FB: Northern Athletics Collegiate Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:04:27 AM

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old 40

Congrats to BU for the NATHCON Bid. A win against a good WLC wraps up sole possession of 1st place. It will be interesting where they go. My guess would be down the street to NCC.

AU looked good this past week. The D was able to make big stops when they had to and cause turnovers. A win next week can lock a tie for first if BU stumbles. Next week will be a big lift for them for 2011 season. IMHO the shift in power among some teams have changed. BU, CUC, WLC and AU to the top tier. CUW and LC have slipped to the lower tier of the conference. IMHO the 4 lower tier teams have alot of work to do to move upward.

If AU keeps their QB, look out next year. They have alot of good young players coming up. Good luck to everyones team next week. It's had to beleive the regular season will be over. It's be a fun year.


I give BIG props to Defensive Cooridnator Luke Cutkomp and the Aurora defense. Putting players in the right spot, creating turnovers and giving the short field to the offense for points off turnovers. AU will roll this week in River Forest.



Congrats to BU as the conference playoff representative! They did it on the field & it's well deserved! I have to say after following the conference for a few years now I am a bit disappointed that there is only going to be one conference representative in the playoffs! I know that's how it works...I'm just dreaming :)! I understand that every conference could probably say the same thing! I just would like to see how the CUC / AU game winner this coming week would also fair in the playoffs along with BU! Again, I know that this is all just dream talk but I think it would be interesting to see! Obviously depending on matchups & given the right opponent I think any or all 3 teams could have a good playoff showing! Just thinking out loud! I wonder how many of you feel BU will fair and how you think one of the other two would do?   


To Maidenslayer77:

I couldn't agree with you more about the AU defense! I can't wait for the CUC - AU game this week! This is one of those must see games in my opinion! However, I do disagree with you on the outcome of the game! Right now I think CUC is playing their best ball of the year! I truely believe if they were to play BU again now they would beat them! They did not play well in that BU game & still almost won the game! As well as CUC is playing I think a rematch with BU would be much different! So no disrespect to AU who I think is a very good team I just think they are catching CUC at a bad time! We will see... 

Mr. Ypsi

Boss, doesn't your keyboard have a period key?  EVERY sentence ending with an exclamation point looks like a bad comic strip. ::)

Due to seeding in the tourney, BU will already lose in the first round by 6+ TDs.  And you want MORE lambs to the slaughter?


To: Ypsi

If you want to discuss football I'd be more than happy to talk football with you, but if you want to act like an idiot, forget it. You can take that non-football talk somewhere else. We talk football on here, so if you want to be a teacher go be a teacher. I'm sorry that I don't type to your liking & that I'm not as smart as you. I know one thing for sure, you have no clue about football otherwise I'm sure you would have shared all your knowledge with us. I'm wondering why your on this section of the D3 site with so much hate for the NAC conference? I got news for you: your opinion is not needed or wanted on here. I guess I'm dumb as a stump so whatever, but I come on here to support the teams and players of this conference, you obviously don't. Please don't answer back because I'm not on here to go back and forth over your negativity.

Mr. Ypsi


I'm sorry you took my post so negatively.  I have no 'hatred' for the NathCon; just trying to introduce some realism after your fantasies.

BU lost by 11 to a CCIW team that has not won a conference game this millennium!  To think they will succeed in the post-season is simply delusional.

BU's first round game will be @NCC, @Mt. Union, or @Whitewater.  Wherever it is, they will be down by 5+ TDs by halftime.


Boss, I'm glad that you are excited about Concordia (as am I). I think that CUC has played really well on offense all year, not just recently. From what Maydenslayer77 says, AU's D is playing their best now as well. Should be a great college football game in RF this weekend.  However we need to be realistic about the NathCon. I think that the conference is improving in quality somewhat with these factors speciifically in mind:
1) The roster sizes at most of the schools are starting to reach the numbers which are comparable with most other dIII programs. With numbers comes depth, and eventually quality will follow. The biggest benefit, however, of having larger numbers is that it allows upperclassmen to enjoy the bulk of playing time and not have to play freshman who are simply not ready to compete physically or mentally on a full time basis in college football. Case in point; is it a coincidence that CUC has not had a single freshman start for more than a game or two in the last two years (Matt Rolf started a few games last year, but I think that's about it.) and that they have had the best two year run in the program's history?

2) The coaches, I believe, are staying longer, which leads to more stability in recruitment, retention, and support. With time comes experience, and experience can't be substituted for. They also have time to solidify connections with high school coaches which helps recruiting.

3) There have been a few non-conference wins which, while they don't look as strong now as they did early in the season (sorry formerdIIIdb -  from my west Michigan youth, I still consider Hope to be a traditional MIAA football power although the last year or two has been rough), are a start toward respectablilty.

However, facts are facts:
1) The conference AQ and champ, Benedictine, was beaten by the last place (no offense GS) team, North Park, in the CCIW and one of the lower rung MIAA teams in Kalamazoo.

2) The only really strong non-conference teams that the NathCon played, Chicago, Bethel, and NCC, (am I missing somebody?) just waxed their NathCon foes. (Although somebody from the NathCon - Aurora? - played IWU pretty tough.)

3) Neither the NathCon nor its predesesor conferences have won any NCAA playoff games to my knowledge. Most of their losses have in fact been lopsided. (We could get into a SWAC or MEAC complaint here that they never get an NCAA first round win because they always play Duke or somesuch, but that's for a different time.)
Frankly, this is one reason why we need to hope that BU (as much as it may hurt to say it ::)wins a playoff game because that's how you don't wind up with a lousy seed and always have to play Whitewater or NCC or whoever happens to have a #1 or 2 seed. When they start winning playoff games the conference gets more respect and a pool C bid becomes a possibility.

4) I'll bet that most of the incoming freshman at CCIW schools were at least all-conference players with a bunch of all-staters as well. I don't think that the NathCon can say that yet. However with the improvement of programs, that will hopefully change in the future. Also, the NathCon as a whole doesn't have the facilities or the tradition as of yet to draw higher profile recruits. However, when a school such as Trine has turned around their program as to be contenders in their regional playoffs, there's no reason that NathCon schools can't do it in the future.

I don't think that Mr. Ypsi meant disrespect but was just being objective. By the way, I can't make it this Saturday (and it's KILLING me not to go), but if you go you'll just have to just yell for the both of us.


By the way, Boss, I would like to see AU, CUC, and WLC play some of the 2nd - 4th place teams in some other conferences around the midwest. They may (or may not) do well against some other 2nd-4th place teams in some of the other conferences around (the Midwest and MIAA come to mind), but the only way they're going to guage their improvement and get better, in my opinion, is to play these types of schools.


Quote from: Mr. Ypsi on November 08, 2010, 09:07:21 PM

I'm sorry you took my post so negatively.  I have no 'hatred' for the NathCon; just trying to introduce some realism after your fantasies.

BU lost by 11 to a CCIW team that has not won a conference game this millennium!  To think they will succeed in the post-season is simply delusional.

BU's first round game will be @NCC, @Mt. Union, or @Whitewater.  Wherever it is, they will be down by 5+ TDs by halftime.

Mr. Ypsi mixing it up in the NathCon area!  Nice!   I'm sure he wasn't meaning any disrespect, especially since his team will be turning in their equipment this weekend as well!  ;) He is speaking the truth though, as BU will be the lowest seed in the North region and have the fun task of a trip to Whitewater, Alliance or Lovely Naperville for a 40+ point loss.  Sorry, boys, the truth hurts!     
D3 National Champions 2019, 2022, 2024


Quote from: RFMichigan on November 08, 2010, 09:43:40 PM
Boss, I'm glad that you are excited about Concordia (as am I). I think that CUC has played really well on offense all year, not just recently. From what Maydenslayer77 says, AU's D is playing their best now as well. Should be a great college football game in RF this weekend.  However we need to be realistic about the NathCon. I think that the conference is improving in quality somewhat with these factors speciifically in mind:
1) The roster sizes at most of the schools are starting to reach the numbers which are comparable with most other dIII programs. With numbers comes depth, and eventually quality will follow. The biggest benefit, however, of having larger numbers is that it allows upperclassmen to enjoy the bulk of playing time and not have to play freshman who are simply not ready to compete physically or mentally on a full time basis in college football. Case in point; is it a coincidence that CUC has not had a single freshman start for more than a game or two in the last two years (Matt Rolf started a few games last year, but I think that's about it.) and that they have had the best two year run in the program's history?

2) The coaches, I believe, are staying longer, which leads to more stability in recruitment, retention, and support. With time comes experience, and experience can't be substituted for. They also have time to solidify connections with high school coaches which helps recruiting.

3) There have been a few non-conference wins which, while they don't look as strong now as they did early in the season (sorry formerdIIIdb -  from my west Michigan youth, I still consider Hope to be a traditional MIAA football power although the last year or two has been rough), are a start toward respectablilty.

However, facts are facts:
1) The conference AQ and champ, Benedictine, was beaten by the last place (no offense GS) team, North Park, in the CCIW and one of the lower rung MIAA teams in Kalamazoo.

2) The only really strong non-conference teams that the NathCon played, Chicago, Bethel, and NCC, (am I missing somebody?) just waxed their NathCon foes. (Although somebody from the NathCon - Aurora? - played IWU pretty tough.)

3) Neither the NathCon nor its predesesor conferences have won any NCAA playoff games to my knowledge. Most of their losses have in fact been lopsided. (We could get into a SWAC or MEAC complaint here that they never get an NCAA first round win because they always play Duke or somesuch, but that's for a different time.)
Frankly, this is one reason why we need to hope that BU (as much as it may hurt to say it ::)wins a playoff game because that's how you don't wind up with a lousy seed and always have to play Whitewater or NCC or whoever happens to have a #1 or 2 seed. When they start winning playoff games the conference gets more respect and a pool C bid becomes a possibility.

4) I'll bet that most of the incoming freshman at CCIW schools were at least all-conference players with a bunch of all-staters as well. I don't think that the NathCon can say that yet. However with the improvement of programs, that will hopefully change in the future. Also, the NathCon as a whole doesn't have the facilities or the tradition as of yet to draw higher profile recruits. However, when a school such as Trine has turned around their program as to be contenders in their regional playoffs, there's no reason that NathCon schools can't do it in the future.

I don't think that Mr. Ypsi meant disrespect but was just being objective. By the way, I can't make it this Saturday (and it's KILLING me not to go), but if you go you'll just have to just yell for the both of us.

Good stuff, RFM!  +K.
D3 National Champions 2019, 2022, 2024

Mr. Ypsi

Quote from: CardinalAlum on November 08, 2010, 10:05:47 PM
Quote from: Mr. Ypsi on November 08, 2010, 09:07:21 PM

I'm sorry you took my post so negatively.  I have no 'hatred' for the NathCon; just trying to introduce some realism after your fantasies.

BU lost by 11 to a CCIW team that has not won a conference game this millennium!  To think they will succeed in the post-season is simply delusional.

BU's first round game will be @NCC, @Mt. Union, or @Whitewater.  Wherever it is, they will be down by 5+ TDs by halftime.

Mr. Ypsi mixing it up in the NathCon area!  Nice!   I'm sure he wasn't meaning any disrespect, especially since his team will be turning in their equipment this weekend as well!  ;) He is speaking the truth though, as BU will be the lowest seed in the North region and have the fun task of a trip to Whitewater, Alliance or Lovely Naperville for a 40+ point loss.  Sorry, boys, the truth hurts!     

Rubbing it in on the CCIW board wasn't enough for you?! ::)

NathCon, my 'other' conference is the MIAA (I've now lived more than half my life in Michigan).  Aside from Trine (they have become a BIG dog!), I think you have a shot at taking them down! ;)

old 40

Great points by everyone (Boss, Maidenslayer. Rf you have a great insight on reality. I too have followed the Nathcon as two of my sons played in the conference as the IBFC and NATHCON.

Lets be real. Pat and the D3 guys who know the whole D3 climate far better than me and most of us. They have the NATHCON ranked as the 2nd lowest conference (see kickoff). I think Pat has said that respect comes from quality wins in non-conference and playoffs. We have not had any quality playoff wins and have no quality non conference wins. I see LC and AU played 2 CCIW teams close but no wins. Some of this years NATHCON wins in non conference are wins over sub 500 teams like Eureka, MacMurray and a few others.

Our Champion lost to North Park and AU stuggled to beat them. This tells me we are not ready to have more than 1 team in the playoffs. I do think the league is getting better and we have teams who will get to the point where we will have some wins against better teams from better conferences in the future.

In closing let me point out what has happened to the last 2 winners of the NATHCON. AU loses big to Monmouth and LC loses big to Whitewater. I don't see that trend changing this year. I think BU will go down the street to play NCC.

I wish BU good luck and will root for them to surprize the world with an upset. But I am a fan. I am glad to see others coming in to support the NATHCON talk. We are getting better as a league for many of the reasons that RF mentioned. Right now its great to have an AQ and lets support them.

Pat Coleman

Quote from: Boss on November 08, 2010, 08:17:45 PM
If you want to discuss football I'd be more than happy to talk football with you, but if you want to act like an idiot, forget it. You can take that non-football talk somewhere else. We talk football on here, so if you want to be a teacher go be a teacher. I'm sorry that I don't type to your liking & that I'm not as smart as you. I know one thing for sure, you have no clue about football otherwise I'm sure you would have shared all your knowledge with us. I'm wondering why your on this section of the D3 site with so much hate for the NAC conference? I got news for you: your opinion is not needed or wanted on here. I guess I'm dumb as a stump so whatever, but I come on here to support the teams and players of this conference, you obviously don't. Please don't answer back because I'm not on here to go back and forth over your negativity.


No. 1: Welcome to the board.
No. 2: Relax, it was a fair point. Posts are hard to read when they're all bunched up in one paragraph and all in exclamation points. So if you want your post to be read and understood, consider writing them with those things in mind.
Publisher. Questions? Check our FAQ for D3f, D3h.
Quote from: old 40 on September 25, 2007, 08:23:57 PMLet's discuss (sports) in a positive way, sometimes kidding each other with no disrespect.

Just Bill

Quote from: Boss on November 08, 2010, 08:17:45 PM
To: Ypsi

If you want to discuss football I'd be more than happy to talk football with you, but if you want to act like an idiot, forget it. You can take that non-football talk somewhere else. We talk football on here, so if you want to be a teacher go be a teacher. I'm sorry that I don't type to your liking & that I'm not as smart as you. I know one thing for sure, you have no clue about football otherwise I'm sure you would have shared all your knowledge with us. I'm wondering why your on this section of the D3 site with so much hate for the NAC conference? I got news for you: your opinion is not needed or wanted on here. I guess I'm dumb as a stump so whatever, but I come on here to support the teams and players of this conference, you obviously don't. Please don't answer back because I'm not on here to go back and forth over your negativity.

The irony here is that this post would have warranted far more exclamation points and has none, than his previous post which didn't require any and had them after every sentence.

And, thanks for your 18 posts, but you don't quite have the credentials to speak for what is wanted or needed by everyone else on this board.
"That seems silly and pointless..." - Hoops Fan

The first and still most accurate description of the D3 Championship BeltTM thread.