WBB: Northwest Conference

Started by swiss, March 07, 2005, 12:40:48 AM

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Quote from: chickenjuggler on February 22, 2007, 01:11:42 AM
So if there's enough interest, I could be talked into lugging my laptop into the upper regions of the George Fox bleachers to blog or post regular updates of Saturday night's championship game.

Lemme know.

I haven't been able to get wireless connections in the gym.  Usually I have to walk out in the lobby by the stairs.  Might be kind of a pain for you to do realtime updates.  (If you can, let me know where you sat  :) )  Nevertheless, I'd always be interested in what you thought of the game after the fact. 

Also:  The game will be webcast on KFOX radio for those of you that can't be there:  www.kfoxradio.net

If Linfield should beat UPS tonight up in Tacoma it could be standing room only Saturday night in Newberg.  There is a pretty intense rivalry between the two schools.  Linfield beat Fox this year twice (in OT at Fox early in the year, and by 1 point at Linfield).  If UPS wins (they swept Linfield during the season) you should be able to find a seat but it will be a hard fought game.  Fox swept the series with UPS but these are two very strong teams.  Either way, it will be great basketball for any fans who can make it to the game. 

I think Linfield is carrying tonight's game by webcast.  Check their website for details.


Hooking up to the wireless internet won't be a problem for me. I've got a way around that. I've got it hooked up. It's all good.

Pump Fake

To take nothing from the Bruins, a good team that did a good job shutting down the UPS offense second half. But 27 freethrow attempts for the Bruins and SIX for the Loggers, and not one attempt for UPS until the 11 minute mark in the second half. I don't even know what to say. 27 to six.

Here's to getting two teams in.


Pump Fake,

Come on, the officals didn't cause UPS to shoot 22% in the second half (7-31) and make the Logs give up a 17 point lead.  That's all on the Loggers.

The girl that brought Fox back from the brink was Taylor.  When she started to hit and make things happen on defense the Bruins started to charge back.  I know Campbell had more points but Taylor was that game's MVP.

Pump Fake

I believe I said that George Fox did a good job of shutting down the Loggers in the second half. But come on, you think that didn't make a big difference in the flow of the game?


Well it's all about approach.  In the first half last night UPS was shooting jumpers and they were hitting.  Second half, those same jumpers were not falling.  The Loggers were not taking it the rack and when Cain did she was either turning it over, missing badly, or getting rejected (cleanly). 

Fox was more aggressive in taking the ball to the rack with their drive/kick game and were rewarded with more trips to the line. 


It's beginning to look like the Bruins and the Loggers will go at it again.  D3hoops projections put Fox, UPS, Chapman, and LaVerne in a first round matchup.  I would guess that there is a good chance that round 2 will pit these two teams together once again.  At least scouting each other won't be a problem. 

I thought each team played one half more intensely than the other last night.  The Bruins kept the pressure on in the second half when they most needed it and the home court helped seal the deal.  I don't think the refs decided it.  From my perspective there was lots of pushing and banging underneath that they allowed on both sides.  If anything, I thought that they called some pretty poor fouls (late whistles, out of position, etc) trying to balance it up.  But, bias being what it is, that's why they don't let the fans make the calls.

Good luck tonight Loggers.  It looks like you'll probably be in the show.


Since Swiss was nice enough to post up some clips from the Bruin Highlight DVD, I thought I would do the same.

Here is a link to view the opening clip of the: Lady Cats 2006-07 Highlight DVD

Enjoy and good luck to the NWC reps in the NCAA playoffs.


Looks like a GAC - George Fox matchup in one of the games at Newberg.  Anyone know how the Gusties will match up with the Bruins?
"Beating 'SC is not a matter of life or death.  It's more important than that."  Former UCLA Head Football Coach Red Sanders


Hopefully it'll be a tight one. UPS got McMurry on Thursday evening which is going to be tough, #9 in the nation. UPS can pull out a win if they hold Butler and Richardson in check. I'd really like to see UPS v. GFU again on Friday, I know it'd be the fourth time this season, but the match-up has yet to disappoint. I think the Logger's know what needs to be done in the 2nd half this time to pull out a win.
All my life I want to be a Logger, Hack Hack... Chop Chop...


Greetings from Abilene!  It appears that we will be playing y'all (as they say out here) this Friday.  Should be interesting: you call yourself the Loggers, and  McMurry's located in a part of the country with practically no trees.  We're orienting our players to dealing with those funny things that fill up the sky so that you can't see the sun.  I guess we also need to orient them about things like clouds and rain.  We just had a major dust storm out here (what you get for not having enough trees and rain).  We've played everyone in our conference at least twice, and one team (Howard Payne) three times, so I think everyone's looking forward so someone different.


...i missed the entire season. I havent seen a single NWC game this year, sad to admit, but I see Fox is right back at it again. They are never out of it long with Rueck on the sidelines. Congrats to him and the Bruins on another NWC Title.

UPS seems to be mainstay as well at the top of the NWC standings, so congrats to the Lady Loggers as well on their NCAA birth.

Unfortunatly, those awesome achievements for Fox and UPS isnt what has brought me back from the dead. And while i havent been an active part in this years NWC discussion (damn geography) it is nice to know my good friends and rock solid sources know when to make a phone call.

And while I think it only fair for PLU to have it's official announcement released before i open up on my alma mater and former program, what they are about to do is a an absolute disgrace to everyone that has ever been in the program or supported PLU basketball. Such a decision is cowardly at best...and is hard to believe is a decision that is best for the institution and its players.

Today is a dark day for PLU basketball..... www.plu.edu/athletics

more to follow....
2006 NWC Champions, NWC Tournament Champions, Sweet 16


word gets around quickly........


Parkland, I will omit the PP, welcome back in any capacity.  I have missed your insightful comments this season.  Hurry back to the NW.

I am surprised by the announcement.  Really, it is one year of missing the playoffs.  Not even a "bad" year.  The administration must feel some other priorities that we fans are missing.  The PLU coach certainly has seemed intense on the sidelines, but what good coach isn't.  He kept the girls up and guided them back to make a fairly close game at GFU, when it appeared in the first half that the game was really over.  I know you have been a great admirer of his over the years and I highly value that opinion. 

You missed a very good year, from a GFU standpoint.  Hopefully both of the NWC teams win this weekend and we can have a NWC rematch for the sweet 16.  Actually, maybe I don't really want to see UPS for a fourth game!!  It gets a little more difficult to keep beating a team you are fairly well matched with.


Parkland... I'm glad to have you back.  Hope you'll stay around through the Tourney.  OK, so what's the inside story on Rigell and PLU.  What do you know?