FB: Northern Athletics Collegiate Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:04:27 AM

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Yeah I agree, Benedictine dropping their program is pretty rediculious, in fact any team dropping their program would be a horrible move. 

First, Benedictine has won 26 games since 1999, CURF has only won 5 since that time.  A few years ago Benedictine looked pretty good.  But, the reason that dropping the programs is a bad idea is simple.  It's not soccer bringing in the money, it's football.  Win or lose, I guarantee CURF and Benedictine get 700-1,000+ fans (or close to) at every game.  Cancelling the programs would mean a huge loss in revenue.  Where do you think the huge D-I schools get their revenue from, it's not girls field hockey I can guarantee you that. 

Yeah, and the BU Lakeland game, I thought would be a whole lot worse than 45-7, and I didnt even know about the fumble on the KOR at the end.  Maybe Lakeland isnt as good as once thought.  I would like Maddogg to chyme in here at anytime, havent heard from you in a while there sporty.


Quote from: footballfan05 on September 25, 2005, 03:18:03 PM
BU dropping its program would be absolutely stupid.  And by the way CURF has had just as little sucess as BU latley so why shouldnt they drop their program some people here obviously have it out for BU.  I f you remeber correctly it was CURF that was 0-10 last year even though BU was 1-9.  And BU has obviously decided to make a commitment to football with the building of a sports complex that is better than any field in conference for sure and is one of the top in the nation. This in its self along with Jon Coopers reputation will bring in recruits.  Just look at the improvement from last year, a Lakeland offense that put 70 some points on them last year was held off for 2 quarters after putting up 24 points (If i remember correctly Lakeland returned 8 staters on O). The final score of this game really should have been 38-7 because of a late fumble on a KOR it was 45.  But for someone to say they should just drop the program is completley ignorant. Just because a team has a few bad years with some coaching changes (I'm not saying this is why they arent sucessful) is no reason to drop a program that in the late 90's was competitive in the conference. Rather they are rebuilding the program when you do only return a small amount of players you cant expect a team to immediately beat teams such as carthage, ncc, or lakelan

Exactly how do you give a team credit when it goes 1-9, and their only win was against an 0-10 team? And then follows up that 1-9 with an 0-4 start (let's not forget the 2-8 season before that). So what is BU? 3-21 in their last 24 games?

And are you slow? Do you really think BU built a sports complex for the FOOTBALL program? Because they didn't. They did because BU didn't pay a DIME for it, the Village of Lisle did. They wanted to host events such as this years National Track and Field championships, Special olympics, and the Chicago Bandits(who just happens to have one of the most popular female athletes in the WORLD on it). If Benedictine cared about the football program, they would have went out and searched for a coach with head coaching experience, not an assistant for 19 years. There's a reason Cooper never became head coach at Aurora.

And stop with the "John Cooper" ass kissing. You're obviously affiliated with Aurora somehow. All of you Aurora people have always put down Benedictine as a school...and now all of a sudden you "feel" for BU because your beloved Cooper is at the school. It's pretty tasteless. And because BU only lost by 38 this year instead of 56, it's a big improvement? Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't BU lose to a National Contending Carthage team by less points last year than they did to Carthage this year minus All-American Dante Washington and others?

Keywords: The final "should have"....when will this stop? There are no should have could have would have's in football....the final is the final.

And how long have they been rebuilding? This is the 5th year of it. How long do they need?

And no one's asking BU to beat Lakeland, Carthage, and NCC....but competition would be nice....losing by 38 this week, 52 last week, and 17(which was really 31 because the 2 TD's were on NCC'S 3rd team defense) is not competition....oh and what also isn't competition? Losing to a team(Elmhurst) who was predicted to be 2nd to the last in the CCIW by 46 points, 53 without the TD with a minute left on Elmhurst's 3rd team.

Fold the program.


Quote from: baseman201 on September 25, 2005, 04:50:39 PM
Yeah I agree, Benedictine dropping their program is pretty rediculious, in fact any team dropping their program would be a horrible move. 

First, Benedictine has won 26 games since 1999, CURF has only won 5 since that time.  A few years ago Benedictine looked pretty good.  But, the reason that dropping the programs is a bad idea is simple.  It's not soccer bringing in the money, it's football.  Win or lose, I guarantee CURF and Benedictine get 700-1,000+ fans (or close to) at every game.  Cancelling the programs would mean a huge loss in revenue.  Where do you think the huge D-I schools get their revenue from, it's not girls field hockey I can guarantee you that. 

Yeah, and the BU Lakeland game, I thought would be a whole lot worse than 45-7, and I didnt even know about the fumble on the KOR at the end.  Maybe Lakeland isnt as good as once thought.  I would like Maddogg to chyme in here at anytime, havent heard from you in a while there sporty.

You guarantee Benedictine is bringing in 700-100 fans each game? You obviously have never been to a game. Curf and Benedictine combined don't bring in 700 fans to each of their home games. And don't look to the box scores for the attendance numbers....they are raised so high it's not even funny.

BU would lose no revenue from dropping their program. In fact, they may gain. Consider the cost of jerseys, equipment, coaches salaries, road trips, insurance, etc. vs. Money from Benedictine Football apparel(which nobody wears, not even the players from what i'm told) and attendance money.....looks to me like they would be saving a ton of money.

And you thought it would be a lot worse than 45-7? 38 points is almost 6 TD's. How much worse did you expect? This isn't USC playing Eastern Illinois, this is two Division 3 teams with Division 3 players.

Again, Fold the program.



You have a valid point regarding comparing scores from last season to this season.  I just don't think it merits dropping the program.  Yes, the team may be painful to watch/read about (and I think someone was on here in the preseason saying they are close to contending)---but dropping the program because of some losses (ok alot of losses) would be ignorant.

Lets get a discussion going here....Given the state of the BU program right now what would you do to fix this mess of a program??  And lets go ahead and say that dropping the sport is not an option.....

Me?  I have no idea....I could not give an educated opinoin since I am not at all familiar with BU.
AMC Champs: 1991-1992-1993-1994-1995
HCAC Champs: 2000, 2001
PAC Champs:  2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
Bridge Bowl Champs:  1990-1991-1992-1993-1994-1995-2002-2003-2006-2008-2009-2010-2011-2012-2013 (SERIES OVER)
Undefeated: 1991, 1995, 2001, 2009, 2010, 2015
Instances where MSJ quit the Bridge Bowl:  2


Another valid discussion point has been brought up in the past two weeks also.  Is Lakeland not as good as originally thought?  Or did they take it easy on BU and just run into a team in Whitewater that would put up 73 on anyone in the country?

I am curious because before the season I thought Lakeland would be the conference representative in the playoffs and with everyone they had back from last season, they'd make a good showing...
AMC Champs: 1991-1992-1993-1994-1995
HCAC Champs: 2000, 2001
PAC Champs:  2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
Bridge Bowl Champs:  1990-1991-1992-1993-1994-1995-2002-2003-2006-2008-2009-2010-2011-2012-2013 (SERIES OVER)
Undefeated: 1991, 1995, 2001, 2009, 2010, 2015
Instances where MSJ quit the Bridge Bowl:  2


Enough about BU and the guy/girl who says he/she is not from BU but knows more about the team than anyone else on this board. If "D3Nobody" wants to get rid of the program then he/she should petition the BU Administration. Putting up stupid posts on this board isn't going solve his/her personal problems w/BU. That said lets get off the subject.

Lake may not be the sweetheart team this year. CUR(W) is making their presence known after pounding MAC 59-19. If Lake counldn't beat BU by that much, what wiil they do against a better team like MAC. I think the season's representative may unfold next week when CUR(W) host AU.  By the way Greenville is certainly not the team it was last year. Their "D" has speed, size and talent.

Mr. Ypsi


While I agree the subject has been run into the ground, my two cents.

I'm not sure Benedictine has fallen any further than North Park fell in recent years (they are 3-0 this year) or than Carthage fell in the 90s (they won two games in the playoffs last year).  These things are cyclical - IF BU is committed to fielding competitive teams, they should continue; if not, dropping should be considered.

Memo to baseman - d3 teams would not LOSE tremendous revenue by dropping football.  MAYBE Mt. Union and a few others break even (though I doubt even that), but at the d3 level, even fball costs are never recovered from revenues, much less funding the athletic department.  Even at the d1 level, most athletic departments are a drain on the general fund; you're confusing Benedictine with U of Michigan!  When you AVERAGE 110,000 fans (at $60 a seat), AND sell $millions in merchandise, THEN cutting fball would cost tremendous revenue (it might save your soul as an academic institution, but it would cost money  :(), but I very much doubt there is ANY d3 school where athletics is not a drain on general funds.



But AUFB knows everything, so don't you dare argue with him. Coach Cooper is at the helm, therfore the team should be respected simply because he is Aurora affiliated.


I do not like all this talk of dropping programs at BU or CURF.  No one from either school has said anything in the last few years about dropping FB, have they? Loosing streaks are part of the game, some just happen to be longer than others.  I don't think FB brings any kids to BU or CURF on its own basis nor will it keep them there.  It seems that the overall financial condition of the institution will determine the elimination of any activity, academic or athletic.  Let us hope that both schools keep playing and start winning. Ya I know - wishful thinking.  Winning rocks and loosing sucks but the kids keep playing every game and more keep showing up every year.  You explain it!  :)


I can explain it,

Because the D-III level is more about participation and fun.  No one is even thinking about making it to the NFL at D-III schools, (with exception of a small handfull last year) Even if BU and CURF go 1-9 and 0-10 again this year, I bet the players enjoyed every minute of playing NCAA college football, no matter what the outcome is.  And I will agree, BU has a nice ass facility over there, whether it be for their football team or not, it's top notch man.

yeah, when I think about it now, I guess D-III programs don't really get alot on revenue from games.  I guess I just wanted to take a shot at soccer for being such a pussy sport.  And by the way, CURF DOES get around 700-1,000 a game.....I just know, leave it at that.

Even if your programs sucks, people like going out and seeing a football game on a Saturday afternoon, there is nothing better, no matter how crappy the teams are.

Its true, losing streaks are apart of the game, and you never know what will happen the next year.  And speaking of Carthage, in 2003 they had a losing 3-7 record, but the very next year they went 11-2 winning 2 playoffs games.  So anything can happen, you never know who will show up at BU, CURF, Eureka, or any other school the following year, and change them into a playoff contendor.

Mr. Ypsi


I'm basically on your side in the argument, so watch that stuff about soccer being a 'pussy sport' - I coach what everyone else in the world calls football!  ;D


Tell David Beckham soccer is a pussy sport....man it sure would suck to be him  :-[


The score of the LC-BU game could've been a lot worse. Lakeland's receivers were beating them deep all game long (a 70-yard touchdown pass was dropped after LC's receiver got about 5 steps ahead of the BU defender. Also, there was an hour and a half lightning delay midway through the second quarter. I think it threw both teams' off. LC scored 24 points before that.

After that dropped deep ball, they stopped going deep and basically stopped passing altogether after the torrential downpour aside from a few -and-long situations.

And it doesn't matter really if your offense scores 70 points when your defense gives up 92 yards (33 of those coming on a 4th quarter drive).


I really dont understand what everyone is talking about.  If any of you were at the LC/BU game would know lakeland is one of the top teams in this conference.  For you people say that the game was even some-what close is dumb.  LC score TD's on their first 3 possesion and i feild goal on their fourth.  Its was 24 zero before BU knew what hit them......if it wasnt for the hour and a half rain delay this would have been a repeat of last year....BU did not have a chance in that game, from the opening kickoff to the final horn.  For god sakes BU only had 92 total yards...that spell domination to me. Now the Big question we need to ask is what happen to the supposely might MAC......they got killed and people picked them to contend for the title........lets think about that!!!!   


you cnat blame the fact that lakeland didnt score from the time they kicked that field goal until about 10 minutes left in the fourth quarter on a rain delay, if the delay was that bog of the factor than wouldnt it have done the same for the BU defense, but it is true that lakelands d dominated the game that is simply a fact that cant be argued, but i think the question is that if BU's defense could stop the lakeland O 8 times in a row (only 1 of them on a dropped pass) what will happen when they play better teams with better defenses such as conc wisc