FB: Northern Athletics Collegiate Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:04:27 AM

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Sotha-sil, I would definately take many CUW players, I was saying that the running back was the only area where we did not have a comparable athlete like Mills, as for Allen and Langston, Collier, Stemminz etc. yes I would take in a heart beat, but Lakeland also had comparable plauers, in Benton, Zeck, Van De Loo, White etc. my point was CUW was not any better than Lakeland for this playoff game. both teams were great this season and both would have made great reps for the conference. Lakeland served us well. I was just telling BU-Fan that CUW was not better than Lakeland this year only.

sotha sil

love ya maddog...thought u ment other wise



Just to add to that 99 Aurora team that did not get a playoff bid.  They were a talented team that yr, only lost to Millikin by 2 that yr @ millikin, and had a chance to win it at the end.  yes cciw is a much stronger conference.  HOpefully Augie can knock Mount Union out this yr.  They played em tough in 00 or 01 at Mt Union, but I do not believe this Mt Union team is near as strong as that team was.



Augie played Mt. Union tought in '99 but got destroyed in the '01 game. It's unfortunate that the game is at Mt. Union because Augie could have very easily gotten the 2nd seed in the region. This '05 team has a better chance than the '99 and '01 team did of beating Mt. Union, but they would have to play a perfect game to stand a chance.



sorry I met the '99 team that had mcpeek and chorney on it, well they were still probably on it in 01 along w/ several other great players.


people need to just stop talking S h it  on her and then maybe there wouldnt be these ridicolous arguments.

As far as people posting on here who play, its called self defense and pride.  If someone bad mouths me they know its coming right back at them.  I dont hide who I am or where I go to school.  Im a captain and if people bad mouth my players or team I aM GONNA STAND UP FOR THEM.  For too long people have gotten away with running their mouth and all that.  Most of the people who talk didnt even start or play on their teams.  If u ask me I think u should post while ur in college and when ur done ur done.  I will have no interest in posting on here when my college days are over, maybe because I will have a lice and more important things to do.  Its okay to have an opinion but to come on here and argue with college kids or bad mouth someone is immature and plain retarded.  Seriously, talking bad about someone on here with no cause or in defense is about as cool as cancer.  No girl is gonna see it and wanna blow you or think your cool nor is it gonna make you an all american or the next Lee Corso.  I say stuff on here but I only do it in defense and then I back it up on the field.  BOTTOM LINE.  If youre gonna talk dust say who you are, what uve done to be able to say anything or be worthy to have an opinion(which doesnt include being fat, out of shape, and working at Subway) and be prepared for a response,  BOTTOM LINE.  Go bears!!!  Anyone else wanna back me up on this or is everyone gonna attack me?  Either way its cool. 

*** AND one more friggin point.  Whats with this friggin XBOX360 bull Sh  it.  Lining up outside stores all night for it.  HOW UNBELIEVABLY GAY.  Number one, our country is so lazy theyd rather play a friggin videogame than do something useful..HOw pathetic.  And two,  Id rather play nintendo's old school Tecmo Superbowl than any of these gay games.  And for the record I beat BUFAN in a game of Tecmo Bowl and he claimed to be the best ever.  And by the way BUFAN is prolly the best athlete that posts on here.  He could dominate any offensive   tackle or end in D3.   ONE...


While I don't agree with Mr. Sergo completely, I will say that it is pretty dumb to talk smack about any particular player. Give credit where credit is due, they're out there on the field giving in their all. I don't think I've ever once ripped on any player, and I don't plan on it. I'm nothing but a well-informed spectator. What grounds do I have to rip on a player?

sotha sil

I am gonna have to disagree about the Xbox 360....We got to the store at 545 this morning....granted we were like the 100th person there and didnt get one....We came back and played tecmo super bowl...I won 7-6 (special teams is an important factor Im tellin ya)...I guess Im so "gay" my screen name, sotha sil, is from a video game....You may get me at tecmo but come see me at halo lol

sotha sil

Oh, if anyone is interested on the CUW website they have all the first team selections up...a few guys on there that were posted as being second teamers....yall scared a few people on here



I actually am a college student myself at Augie and if you think I am bashing on you guys I am not. I was just saying that it seems like the coaches should keep you guys away from this site and the board. I do not play but know some of the players for our team and Coach Barnes has told them to stay away and not to be a part of it. I am truly happy that you are passionate about your football team and playing, I was just making mention that in many other conferences and for most teams in the division active players are not allowed to post.  If you get bashed on here, I would find it more fitting to come back the next week and shove it in their face by showing effort on the field, not by typing some words onto a computer. I do not bash players unless I have seen something in person that deserves mention. I am an extremely well informed fan about our football team, and I was just making a comment about something I knew about our conference. It was not meant to be a burn or cut at you guys, more a question about what the coaches have to say about it.

However calling people retarded and GAY is immature and I don't think that was necessary no matter who you were talking about. I agree with being kind to others, but afford them the same curtosy. Not everyone you meet are you going to like, don't waste so much energy talking like that, instead focus on positives. In no way was I trying to be rude or a jerk, and nor do I dislike anyone on this board. I am saying flat out if coaches don't have a problem with you guys being on here that is fine with me, it was just an observation from another conference that had different rules. Good Luck to the IBFC in 2006.

Mr. Ypsi


I don't think Pat Coleman would be wild about your idea that ONLY current students should post - across all the boards I dare say that 80-90% of posters are alums and/or parents of players. :)

And let's leave off the homophobia and other childish rants, shall we?  You're making your school look awfully bad.


ok dont be a baby man...U know for a fact that I wasnt talking about homosexual people.  Its a saying.  I think people that bash on other people for no reason are RETARDED AND I DONT LIKE THEM.  IM NOT GONNA BE FAKE AND GO AROUND IT.  I SAY WHAT I WANT WHEN I WANT HOW I WANT BC IM NOT FAKE.  If i feel one way I express it.  Thats what America is about, freedom to say and do as you please.  Im also Catholic and I believe in treating others the way you would like to be treated,  so therefore if u bash someone u will get bashed in return.  If you dont play football you really shouldnt bash anyone playing the sport unless they are a professional(getting paid).
And I am not making my school look bad.  I make my school look good, I am a good person Im just not a P uss Y and I am opinionated.

Im done on here, its swoll season and thats all I need to worry about.

For all the kids who hate on here, Only one things to say..."dont hate me cuz you ain't me."  plain and simple.  If you hate on here, thats all that needs to be said to you. 

MADDOG-   Is your son gonna try and play anywhere after he grads?  He should def check out Europe or even arena.  He is the kinda kid who I know couldnt give up football just like I am.


Joe, I hope so, he has the ability for arena and canadian. We will see, as should you. You have the talent to back it. As for posting, your right "its called freedom of Speech and Press. Just be careful and don't go overboard, your better than that. I will be following BU as well as the IBFC next year. Work hard on your studies dude. It's hell in the real world with all the job losses out there. I will say you do say what is on your mind and DON"T let anyone change who you are, just back your comments. I'm with you.


Quote"dont hate me cuz you ain't me." 

Comments like these make a lot of people think that is arrogance. I know that you are very confident in who you are by the way you post, but I would think about toning that kind of attitude down, because it really can make you look like a cocky jerk (not a good way to get ahead in life, just ask T. O.). However, Ypsi is right you are making a bad name for yourself and your school if you are going to start calling people retarded and using words like the P**** word. It doesn't matter if you are using the term in general or not, it doesn't seem like an appropriate action for a college student (something I know a little bit about being that I am a senior right now).  I know that I would feel like a jerk if I put that up there and it represented the Augustana community. As for bashing no one is bashing you, you are acting immature on here and people don't really like it. Call people babies if you like, but many are disagreed with on this site and they don't start going off on tangents about people being retarded. I know you have a freedom of speech, but also have some class and respect for others. We have not called you any names, we have not said anything except that some of us thought it was unusual that active players were posting, outside of that any other thoughts were focused at the positives of your conference.  As for me not being able to talk negatively about somebody because I am not a player or former player, I am sorry but nobody else told me that football players were the only ones that could talk about the game. I guess I don't have freedom of speech to say what I want to because I never strapped on shoulder pads and put a jersey on. I know alot about my college's football team and the opponents we play in the CCIW and because of that I should be able to say what I want. The only reason I was over here was because I wanted to learn something about Lakeland and the game we had on Saturday, I didn't think that my making a simple comment would amount to this. I am just saying that you should think more before you speak, you have freedom of speech and I for one am not trying to take that away from you, but I do believe freedom of speech entails that you try to have some class for the people that you talk to, and with some of the language you use that seems to fly out the window. Its cool not to be fake, but it would also be nice if you didn't try to make people feel bad about their ideas when their ideas are not trying to make you feel bad. In no way did I mean harm by anything I said, so I ask for you not to get so defensive. I am sure you are a great player, the praise you get as a player on this board speaks for that, but realize that people have comments and that they are not always in agreement with your own, that is not automatic grounds to bash that person. Whatever was said I am not on here to make people feel bad, so in all sincerity no comments were meant to offend anyone, they were simply the opinion of one D3 football fan. Good luck to you in the future no matter what happens with football.