FB: Northern Athletics Collegiate Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:04:27 AM

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Fatal - AU had opportunities to win the game yesterday, but certainly did not deserve to win the game.  As a neutral observer, it appeared the AU coaching staff got outcoached from the last few minutes of the first half through the game winning field goal?  What type of coach does not put points on the board (field goal) during overtime when the opposition hasn't even had the ball yet?....Wait I know, a coach who needs to go!

For those who say he didn't have confidence in the kicking the field goal from the 10 yd line, which is an extra pt, then he should have maybe went for 2 in the first OT.  Just a thought, but some changes need to be made on the AU staff.

Old 40 - I would not say AU has a good defense when it comes to D3 football, but they have a good defense when it comes to playing the teams in the IBFC.


I agree with what do I know,

Nobody in the IBFC has the right to be compared with anything outside the IBFC because they have never done anything outside of the conference.  Hence the "0" playoff wins and the terrible record against good teams from outside the conference.   I know Mac almost beat Thomas More and Cuw played a tough game but that does not count for anything.
Quote from: WhatDoIKnow on October 14, 2007, 09:20:32 PM
Fatal - AU had opportunities to win the game yesterday, but certainly did not deserve to win the game.  As a neutral observer, it appeared the AU coaching staff got outcoached from the last few minutes of the first half through the game winning field goal?  What type of coach does not put points on the board (field goal) during overtime when the opposition hasn't even had the ball yet?....Wait I know, a coach who needs to go!

For those who say he didn't have confidence in the kicking the field goal from the 10 yd line, which is an extra pt, then he should have maybe went for 2 in the first OT.  Just a thought, but some changes need to be made on the AU staff.

Old 40 - I would not say AU has a good defense when it comes to D3 football, but they have a good defense when it comes to playing the teams in the IBFC.

Gomer Pyle

     I tend to agree with you about your comments ref: going for the field-goal in the AU game as their kicker had already kicked(1) but they`re
   over-all field goal record before that game was 0-3.  Not stellar for sure.
    As to the "why" their coach chose not go for the field goal, there in lies
     the mystery. 
   On the other side of the ball, Benedictine was 2-3 on their FG attempts
   with one of those being the FG that won the game in 2nd OT period.
   How`s that for irony?  :)

Gomer Pyle

    Just to add a little to your post ref: Thomas More.
    Mac came as close as one can to a win but lost in the last .......14
    seconds. 14 seconds!  That information is in the game write up.       
    But as the line goes, close but no cigar.
    One long lasting memory for you is the "RING" and the 1st conference
    championship for Mac.  Plus, the 1st NCAA play-off game, albeit a loss.
    2002: If you were still there, a banner year.
     The  1st un-defeated football season( 10-0) in Mac`s history. Another
      ring. Another NCAA play-off game.....albeit another loss.
    You have a lot to be proud of and the memories will last you a life time.


 6'6 reciever Mack (booted from team)............MACk quit the team to go tryout for the USA Vollyball team...

Gomer Pyle

Early line on one of this week-ends games.   

  The Boys from Mequon( home game)........................Baby Cheese Heads.
      The gang from Mequon has a better "D".  They give up about 8 points per game as opposed to The Baby Cheese Heads who give up about 27+.
      Just something to think about.
     Maddog:  You still have the sheet music with the lyrics from, "The Boys
      from Mequon ?"   ;D


Someone earlier said that the CUC Vs. CUW game was 10-0 CUW at halftime....actually the score was only 3-0 at halftime.  CUC hung with them for a whole half before it all went South. 

I have no idea what happend that 2nd half.  Not going to play the woulda, coulda, shoulda game though.  CUW seemed to make the appropriate adjustments the 2nd half and CUC didn't, plain and simple. 

After seeing them hang with CUW so well (the first half), they definately have a chance against Lakeland, Greenville and especially AU.  Considering BU beat both Greenville and AU.  But easier said then actually done on the field.


I'm glad to see someone finally have something positive to say about Mac football.  I played and graduated from Mac 92-97.  We had some very lean times during the early part of my time @ Mac.  I hate to admit it but I was on the team that lost to Blackburn.  We had a horrible training staff and questionable coaches.  Our playing field was the worst in the IBC.  You just learned to deal with it.  We all choose Mac.  One differance that I see now is that past players never ripped on the current players and coaching staff like they do now. We are all part of the Mac football history some have better memories than others.  If your memories are bad you have no one but yourself to blame for that. Get behind your program.  We are the only school that bad mouths are own school.  I laugh at how we air all of our dirty laundry on this board.  A once proud program has hit a bad time.  Give the current coaches a chance to turn the program around.  We all know they are not working on the same playing field as others.  It is what it is.  We all got chance to play football for 4 more years and get a college education. 


Aurora Football 24/7 365



I assume you said, Ummmm...no because you don't think they (CUC) has a chance the rest of the way.

Well, BU beat both AU and Greenville, CUC beat BU.  Does that not mean that CUC even has a chance to win? 

I think they have a legit chance in knocking off at least one of their remaining opponents.


Quote from: Gomer Pyle on October 15, 2007, 07:45:23 AM
    Just to add a little to your post ref: Thomas More.
    Mac came as close as one can to a win but lost in the last .......14
    seconds. 14 seconds!  That information is in the game write up.       
    But as the line goes, close but no cigar.
    One long lasting memory for you is the "RING" and the 1st conference
    championship for Mac.  Plus, the 1st NCAA play-off game, albeit a loss.
    2002: If you were still there, a banner year.
     The  1st un-defeated football season( 10-0) in Mac`s history. Another
      ring. Another NCAA play-off game.....albeit another loss.
    You have a lot to be proud of and the memories will last you a life time.

I appreciate it Gomer, I just want to see Mac turn it around. I have read your complaints from the website to the recordkeeping etc. I agree with those complaints 100%.  Mac as a school has issues from admissions to SID but I still can't bring myself to bash them on this platform.   The alumni (especially those who were athletes) need to express their concerns to Mac Admin to let them know that some of the things we have seen are unacceptable and need to be corrected.  There are a lot of Mac "haters" who post here and I certaninly don't want to give them more ammunition.  As I always I still enjoy reading your posts.


CUW has a serious chance to not give up a point in conference play this season.  Im to lazy to look up the stats (im sure one of you, probably gomer, will find it out eventually), but that probably has never happened.  That would be one hell of a way to finish out the IBFC for the falcons.
"Winning the IBFC championship is comparable to being the worlds tallest midget"


baseman CUC will always be the underdog in every game till proven otherwise
Aurora Football 24/7 365

Gomer Pyle

Quote from: cudub on October 16, 2007, 12:35:03 AM
CUW has a serious chance to not give up a point in conference play this season.  Im to lazy to look up the stats (im sure one of you, probably gomer, will find it out eventually), but that probably has never happened.  That would be one hell of a way to finish out the IBFC for the falcons.

  In 2001 Aurora had (4) shut outs to their credit  but not consecutively like
  The Boys from Mequon have done thus far. So, as far as "shut-outs" go, 4
  is the bench mark.
   For CU_W to run the table (7 shut-outs)......would be in the realm of possibility. Never has been done in the IBFC! 
    The first order of business for  the falcons is win the game and there-by sew up the IBFC championship.
     If they were to shut out the Cheese Heads along the way then............. they would have a "serious chance"  from that point as they only have GC and Benedictine left on their schedule. 
     Just for the record, Benedictine does have a fairly good FG kicker whose
     5-8 in attempts.  4-6 inside the the 39 yd line.  Dangerous weapon.
    Keep in mind LC is 4-0 in conference play this season but has lost to the
    Boys from Mequon 4 out there last 5 meetings. To go along with that CU-W never shut them out in those losses either. In fact, from 1999-2006 LC
   has only been shut-out (1)once in 2000 by the Boys from Mequon.
   I think the fly in the ointment is the ....field goal/kicker. LC has one but he
    is  only 1-2 in that dept.  To me, that`s the " threat" right there but I
   honestly believe they (LC) can/will score.
    Looking at the schedule I see where your coming from when you said.
   "serious chance."   
     If CU-C shuts out  Maddog`s wanta bees, then I`ll belive they have a
     really good shot at football immortality but the BU FG kicker holds
    the key that door. IMO. 
    Good observation by the way.   


Past seven years head to head

CUW 6-1 v LC

CUW with 193 points for and 82 against

in keeping with the trend CUW over LC 28-14