologize.  My father is 'Golfnut.'  We have lost and come close to losing quite a few people in my family since Christmas.  My dad has always sympathized so much with those who have lost those that they love and does feel it to be important to do the same.  

In the loss that I have experienced in my 25 years, I have come to realize that our society does not respect those that have passed like they used to.  This may be due to the media or conditioning by seeing death more than past generations have seen.

The only thing that I hope is gained from this post is the acknowledgment and respect for those that have passed and the reason for Daddy's harsh words.  He is a wonderful soul with too much passion and love for others and the game of basketball (and of course golf!).  Sometimes he does just get ahead of himself.  

Personally, this may be my only post, but these four years have not gone without me reading this blog.  I have just chosen not to write.  My sister finishes her senior year this year.  Let it be known that I am so proud of her and the growth I have seen in the past four years of all of the leaving seniors.  Best of luck not only to the AC seniors, but to all of the parents of- and graduating atheletes of D3 b-ball.

Ralph Turner

Good morning, tejanita.

Thanks for the thoughtful first post.

As the details of the event that prompted your father's lamentation of grief and loss became more completely known, we ASC fans were able to put into perspective what had happened.

I don't think that an "apology" is the exact word.  In this one-dimensional from of communication, in which the conveyance is emotion is a very limited set of emoticons, one must just allow an event to unfold.  Actually, you have the entire community of D3 pausing to reflect on the precious nature of life.  What is more, many on this board are acknowledging God's grace, His steadfast love and the assurance of the true Resurrection.  I personally pray that the Holy Spirit be with us all.

Our prayers are with Brittany's family, friends and the entire AC community.

Travel safely. :)


Dear Tejanita...and all.

I want to add my feelings to the recent emails on the "loss of loved ones"...be they friend or family.  Let me just say that I agree with Ralph...and mirror his words...as he says them better than I can.

No apology is necessary...no matter what is said at a time such as this...it's OKAY!  No one should fault that.

And, being a "senior citizen" myself...retired military and probably older than golfnut...I can empathize with him.  We all react to death in different ways...all are "okay" ways of expression.

You are right, IMHO, life and death are perceived differently now than "back then."  But I also believe that as we get older, we see things more clearly.

Thanks for your much appreciated post.  May God Bless you, your family...and have a good life!


Tejanita, I hope that isn't your first and final post.  Your thoughtful expressions are well-received and I assure you that most, if not all, of the ASC basketball community are well aware of the grief being experienced at AC and beyond and are praying for all who hurt.

Any father would appreciate your desire to affirm your dad.  Honestly, there is no need as we all know he was writing out of honest passion and emotion, something we all tend to do at different times and in different seasons around here.  I am convinced that all that is going on will be used for good by our God who promises to do just that.

We understand the all-consuming grief that surrounds the death of a loved one or the death of a friend who passes away much too soon, as in the case of Miss Simpson.  We have all lost people we care for deeply and we know all-too-well the grief that washes over us like floodwaters.  We also know the grace of our Lord that restores joy to hearts overwhelmed by sorrow.  That day will come.  Maybe not today.  Maybe not anytime soon.  However, that day will come.  I know this because i have experienced it and seen it in countless others.

Your family, both blood and your AC family, are being carried to the Throne of Grace all through the day.  The God whose mercies are renewed every morning will meet your every need in Christ Jesus.  


my daughter sent me this poem this morning from   


for anyone who loves D3 sports this give an insight into the players and why they do it.  it describes my daughter completely

Why We Play Division III Athletics   
It's not about getting a scholarship, getting drafted, or making SportsCenter. It's a deep need in us that comes from the heart.

We need to practice, to play, to lift, to hustle, to sweat. We do it all for our teammates and for the student in our calculus class that we don't even know.

We don't practice with a future major league first baseman; we practice with a future sports agent.

We don't lift weights with a future Olympic wrestler; we lift with a future doctor.

We don't run with a future Wimbledon champion; we run with a future CEO.

It's a bigger part of us than our friends and family can understand.

Sometimes we play for 2,000 fans; sometimes 25. But we still play hard. You cheer for us because you know us.

You know more than just our names. Like all of you, we are students first.

We don't sign autographs. But we do sign graduate school applications, MCAT exams, and student body petitions.

When we miss a kick or strike out, we don't let down an entire state. We only let down our teammates, coaches, and fans. But the hurt is still the same.

We train hard, lift, throw, run, kick, tackle, shoot, dribble, and lift some more, and in the morning we go to class. And in that class we are nothing more than students.

It's about pride—in ourselves, in our school.

It's about our love and passion for the game. And when it's over, when we walk off that court or field for the last time, our hearts crumble. Those tears are real. But deep down inside, we are very proud of ourselves.

We will forever be what few can claim...college athletes.


What a special place this is, that there is a passion and love for everything that needs to be.  How nice to have things in perspective. Of all God's gifts, the greatest is love and this web site is full of all "the right stuff".  Kudos to everyone on what a blessing it is to be a part of DIII and this website. Even our differences are a blessing. Thank you Millie, golfnut, Ralph, matalk, dballa, in the paint, and golfnut's daughter....with so much in this world that is not good, you are all special!

Ralph Turner

Very slow start to the McM TLU game.

McM 16 TLU 5 with 10:25 left.

McM is 46% in FG. TLU 12.5%.

Media timeout;  McM 16-9 just under 10 minutes.  McM has scored about 8 points in the last 3 minutes.


HPU 26 CUA 9 9:52 left in the first half

I think the offense is starting to creep back in.


su 21 - hsu 14 bout 10 min. left 1st half