WBB: American Southwest Conference

Started by Pat Coleman, March 17, 2005, 02:27:01 AM

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Dballa, I share you perspective on HSU.  Again, I am a Cowgirls fan and I'm thrilled for the team that they get to advance.  I don't think they had the season that justifies a place in the tournament, especially given the fact that UMHB beat them in the last week of the regular season and then ETBU beat them in the first round of the tournament.  HPU has had weeks in which they seemed to play brilliantly and weeks in which they seemed to fall apart. 

I'm glad the ASC has the added representation.  I just think UMHB should have been placed ahead of HSU.  That pains me to write such a thing as I will be a diehard Cowgirls fan for a long, long time.   The Cru got the short end of this stick.

(I made a correction to this post.  It was brought to my attention, rightfully, that HSU only lost once to UMHB.  I had the mistaken idea that it was UMHB that beat HSU in the first round in Clinton, but I now remember that it was ETBU!  I appreciate the fact that nobody jumped all over me like a dog on a bone!  ;D ;D ;D)


Well it kind of makes you wonder.  If UMHB had beaten McM today, what would have happened.  Could we have placed 4 teams in the tournament?  I don't know how close HSU or HPU were to being at the bottom of the list but that very well could have gotten us 4 teams in. 

You are right UMHB has been playing the best basketball lately aside from McMurry and if it was one of those Division I "what have you done for me lately" things they probably could have squeezed their way in.

Martinez and Wurzbek leaving at the beginning of the season hurt their chances of having a really great overall season.  When Wurzbek(pardon me if i misspelled her name)  came back they won a lot of games.  It was just too late for them to jump up in any kind of ranking.


I agree with the previous postings.  It is quite remarkable how HSU got in...but like Paint says...we diehard fans will take it.

I think it was the 20-5 record...a little "name recognition"....and a whole lot of luck!  Pat didn't have HSU in his projection...although they were on the "bubble."

Or, could it be that they needed a 4th team to round out the pairings for a "Texas tournament?"  As has been stated, don't get me wrong either, I'm happy for HSU...and the season does count, but the tournaments at year's end show how a team is playing when it should count.  (And HSU did not do well the last two weeks!)  Let's regroup, Cowgirls!!! :-*

The pairings should be interesting and McM should get some home games...look at the money the NCAA will save.

At any rate, I'm happy that THREE ASC teams are in...and the games are going to be great!  Good luck to all...and may the survivor do well in representing our conference.


TOLD YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Boy am I glad to be home. It was awesome!!Was a little surprised at the tourney picks, but you gotta play whoever they pick for you, so bring it on. UMHB had a heck of a tournament but they were drained. It was a very fun game though. The fans were into it, the officials only really made a couple of oops, (gotta ride "em" anyway) MC was very cordial and made us feel welcome, and if you hadn't heard WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


if I read that right McMurry is hosting HSU in the first round and HPU/Trinity are playing at McMurry the first round.  Nothing like weeding out the Texas teams early on huh.  Gotta love the tight wad committee.  It's no wonder we can't have teams go deep.

GO LADY JACKETS!!! you won in Abilene earlier this year time to win again.



Just as I thought, although I would like to have seen a split in the pairings to allow two of the Texas teams to go "East" or "West"...I didn't think it would happen.  It'll cost about 10 dollars for HSU to travel to McM!  >:(

You are right Dballa...only one team will get out of Texas!

But, it'll be another great week of ASC basketball! :D

Good luck to all...stay healthy!  Regardless of who wins, I'll be satisfied that the best will go on to the next round.  Teams should know each other pretty well by now!


Hey!  Where are all the posters? ???

I thought sure there would be a dozen postings by now!

---retired guy--- ;D


You play who they pick.....Now that we are the ASC Champions we will go out and play like one. Work hard this week ladies, don't be worried, YOU are the champions, we will be ready at our house so bring it on, we ain't skeered!


Two thoughts:

First of all, it's wonderful that the ASC got enough respect to get not two, but three teams into the national tournament.

But succeeding to further impress the NCAA will be almost impossible...By the weekend only ONE of the three could possibly be alive.

Again, wonderful news.  I was so happy to see HSU and HPU make it in, but it's unfortunate that all three teams were lumped in the same sectional.


Official Disclaimer - Inthepaint is a diehard ASC fan and especially of the HSU Cowgirls.  8)

I understand the danger of advancing only a conference tournament winner in postseason play.  Terrific teams that have the potential of going deep into the playoffs could be left at home because of a single loss in the tournament, and that would be a shame.  A single loss should not always eliminate a team from the postseason so these Pool C bids are good.

As I think this over I still find myself going back to UMHB!  Their weak first half of the season allowed other ASC teams to "pad" their win/loss records.  UMHB did not end the season the way they began it.  They beat HSU and HPU!  Had they earlier in the year had the team that took the floor at the end of the season both HSU and HPU may not have had the rankings they enjoyed through the season.  

Given the way these Texas teams got into the tournament I understand the approach of pairing them all up quickly.  If HSU deserves to be in the tournament then they should have to beat someone who earned their way in and should do so right off the bat.  If HPU deserves to be in the tournament based on standings through the regular season then I understand not making an investment of NCAA funds to ship the team around in order to play teams that earned their way in.  

I am thrilled that we have three ASC teams in postseason play.  Thrilled!  I still think it should have been McM, HPU and UMHB but I love my Cowgirls so I will be thankful they are still playing.  Hopefully the last couple of weeks will be a positive thing and they can bounce back.  Whoever comes through these early pairing has my complete, undivided support and I hope they take the ASC to the Final Four!


Ditto on that...I may be a LIB fan, but come Saturday night I'll be a fan of the Cowgirls or Lady Jackets if I have to.  First "Go McMurry!"  Second "Go ASC!"


P.S.  If you want a copy of the brackets that looks like the DI version go here:



Quote from: thejungle on February 27, 2006, 11:11:26 AM
come Saturday night I'll be a fan of the Cowgirls or Lady Jackets if I have to.  First "Go McMurry!"  Second "Go ASC!"

I could not have said it better myself!   ;)


People were posting all season about how great it would be if we got several ASC teams into the post season.  The NCAA seems to be giving with one hand and taking away with the other, when we get three teams and then have them all play each other so that our effective post-season total is one.  This actually seems like a step back from the "bad" old days when the ASC tournament was only the top four teams rather than eight, but when, in 1999-2000 at least, we got two teams in post-season play (HSU and McM) and they both got to play a few outside teams before they played each other.  What's the fun of the post-season if you're playing the same teams you played in the regular season?


paint...i agree with you (can you believe that)...i feel like UMHB should hve made on the outstanding last half of their season...they expolded, on the other hand MC and HSU imploded...congrats to all...UMHB you have my respect