FB: Northern Athletics Collegiate Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:04:27 AM

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Gomer Pyle

 Maddog8: I`m sure your correct about the QB from Mac getting beat up by the lakeland "D" but
  you and i both know Mac Has...... NO OFFENSIVE LINE!!!  In fact they haven`t had one since the
  2000-01 seasons.  Just wanted to point that out.
  If Lakeland gets by Aurora then you have every right to pump your fist.  Saturday should be the defining game for LC as far as this conference season goes. Then the play-offs. Whole new ball game.
  Guess i`ll have to keep checking the D3 scoreboard for up dates. 



Bring on those 15 yd. penalites. It ain't deer meat when you get your a-- chewed.


Quote from: Gomer Pyle on October 25, 2005, 02:14:16 PM
   If Lakeland gets by Aurora then you have every right to pump your fist.  Saturday should be the defining game for LC as far as this conference season goes. Then the play-offs. Whole new ball game.
  Guess i`ll have to keep checking the D3 scoreboard for up dates. 

I agree, this IS the game of the year for the conference. I'm not trying to take away from the Lakeland - CUW, or any other games this year, but for both teams, this is the only game that matters. For both Lakeland and AU this is it.

Ok, now on to tie breaker stuff... let me see if I get this right.

Provided CUW wins this week and next week and both LAKE and AU win their last conference games against Greenville and MAC respectively...

If AU beats LAKE by More than 3 but less than 9, CUW would represent in the playoffs.

If LAKE beats AU this week, LAKE automatically wins conference

If AU beats LAKE by more than 8, they win the first tiebreaker and therefore represent in the playoffs.

Thats why I'm calling this the game of the year, everything rests upon this game for 3 teams...


Aurora needs to win by 9 or more to represent.

Lakeland loses by any number, they have to hope CUW loses again.

It's win and in for Lakeland. Lose and they're SOL pretty much.

CUW is cheering for a close Aurora win, Aurora's hoping for a blowout win.

I think I'm starting to like the coin flip scenario a la Friday Night Lights over this math s---.


AUFB05, I have to believe that Lakeland will play mistake free football, In the last 2 games against the Concordia's they had very limited penalties. This team is really focused. In fact they were hoping for Whitewater again in the playoffs should they win Sat. Not looking ahead though this will be a good game, in fact so good that I'm calling it a blow out for the MUSKIES. I also think it would be suprising if they don't have at least 3 "D" line and 2 Linebackers on the first team all conference this year. You will see this is not the team that play Whitewater the third week of the season, This team is hungry for anyone who want's too play. My hat will be off to Horung if he makes it thru the game. No doubt on a cold day, for some reason the hit becomes more painful. And AUFB05 I am not talking cheap shot here. I personally would be disappointed in this team if that were the case. They like knocking the snot out of people, ask anyone who has played them since Whitewater. Out til Sat Oh and HOG's take care of business, you no what I mean a Steak is riding on it!!!!!!! See you in the endzone my buddy look forward to meeting you I meet Da One at a Luther game this year great people from AU



I've look for the guy biting his nails in the end zone.


Then it will be my toe nails, hell I lost my finger nails in the Concordia game. Hey see you then


Quote from: Big_Uns on October 25, 2005, 04:39:38 PM
Aurora needs to win by 9 or more to represent.

Lakeland loses by any number, they have to hope CUW loses again.

It's win and in for Lakeland. Lose and they're SOL pretty much.

CUW is cheering for a close Aurora win, Aurora's hoping for a blowout win.

I think I'm starting to like the coin flip scenario a la Friday Night Lights over this math s---.

OK, I've seen a million different numbers and its annoying the hell out of me.  I don't know how you guys ever made it through school, but it doesn't seem that tough!!

CUW beat Aurora 26-21.  Thats +5... Lakeland beat CUW 17-14 that makes CUW +2...  (5-3=2)  Not very difficult right?

Lakeland would be +3... yes 17-14 = 3.  And Aurora would be -5 (26-21).

So if Lakeland loses by TWO that would make them +1 and CUW would go to the playoffs at +2.  Lakeland CAN afford to lose by ONE point, which would then tie CUW and Lakeland at +2, with Lakeland taking the tiebreaker with the win over CUW.

If Aurora wins by 7 that would put them at +2, a tie with CUW, but since CUW beat Aurora; CUW would go to the playoffs.  Therefore, Aurora needs to win by 8 or more.


Aurora wins by 8 or more, Auora goes to playoffs.
Aurora wins by 1 point, Lakeland goes to playoffs.
Aurora wins by 2-7 points, CUW goes to playoffs.
Lakeland wins, Lakeland goes to playoffs.



You da man!! Couldn't of said it better.



I haven't made it through school yet, haha. My bad. I thought the score of the Aurora-CUW game was 26-20.

You're right it's not that hard, and technically I did MY math right, I just gave myself the wrong numbers.



All I have to say is "Doh!"

Yeah I forgot to factor in the -3+5=2 part...

I was close

Gomer Pyle

 Picks for this saturday,10/29.
   (1) Greenville over Concordia,Ill. GC is riding high after taking it to Mac. No way they lose to Con,Ill.
   As for Con,Ill, they don`t have enough fire-power to play with anybody but to their credit they show up every game day and play.
  (2) Con,W  vs  BU: CW has won their games but most have been close. I think the loss to LC last week took the wind out of their sails. While BU on the other hand has got something going. Could it be Coach Cooper has got those boys believing?
  BU in an up-set.
   (3) Eureka vs Mac: For some reason or another Mac has tanked. They have some real talent in the backfield( QB and RB Ereg) but with out an "O" line
   it`s hard to get the plays started.
   Eureka in reality should not be a threat but who knows?   
     Mac should get the "W".
    (4) LC vs Aurora: What can you say? LC has beat up on the "no-bodies" of the conference, CW excluded.
    Out side of it they got thumped. Good experience though.
    Aurora has not blown the better teams out but played steady in getting their wins.
     LC needs to win if they don`t all that huffing and puffing will have have gone for naught.
    These teams match up in a lot of stats but imo
     They(LC) have the horses to win ( penalties aside)
   so i`d say LC gets the "W".
    Course D3 score-board will keep us posted along with guys from the various schools that are playing saturday.  Always nice to see the early scores posted on this site.


Gomer - Thanks for your picks, just a small correction, Greenville hosted CUW last week, they played, Mac 2 weeks ago, but as you said, CUW plays close games as they won by a score of 19 to 14 over G.C.

Gomer Pyle

Maddog8: You said in part,".... In fact they were hoping for Whitewater again........."
  UW-whitewater is ranked #2 in the nation in D3.
  They could well be playing for the D-3 National Championship with a little help along the way.
  Lakeland is ranked where please?  No where.
I understand your bravado and your belief in the team plus this is your last "go-round" but to suggest  LC would strike fear into UW-WW is a stretch. I`m of the opinion that they would give
LC a lickin and keep on tickin, again.
  UW_WW is a far superior team plus their conference is must stronger top to bottom IMO.
  I`m not here to slam LC or you for that matter but to offer a different "thought" on your comment.
 Remember i`m neutral, no family....no nothing.

Gomer Pyle

Quote from: gc_fan on October 26, 2005, 08:27:36 AM
Gomer - Thanks for your picks, just a small correction, Greenville hosted CUW last week, they played, Mac 2 weeks ago, but as you said, CUW plays close games as they won by a score of 19 to 14 over G.C.
  Good eye, but that was just a reference. It was ment to indicate GC got a good win over a team they should not have beaten, although i called it.
    My bad! Should have been "more" clear on my intent.  This is one of those times i know what i ment but as you indicated left some doubt.
   If you get any early scores this saturday.....postum.