FB: Northern Athletics Collegiate Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:04:27 AM

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Quote from: Hiser21 on September 25, 2006, 10:06:19 AM
To 7400west...

You want to know what the biggest difference was in the game on Saturday, CUC's entire staff has a whopping 6 years of coaching experience at the college level. 4 of those are the Def. Coor. but it was all on offense. He is probably the guy who thought moving MLB (#5) to offense was a good move!

BU's staff totals somewhere between 80-85 years of experience at the college level. What does his mean, you don't panic, you play one week at a time. You hope to get better from week to week. And you prepare for your coming oppenent. I don't think the staff at CUC is doing that.  The new staff at CUC did do a good job with the overall attitude of the team during camp,  but that is going away fast. They better right the ship soon or this season will unravel on them.

Ask yourself a question...is CUC better right now than they were when they played Blackburn? You are right on one thing, this game against Eureka is for this program. 

Hiser? how are you involved with CUC, former coach, Fan, player, former player, friend of freind or nothing at all. How do you know about the teams camp and such.

To answer you question i will say that the team last year would have beat blackburn. I dont think CUC has gotten better or worse, But BlackBurn is awful! But i agian say that if CUC loses to EC then we(concordia Chicago) are in trouble and are going to get a lot of hate mail!!!!
Teamwork makes the Dream work!


Here is a question to all you *former CUC head Coach now BU coach* fans-

If the school(CUC) sucks so bad and the higher ups are horrible, Then WHY ARE YOU UPSET THAT he was asked to leave?

If i was a coach of a "poor" team and the school was working against me then why stick around?

here is my point= I am sure the former coachs at CUC look at us and say, "thank you"!

Teamwork makes the Dream work!


Quote from: hollaatyourboy1981 on September 25, 2006, 10:30:09 AM
Must be really reliable...Cause from what I heard, people said that this o-line held its own against both Oshkosh and Whitewater...Two of the BEST D-Lines in the country...Wilk was never running scared...And don't jump back on the banwaggon if your going to cut them down...

I'd say this assessment is pretty accurate. You can look at the eight sacks the O-line has given up and panic, or you can be impressed when you consider who they've played. And then to open IBFC play by allowing their backs to gain 200 yards total on the ground against one of the conference's better teams is huge. That was with one starter out for the game.

As for this week, home teams sweep as Concordia and Lakeland roll over Mac and Benedictine, and CUC gets the win over Eureka and Greenville beats Aurora.


7440west, first what difference does it make who I am. I'm posting my opinion along with the truth as I know it.

Second, I want to see the new staff at CUC do well. And I'm not saying Conwell should have been retained. What I will say is the way he got the job and then his unfortunate illness in 2005 really hurt his chances.
The state of this program that the new staff inherited is the direct result of Hynes, there is no way around that.

The biggest difference between the two teams last Saturday was not the players, it was coaching and preparation!

Finally last spring when the decision was made to hire the HC one of the other options was from an NAIA lutheran college in Neb. He would have brought his son who more than likey would have been the DC, between the two of them they have over 30 years of experience at the college level.


My Picks for this week:
AU beats Greenville
CUW beats Mac
CUC Eureka
BU over lakeland....upset special
Aurora Football 24/7 365


Greenville over AU by 7

CUW over Mac by 24

CUC over EU

Lakeland rolls BU this is the beatdown of the week



Come on, BU over Lakeland???

If that happened there would be riots in Lisle, cars set on fire and flipped over and alot of looting. 

Anyhow, picks of the week, much like everyone elses.

1.  Greenville over AU in a close one
2.  CUW just blows out MAC by 40 or more (again MAC has over 100 yards of unsportsmanlike penalties)
3.  CUC over Eureka......MUST win for CUC to see the progression (if any) they have made from last year.
4.  Lakeland over BU, come on fatal.  Though you did say upset special, fun to think about.
5.  Dunn runs for over 100 yards and scores 2 TDs and I win my fantasy game this week.


You guys caught me......I was justseeing how people would react.....but any given day anything is possible.......CUW beat NCC so its possible....doubtful but possible......Why is there no love for AU beating greenville....In the past let say 5 years greenville has never won....granted last year was closer...but due to weather a huge rain delay......I think AU wins by at least a TD maybe 2
Aurora Football 24/7 365


It is strange that all the talk is about CW, Lakeland and how great or worse Green or CC is becoming. There has been little chatter about AU.
AU has a Coaching staff and a team who believe in each other. It is amazing how well they contact. It's all about conference folks.


I think greenville gets this one because it's at Greenville I believe.  I think they truly have a homefield advantage.  This is the upset of the week in a close one. 


AU over Greenville 21-17
Lakeland over BU but closer then everyone thinks (less then 10)
CUW over MAC 66-0

EC over CUC in the battle for the bottom.  This game will be HOT GARBAGE.
Bet   ;)

Sorry for the distaste for both EC and CUC but you hurt the IBFC.


I agree with AUFB05, AU never ges the credit they deserve, I think that AU...Twisted may be on to something with BU vs LC because it is not the same team as last year...Sorry Maddogg the truth hurts.....I believe that This year it'll be a dogfight at the top between, CUW AU LC and potentially GC......But it'll be closer than everyone thinks CUW though good...I think is beatable
Aurora Football 24/7 365


Quote from: Hiser21 on September 25, 2006, 02:24:33 PM
7440west, first what difference does it make who I am. I'm posting my opinion along with the truth as I know it.

Second, I want to see the new staff at CUC do well. And I'm not saying Conwell should have been retained. What I will say is the way he got the job and then his unfortunate illness in 2005 really hurt his chances.
The state of this program that the new staff inherited is the direct result of Hynes, there is no way around that.

The biggest difference between the two teams last Saturday was not the players, it was coaching and preparation!

Finally last spring when the decision was made to hire the HC one of the other options was from an NAIA lutheran college in Neb. He would have brought his son who more than likey would have been the DC, between the two of them they have over 30 years of experience at the college level.

well hister you must be close to the team or used to be to know all that information. years of coaching might have played a factor but not for long!!. I think the cougars are starting to look like the cougars of old, but today Coach P did something to the team that should have been done a long time ago but the old staff never took any chances on punishing a player for wrong doing, I myself was an asshole my soph. year and no punishment was given to me. I am not complaining about that but i should have been taken after practice and run till i drop. What Coach P did today at practice was take a huge leap in punishing players and i am glad this happen, you will see a diffrent team on sat against EC.

Years dont win games.
Fighting and Believing in your coach, players, and TALENT win games and you dont need 85 years to do that.
I was on the committee to choose the new coach with other players and I will admitt that Coach P was not my first choice as coach but i after meeting him i was one of the biggest supporter, In Fact i changed alot of minds in the room!. there are somethings that appeal to me as a player and Coach P had the most of them, In truth the coach from Neb. was not looking for the Coaching job he was looking to move into an office job, ALOT LIKE THE COACH FROM A FEW YEARS AGO WHO IS NOW A HIGHER UP IN THE SCHOOL. So I was not a fan of the Neb coach. Tell you the truth the coach from john carrol was a good coach. Being Catholic and coming from a Chicago Catholic School I liked that personality of the John Carrol coach, but when Coach P walked in the room I was shocked and never gave him a chance till i heard his views and what he believes in and that is the NUMBER ONE thing you need from a coach, "beleiveing in him'' I believed in coach hynes and he lived up to what he said except for the leaving after a year part. I never had a chance to believe in coach Conwell. Not saying anything bad but i never felt that fire with him. Coach P gave me that fire and I am glad he is coach. On a personal note the best coach i ever had was my freshmen coach in high school!
Coach P is the right coach
Truth is that there is NO COACH IN AMERICA that could change CUC in one year. Coach P. is the man, and i will support him always.
Coach Conwell was a great guy but i am sure he is happier with BU then here at CUC. Good luck to him and I hope he is the head coach somewhere soon.

CUC over EC (if i'm wrong then CUC will not be able to come up for air!)
Teamwork makes the Dream work!


First Hollaratme, I have BEEN Lakelands bandwagon for the last 4 yrs, where have you been other than your 3 post on this site, SECOND, I call it like I hear it from players. The OL needs to get even better than last week. The main reason I even continue to follow this program and D3 is because they in my eyes have a D-1 coach in Coach "Z" and some of the players still with the program. I still and always have believed that Lakeland will be the team to beat this yr. NEVER left that bandwagon, even before you jumped on. U need to start hollaringatyourself. I just wanted to piss that OL off so that they continue their tradition of punishing DL's like yrs before. AND I SUCCEEDED. No doubt they will get even better before their championship game against CUW. AND they better starting this week cuz that will be the test aginst CUW. Do I believe in them YES am I convinced yet NO! I expect better, which they are, if they want to be. But as far as jumping back on the bandwagon, knucklehead, I NEVER left. As for 200+ yrds rushing, s--t I am used to them getting 300/400 yrds rushing, so NO I am not happy yet, but will NEVER leave the bandwagon WIN or LOSE. As for Benny look out 60-7 score this week. AU over Grenville, CUW against who ever they play until Lakeland, CUC over Eureka. And one more thing as for the OL, I EXPECT DOMINANCE NOTHING LESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO KISS MY AZZ HOLLARATYOU.


I do believe that it'll be a three dog fight....such as that of the pervious years...namely the last three years.....I believ all teams lost....a little...but made some headway thru the season.....So I think it's actually pretty evenley matched at this point....I believe this conference is anybody's game...Well not anybody's....just 3 schools....but betwen those 3 schools its anybody's game...It is still open....I dont wanna hear any crap about CUW did this and LC did that I don't care....Any given saturday.....I dont appreciate when schools who have a great potential at winning their conference and people assuming its a 2 horse race....well its not with the exception of GC's loss it was still four horses and now it may only be three....but we shall see what the future holds.
Aurora Football 24/7 365