FB: Northern Athletics Collegiate Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:04:27 AM

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hey whats up base, yea that was a fun friggin game to play in man.  I was gettin kindve mad bc coach wasnt giving me the ball at all til the end of them game but you guys played us harder than Eureka, Mac, and greenville(game whch we would have won if we had a kicker that game and didnt have to go for two)...Anyways good luck to you tell George I said whats up

Sil...How do u know Im not the best receiver in the conf?  Maybe Im not maybe i am.  I havent gotten to play a whole yr at receiver since coming to BU.  Ive played maybe a total of 15 games at receiver in 3 yrs.  I also have had to play HA QB and wing.  Kinda sux but whateva.  Football is football and I love the game and am just happy to be able to be on a field in an organized game.  Also,  I havent had the opp to have a QB or O line until this yr, barely (1st yr QB and 4 soph and one frosh O line).  I should complain but 90 catches and 17 touchdowns in 15 true games at receiver is ok with me.  I just wanna leave BU having it be a spark to the program and the IBFC becoming one of the best conf's in the country.  If i was on a team like Lakeland( like I should have been or Carthage or stayed at IWU)  then I would have been diff.  I really have no idea where I am going with except this.  The IBFC is on its way up.  The facilities are becoming topp notch.   Our stadium Im sure was exciting for everyone who has played on it in 2 yrs to be a blessing.  Go muskies and if u ask me I think there should be a conference champ game (even though we dont have more than 10 teams like SEC or big 12)...I would like to see the top two teams go at it one more time.

sotha sil

well, sorry you arent the best...but you are very good...try playing at a CUW or the new greenville off.  That would seem much rougher...The thing you have to look at is  who would start for other teams.  I believe you would start over a lot of guys but not all guys...You have been one of the best for two years which is admirable...also a hell of a return guy...not much a qb or hback at least against CUW...its my opinion of what I have seen of your play

Gomer Pyle

Quote from: uamusme on November 15, 2005, 03:57:20 PM
Quote from: Gomer Pyle on November 15, 2005, 09:30:01 AM
  Just looked at the D3 Top 25 and no LC.
   They don`t even show up on the "others receiving votes" section . Why is that?

Gomer, you say this all the time. No one disputes with you the fact that Lakeland is not ranked and did not get any other votes either.

No one that I have found on this board has said that Lakeland should be ranked or receive any votes. So why post it more than once?

I understand you're trying to be a reality check, but still... it's beating a long dead horse.

If I missed someone saying Lakeland should have gotten votes or be ranked, I apologize in advance.

As everyone knows, rank does not mean really all that much when it comes down to it. If you believe it does, than a win by Auggie by any less than 40 points would be a moral victory for Lakeland.

Hell according to some people on this board scoring at all should be a victory for Lakeland, because we are unranked unvoted for school...

The only way we KNOW who will win, will be about two and a half to three hours after kickoff... That is the only true fact right now

  Thanks for your comments. My point is that LC
  is the IBFC Champs and they get no respect. Why is that? All past champs were ranked. Maybe that`s why they(LC) are seeded 6th and Augustana is seeded 3rd. National ranking has a direct bearing on where a team is seeded plus other factors. I`m talking play-off pairings here.
   If you have another plausable answer for  "why" LC is not ranked in D3 and seeded 6th lets hear it.
   So far nobody has answered that question.
   You take me to task for bringing it up but offer no rebuttal to the original question.........WHY are they not ranked?  Is it the conference? The non-winning out side conference play? What? 
   You see it as "beating a long dead horse" I see it as you not having an definitive  answer.
    I`m not trying to bust your chops,  put how bout
your answer as to .......WHY.
   By the way, that question would stand no matter who was in their place.
    The LC...Augustana game could very well be like last years Aurora vs Wooster game.  IMO. Although i`m hoping for a better ending.



Gomer Pyle:

I think that LC was the 6th seed because of their geographical location and closeness to Augustana. It was a surprise for Augie to find out they were going to play LC instead of Mt. St. Josephs because for the longest time the predictions were that they were going to be the 6th seed and have to travel to Augie.  They matched up 2 Ohio teams and pitted a Wisconsin team vs an IL team.  Now they are only predictions for a reason, but at first glance LC was rumored to play at Linfield and got a better draw as a 6th seed to play Augie.

Gomer Pyle

Quote from: augiedogie on November 16, 2005, 09:22:14 AM
Gomer Pyle:

I think that LC was the 6th seed because of their geographical location and closeness to Augustana. It was a surprise for Augie to find out they were going to play LC instead of Mt. St. Josephs because for the longest time the predictions were that they were going to be the 6th seed and have to travel to Augie.  They matched up 2 Ohio teams and pitted a Wisconsin team vs an IL team.  Now they are only predictions for a reason, but at first glance LC was rumored to play at Linfield and got a better draw as a 6th seed to play Augie.

  Thank you for your comments.



My point was that unbalanced teams don't do well when they get tough opponents generally.  CUW has an unblanced offense and has for many years, we have also had a winning record for many years.  Yet when we play good teams and get forced out of our gameplan its trouble.  I never said AUG would be down by a couple of scores and I am certainly not taking anything away from them.  I just hate to watch teams that constantly run the ball.  Its not exciting ( to me at least ), but different strokes for different folks. 

As for the Maddog player of the year being LC's Qb he is a good player however, he only had one scoring drive aginast CUW and that was because a freshman linebacker somehow forgot our man coverage call and decided not to cover his receiver.

Southa don't worry about it I have been overlooked for the Maddog team pretty much every year I think and there is not a player in this conference (and hasn't been for years) that would start over me, and I have performed well against LC every year but like Maddog said he can't see everything.  Thats ok though good luck to Muiari (or however it is spelled) sat I hope he does well.


Falcon thanks for understanding, I wish I could see and recognize all but I can't if you were overlooked I am truely sorry. You know I started to do this to give more recognition to DIII players but every yr I get trashed for my picks, This yr I asked for fan support to better my selections. Only to get a handfull of participants, and as you can see most of there selections were choosen. Especcially from CUW, I think I put all there selection on the 1st team, and they were very deserving. As for Mills, frankly WHO ever gets the Player of the year is fine with me, he worked very hard from what I seen of him, so did David Benton, Bobby Langston ect. sorry I tried my best. Any way all the right letters just out of line, Maiuri and thanks for your support its been a pleasure to be a part of the IBFC family. Sil honestly I was being very objective on my picks, the thing I learned over the past few yrs though was the Player of the Year usually went to the Conference Champs, as was lloyd last year from the Co-Champs CUW.



Who is "pongo" and what was/is his relationship to your team?



To be honest I dont even know, Im open about who I am and I honestly dont know who he is.  If he comes up to me on campus or messages me Ill tell ya as long as its not anything for the wrong reasons. 


I think I would start at any school in the IBFC or DIII for that matter.  In my mind I think I would start at USC.  Now realistically I wouldnt but thats the mentality I have when I play.  In my mind I think Im the best and can anything and more that the guy next to me or in front of me can do.  Now obviously I wouldnt start over anyone at USC or anything that extreme but if you dont have that work ethic or confidence then you will just fall into the crowd of mediocrity.  I dont think Im a "3rd" team all conf guy.  I think I am the best in the conference.  Now i may not have the numbers or might not even be, but I have to approach football in that sense.  Im a sore loser to be honest.   I HATE LOSING.  I hate it so much that when I lose, I will work even harder to not lose again.  I dont care about all that mumbo jumbo about "losing is okay" and "its what you learn" which Has been implemented in some IBFC schools that have sucked over the past few yrs(Us included).   I say **** that.  Play to win not to just play.  And I also say play to be the best no matter what.  When I coach one day I will tell my kids to never accept losing, EVER.  I hate it.  Thats why I want to leave BU next yr leaving a program on the verge of becoming great and I believe they will be.  If I spent as much time typing on here as I did doing my friggin hw id be a str8 A student man. 




Sorry for misinterpreating your post.  I thought u were talking about the type of offense Augie runs not CUW.  I wish sometimes Augie would be more balanced, but we don't have the weapons to try and do so right now. I still remember in '02 when for one play we came out in a 3 wide formation and it was in the 2nd quarter of the game. It confused everybody on D and unfortunately on O as well and was an imcomplete pass.  Anyways it's playoff time something that can't come soon enough. Good luck to Lakeland this weekend.


Quote from: Gomer Pyle on November 16, 2005, 08:58:30 AM
  Thanks for your comments. My point is that LC
  is the IBFC Champs and they get no respect. Why is that? All past champs were ranked. Maybe that`s why they(LC) are seeded 6th and Augustana is seeded 3rd. National ranking has a direct bearing on where a team is seeded plus other factors. I`m talking play-off pairings here.
   If you have another plausable answer for  "why" LC is not ranked in D3 and seeded 6th lets hear it.
   So far nobody has answered that question.
   You take me to task for bringing it up but offer no rebuttal to the original question.........WHY are they not ranked?  Is it the conference? The non-winning out side conference play? What? 
   You see it as "beating a long dead horse" I see it as you not having an definitive  answer.
    I`m not trying to bust your chops,  put how bout
your answer as to .......WHY.
   By the way, that question would stand no matter who was in their place.
    The LC...Augustana game could very well be like last years Aurora vs Wooster game.  IMO. Although i`m hoping for a better ending.

Sorry it seems like your last couple of posts like that have been rhetorical in nature.

As for why we aren't ranked or recieving votes whereas the last 3 years we've atleast had some mentioning of our conference in the voting. I don't know, maybe this year noone from our conference is on the voting committee? I know that the Coach from CUW is on the AFCA poll according to their website. Maybe our area of the country... mostly southeastern Wi and northern ILL is over looked, or maybe because we won very few out of conference games. It also doesn't help that Lakeland lost to UW-W by about 60...



Your post said "thats why you want to leave BU next year..."where are you going?


haha I meant when I leave after im done playing ball... I cant leave here.  I should have never came here to be honest but hey Ive enjoyed it here and the people are good the HOES are cute.  If it were my soph yr I would leave bc we had no coach and not alot of talent or players.  I got one semester of ball left here then Ill go play somewhere else if I get the opp, even if its a senior citezen flag league Ill keep playing til I cant walk.   Im not leaving BU though.  Not unless Lovie Smith calls me up and ask me to return punts bc WADE was blowing it, or the Eagles need me to step in for TO.  Otherwise IM here. 

Good luck muskies!


The only basis of my 38-7 prediction for the Augie victory is because I made it a point to see the Augie-Wheaton game and Augie just happened to get matched up with Lakeland.  And as for comparing stats against Carthage, that does not matter to a point.  It doesnt matter because yes it was in the beginning of the year and its all about match-ups.  You cant look at the stats of one game and translate them to another game predicting the outcome.  I cant remember who posted it, but "comparing scores or stats" is not the best way to gauge two teams, thats all.

Good luck to LC


Quote from: TruCountry95 on November 15, 2005, 07:05:16 PM
Augie people need to chill a bit. Come the freak down. We know how the IBFC is why come in an keep on saying it. At first I wasn't behind Lakeland because of unsportsmanship game and post-game. But they are representing and I hope they win. It would give IBFC some major needed respect. But good luck to Lakeland.
Are you saying that it will be easy to get inside of the Lakland Players Heads?????