FB: Northern Athletics Collegiate Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:04:27 AM

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Sorry Sorry, I meant GC, in my mind GC was never in the battle, It was always AU LC and CUW........My Bad I did not mean CUC, sorry believers.....GC, is what I meant
Aurora Football 24/7 365


Gomer Pyle

(1)  Eureka at Greenville:  Two 1-4 (over-all) teams.  Eureka made their season by beating the Cougars and Greenville just went south.
      Should be a good game as both are about the same but somebodies got to sing the fight song and Greenville, yes I said Greenville will sing it
     loud and clear.
  (2)MacMurray at The home of the Baby Cheese heads: MacMurray is
   beyond a doubt the worst team in the IBC. They score ,on average, 2+
   points per game and give up almost 50!  The only thing worse is their
    football web-site.
   This years LC team is not on par with some of their past teams, IMO.
    They give up, on average, about 30 points per game. Everbody has scored on them. Eureka got 9.  Their "D" is very suspect to say the least.
    Mac Will score in double figures on LC  and win, 48-6.
    Nothing like a little levity before the hammer comes down.
    THe Baby Cheese Heads, playing on their home field, will be singing their fight song soon after the coin toss. 
    Mac continues on in it`s quest for a perfect season...............0-10.
   (3) Aurora at Benedictine:  I believe somebody called this their "game of the week." Sounds good to me.
      Like some others teams, Aurora is not what they once were. As their over-all record is a mild 2-3.  Points for and against are about even at 16.
    Benedictine, while not a power house by any stretch,  is 2-4 over-all.
    But gives up about 25 points per game.  Not good.   
    BU is playing at home and will have home field advantage, maybe.
    If it wasn`t for them (BU) given up almost 25 per game I`d lean towards them but that`s to many and expect to beat Aurora.
     AU may not be as good as they have been but they like singing their
      fight song in front of an un-ruly crowd
     (4) CU-W at the home of the BELIEVERS:   Lots think The Cougars are going to whip up on the boys from Mequon after all they played them tough last year but losing 31-20.   Key words here is .........last year.
     This years addition of the boys from Mequon have (3) shut-outs to their credit. Their un-defeated in conference play and are 4-2 over-all.
     Scoring average per game is about 31 for and only 9+ against.
     They both played Eureka with different out comes. The Cougars got beat 28-21 and the boys from Mequon destroyed them to the tune of 70-0!
    The Cougars are not having the year most thought or hoped for but
     with an over-all record of 3-3 with (2) of those wins being in the IBC
     all is not lost.................yet.
     Scoring average for and against is about even at around 22 points per
      The big game for The Cougars was beating BU. Their other "victories"
      came against Blackburn and MacMurray.
       Those two have a combined 1-10 record. 
      Would I like to see the Believers have a smile on their faces? Absolutely.
      But IMO, the boys from Mequon are just better.  The facts support that.
      Last week the Cougars had to listen to the Eureka fight song and this
     weeks inspirational fight song will be sung by the boys from Mequon.   :)


Hey Gomer...I have to disagree with you where you said that CUC is not having as good of a year as many thought they would or hoped they would.  I would say that since their team is so young and having been a poor program for so many years that the expectations were and are low for this season by many fans.  At least everything that I have read and everyone that I have talked to the expectations were consider low.  NOW THAT DOESN'T GO FOR THEIR PLAYERS AND COACHES WHO I'M SURE HAVE HIGH EXPECTATIONS OF THEMSELVES. 

I personally think that they have (to this point) exceeded expectations for this year!  That being said there is a lot of football to be played and I'm sure that they want to continue to move forward and not rest on what they have done thus far.  I agree that the "L" to Eureka is a black mark on their record right now but they did bounce back nicely last week.  I think that that is just what you get with younger teams...inconsistent play!  If they play that way this week they will get pounded!  As far as their record of (3-3) when you have come from where this program has been over the years I don't care what the combine record of the teams that they have beat is!  Right now they have put themselves in position where this game against Mequon means something!  You have to understand that is something that this program has never been able to discuss at this point of the year.  I mean if they beat Mequon who knows what it will do for their program going forward.  To me the pressure is on Mequon...CUC has nothing to lose because many expect them to lose!  Obviously, based on the past Mequon is favored to win and they should be.  But I will tell you this if CUC can eliminate the mistakes can and will give Mequon all they can handle.  Last years game does not mean a whole lot since the majority of the CUC roster this year is freshmen and they did not play in the game last year. If anything it probably means more to Mequon because they won and they must be thingking just like old hat!

I can not say enough about what Pries and his staff have done with that program.  Just think of what that program was before his arrival.  When judging CUC I think it will have to be from this year forward.  This year Pries is playing with his first recruiting class and his freshmen are major contributors already!  Make no mistake about it CUC is on the rise!  I personally never expected them to do what they have done to this point.  I thought that it would take another year or two before Pries got that thing off the ground.  Now I may be running too fast with this but I don't think that you can over look what is happening there.

To me CUC will be and should be a scary game for the Mequon crew.  Gabrielson has done an amazing job with his group over the years and is an outstanding coach...but I say beware of the obvious!  The obvious being Mequon having been a conference power for years wins going away!  I don't see that happening and actually I predict an UPSET.  Time for the tide to change in this rivalary!

The Aurora / Benedictine game is an interesting one to me!  I will be interested to see which team is going to stand up and right the ship!  I agree I think that Aurora gets it down this week...just a gut feeling!!!

The Eureka / Greenville game you took Greenvillie.  I see it the same way with Greenville at home.  Eureka beat the Cougars (not sure how) but they just can not get the consistent play that they need on offense and to win on the road...I just don't think they will.

The MacMurry game let me take a deep breath...your comments are funny!  I don't need to say anything!!!!

Gomer Pyle

    A civil retort is always welcomed and yours was that.   :)


Quote from: Gomer Pyle on October 12, 2007, 11:29:03 AM
(1)  Eureka at Greenville:  Two 1-4 (over-all) teams.  Eureka made their season by beating the Cougars and Greenville just went south.
      Should be a good game as both are about the same but somebodies got to sing the fight song and Greenville, yes I said Greenville will sing it
     loud and clear.
  (2)MacMurray at The home of the Baby Cheese heads: MacMurray is
   beyond a doubt the worst team in the IBC. They score ,on average, 2+
   points per game and give up almost 50!  The only thing worse is their
    football web-site.
   This years LC team is not on par with some of their past teams, IMO.
    They give up, on average, about 30 points per game. Everbody has scored on them. Eureka got 9.  Their "D" is very suspect to say the least.
    Mac Will score in double figures on LC  and win, 48-6.
    Nothing like a little levity before the hammer comes down.
    THe Baby Cheese Heads, playing on their home field, will be singing their fight song soon after the coin toss. 
    Mac continues on in it`s quest for a perfect season...............0-10.
   (3) Aurora at Benedictine:  I believe somebody called this their "game of the week." Sounds good to me.
      Like some others teams, Aurora is not what they once were. As their over-all record is a mild 2-3.  Points for and against are about even at 16.
    Benedictine, while not a power house by any stretch,  is 2-4 over-all.
    But gives up about 25 points per game.  Not good.   
    BU is playing at home and will have home field advantage, maybe.
    If it wasn`t for them (BU) given up almost 25 per game I`d lean towards them but that`s to many and expect to beat Aurora.
     AU may not be as good as they have been but they like singing their
      fight song in front of an un-ruly crowd
     (4) CU-W at the home of the BELIEVERS:   Lots think The Cougars are going to whip up on the boys from Mequon after all they played them tough last year but losing 31-20.   Key words here is .........last year.
     This years addition of the boys from Mequon have (3) shut-outs to their credit. Their un-defeated in conference play and are 4-2 over-all.
     Scoring average per game is about 31 for and only 9+ against.
     They both played Eureka with different out comes. The Cougars got beat 28-21 and the boys from Mequon destroyed them to the tune of 70-0!
    The Cougars are not having the year most thought or hoped for but
     with an over-all record of 3-3 with (2) of those wins being in the IBC
     all is not lost.................yet.
     Scoring average for and against is about even at around 22 points per
      The big game for The Cougars was beating BU. Their other "victories"
      came against Blackburn and MacMurray.
       Those two have a combined 1-10 record. 
      Would I like to see the Believers have a smile on their faces? Absolutely.
      But IMO, the boys from Mequon are just better.  The facts support that.
      Last week the Cougars had to listen to the Eureka fight song and this
     weeks inspirational fight song will be sung by the boys from Mequon.   :)

You seen it recently Gomer?  It's pretty much non-existant...

Gomer Pyle

     Yes I have.   It seems like for the last couple of years it`s been ..............................under constant re-designing but never completed.
   Or as it now says," New headlines coming soon."
    I see Mac has a new interim Ath Dir.   That`s the same person under whose stewardship parts of the football site was deleted, mainly the
   RECORD book part.  Lots of personal records lost from about 25 years of
    You think Mac Admin cares? Just look at the site!

Gomer Pyle

Maddog: Put down the broom and join the fun.  ;) 


QuoteLots think The Cougars are going to whip up on the boys from Mequon after all they played them tough last year but losing 31-20

I don't think anyone expects CUC to whoop up on Mequon.  I am just hoping CUC stays close enough to have a chance at the end, if they do then Mequon needs to watch out.  But 100% of this board isn't expecting CUC to walk all over Mequon........maybe one day........

Well said.


Gentlemen, gentlemen, gentlemen!! I really love reading your posts when you are making predictions and talking about football. When your claws come out, it... well, you look silly.

Who is the Mac Coach? Kyle Sweeney... does he know Mac football? Yes... he's the head coach. If you want to know more about what he knows... call him. Go to a game and talk to him afterwards... visit him on campus. Sweeney knows Mac football better than any person posting here today because he's not living in the good ole' days or in the future. He's there every day and every night working alongside his assistant coaches and players; they are all sweating it out together. I can't speak for Coach, but when I see him interact with the players, none of them look like they are having a "sad year". They are one of the strongest freshman classes academically that I've seen in a long time... and Coach Sweeney is coaching them on and off the field.

Good things take time... and young people need encouragement. So... advice from LP like, "Think about transferring..." is obviously advice coming from a young man who went to college to play football, period (and I never met him, but I'm wondering if he's not a little bitter?)  ::)

And... Why is Rucker a bit upset? Because he is there at Mac in the here and now too. He doesn't agree with the perspective of people who are attempting to tear down the spirit of the players, coaches, adm... it's one thing to evaluate a team's ability... it's another thing to be mean-spirited about it. Didn't your momma's teach you better than that?

Success isn't always spelled out on the score board. I know... go ahead and attack me... I'm a girl, so what do I know? I know MacMurray players have heart and everyone there is working together and having a great year. Say what you will, but you can't touch them. They are learning and growing... things are improving... the administration is phenomenal... And... ohmygosh... some of the freshman football players are the best of their academic class. Imagine that! Students going to college to earn a degree. Wow.

I hope your teams win... but more than that I hope your young men play safely and with integrity this weekend. Meanwhile, I'm still holding out for the young MacMurray Highlanders team and their new coaching staff.   ;)


All of the talk about macmurray becoming good students and everything is great.  And your right on this level, thats what its all about.  BUT, you ended your post with something about "playing with integrity".... im not criticizing you because your a girl, im criticizing you because you have never played a football game against macmurray college.  There is no integrity, no sportsmanship.  That is why people talk so much crap about them, and that is why they have so far to go as a program.  Not just to turn themselves into a good on the field football team, but to turn themselves into respectable players who are not hated by their foes.
"Winning the IBFC championship is comparable to being the worlds tallest midget"

Gomer Pyle

  "ohmygosh"  nice to have a Valley Girl posting. 
     After reading your post I`d like to quote you and add a comment.
    You said in part,".....go ahead and attack me....I`m a girl,what do I
     Sounds to me like you came to the correct conclusion.    :)


Macinsidelady you said LP went to school to play football, but Larry did graduate from Mac so where is you validity into that?

Gomer Pyle

Benedictine- 0               Start of 2nd.  D-3 scoreboard

Looks like BU came to play.  If they (BU) win.........well, lets wait and see.