FB: North Coast Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:05:01 AM

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Oberlin Parent, i agree your team was physical last Saturday but some of it came after the whistle...they were also verbal...maybe it's just an inferiority complex...

don't let the score fool you as 3 freaky plays/bounces made a whale of a difference...did like your announcer though...
Boo Creepy Foot Doctor, Hooray Beer.

Naked Nott Run

Anyone notice how none of the kids from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were even a little bit cool... Where was the athlete who pile drives wonka into the chocolate river??? Coulda done sooo much more with that "classic"


Wabashcpa ... by your reference to the oberlinparent post did you mean....

First I was not complaining.  I was stating that there are alot["alot" is two words] of good players in the NCAC. Oberlin has a stiff Defense but because there[they?] are on the field alot[again ..."alot" is two words] the numbers get run up[do you mean by this that ... they do not defend well or that the Oberlin offense stinks?].  There[They?] are loosing [losing?]two defensive standouts;[comma or colon not semicolon] Shawn Brunner,[no need for a comma] and Vance Murphy.  Offensive [Offensively?]they are loosing[losing?] three wide receivers: Zach Lewis, Chad Kutting, [and?]Andrew Crosby. [On?]The Offensive Line they are loosing[loose applies to women and change ... losing ... perhaps?]: Joe Dehondt,[no comma and put in the word ... and] Cole Price.  The 06' team will have much [how about: a good deal of?]experience.  The 05' team had Keyon[Kenyon?] beat, Wooster[perhaps: and Wooster beaten] and both losses coming by one[how about: ultimately losing by one point?].  We lost to Case by three.  This Oberlin team has came[has came?  HAS CAME? ... "come" perhaps?] a long way in the last four years.  Once they start winning the close ones, they will be ok[pretty good:  OK].  Go ask the Wooster players if there [they?]were in a phyical game[what kind of game?  Physical ... perhaps?] last week.

My ... Oberlinparent ... are you sure you ar not from Mount Union?



I was at the game, #48 is listed as a LB.  Oberlin does have players as good as ''darkside'' he had great supporting cast the last four years.  Sutton was a D2 transfer!  Without Sutton, Wooster would have been a middle of the pack team, the last four years.  Yes, you are correct Oberlin was not at the same level in the past few years as Wooster. 


QuoteDoesn't the high school football field in Meadville have Fieldturf (or some variation of synthetic surface)??  Is there any good and sane reason why playing there isn't an option?

Yes there is.  It was being dedicated the weekend we were in Meadville 2 years ago.  It looked like a very nice facility.  That might be to easy of a solution.  Plus if they did that, we would have nothing to bitch about.  It is very beautiful country other than the Swamp.

Hope they aren't picking up the trash on Friday like 2 years ago.  Got pretty loud from 2:00 am to about 3:30 am.  As always.




Both teams were very verbal, at least Oberlin bench did not spit on any of Woosters players, when they were ran out of bounds. Inferiority complex Wooster had one because Oberlin was staying with them.  Murphys blocked punt, and touchdown was not a ''freaky play.''  The missed field goal that turned into a touchdown was a really ''freaky play'' and also lucky.  The Sherman touchdown, that was not given to him he did loose the ball before he crossed the goal line.  I have been told this is the last year for the announcer.  


Just a quick note on OWU,I was very impressed! They forced Kenyon into 5 turnovers,and made Sanchez who is a great athlete look confused. They are well coached and play hard,they had the spread offense figured out and executed very well.


I'm less concerned about two years ago than I am about this Saturday.  If Robertson is getting rained on all week (and it looks like that's the case) and we know what kind of pit that place turns into under such conditions, why don't we play Saturday's game on a field that will allow the teams to actually play some football (what happened in '03 wasn't football...22 guys sloshing around in a big mudpit makes for good movie footage, but not for good football...and I'd be saying the same thing regardless of the result). 

Anyway, I've done some googling and the Meadville Bulldogs don't appear to have anything scheduled on their nice, new field this weekend.  If Robertson is a disaster area, the game should be moved.  It's in the best interest of the players on both sides to do so. 
"Nothing in the world is more expensive than free."- The Deacon of HBO's The Wire



I agree.  Vern should be working on that as we speak.  Moving the game to a safe surface should be the first concerns of both teams.  The Swamp is not a home field advantage.  It is a law suit waiting to happen.  As always.



You guys, just my opinion, there is NO WAY Gheny would move this game from their field - NO WAY.  That is wishful thinking but I applaud your efforts.

WabCo - that was a great post, glad you did that for clarification.  I thought the same thing last night. 

Man, he's going right at Darkside.  If Oberlin had a player at his level, please share their name and number so we can all look for him on the 1st Team All NCAC team the next 3 or 4 years.  The last couple of years Oberlin has been very "chippy" and aren't afraid to talk trash during the games - even when they are down by about 5 TDs.  I saw this with Quammie and Co. in '02 when Knott & Co. made them look like a high school JV team and this year in Bash's 42-7 win.  In fact, we couldn't believe some of the post play dancing they were doing, it was quite entertaining though.   ???   ???

BashDad - on a more serious note, is BashBro and his family OK from the hurricane?  I hope so...


Actually, that Shaffer kid from Oberlin is tough. I'd have him on my team any day. And I'd rather have an Oberlin team with a little fight in 'em - don't complain nor denigrate. At least they're trying!
Wabash Always Fights!



They're fine, house and grounds a little damage, but nothing compared to what it might have been.  The whole family may come north for a few weeks until all is cleaned up and electricity is back on--would be great to see all, including the grandbabies!!  Thanks for asking.


Oberlinparent...you poor poor deluded fool!

Issue the first:  Yes, I went to Mount Vernon.  When I was there, we won the schools first (1st) outright conference title.  Granted I was a sophmore, but I was a part of the team.  My Junior year, I was the only underclassman to start on a team that returned ALL (except for a center and RB, which I didn't play).  That means I beat out an upperclassman.  I was captain my Senior year at MV.  You are also correct that Mount Vernon sucks some major...junk... However, my name is NOT Tony.

Issue the second:  As far as my playing abilities, I will let my Stats speak for themself.  To RavishinRab and the Wallys, thanks for standing behind me.  I will be honest, that was a shock, but, I applaud you.

Issue the third:  The kids name is SHEPPHARD, not Sherman

Issue the fourth:  I started as a firstyear at Wooster.  Once again, I beat out upperclassman for that position.  I came in, and replaced the greatest Linebacker to ever walk the halls of Kauke (Seth Duerr), who was a three time All-American.  I don't mean to blow my own horn, but I think that means something if a staff has that much confidence in a Firstyear to replace a living legend  (Oh yeah, about my stats, I am second in tackles only to Duerr).  Tony Sutton was instrumental for Winning the NCAC last year.  But, if you are that DENSE to not understand that a single individual cannot do what Sutton did on his own, I pity you and your football knowledge.  Beyond that, Sutton was offense, I was Defense (as my handle states).  That means did not help me one bit as a Defensive player.  In fact, he hurt me as a player because he took charge of the Offense and consumed the TOP.  As you aware, I am sure because you are a Oberlin fan, When the offense is on the field, the defense is not.  Which means a defensive player can not build his stats.  Granted, to know this you need to consider the opposite of what you are used to at Oberlin.  Where the opposing teams typically dominate the TOP, leaving the Defensive player free to rack up his stats.

Oh, about Kearney (yes I know you were going to go there)  He did not start most of his firstyear.  Meaning he did not help my stats either.  beyond that, yes, I give credit where it is due.  I was a good player because of my supporting cast.  Kearney, Dre, Vega, Mizak, Haijjar, Jackson (Demar), Fay, Scotty Mac, even the RAVISHIN RAB...just to name a few...were great players, and I am proud to have played with them.  However, to accredit my success to those individuals only, you are a fool!

Oh, Woo as a middle of the pack team without Sutton...I think when woo went 8-2 in 2002, Sutton only played half the season.  In fact he didnt start except in a few games.  You need to pull your head outta your _ _ _ and stop making false conjectures!

Mizak is a Linebacker?  And you were at the game?  I'm sorry, a linebacker (the last time I checked) does not line up in a three point stance.  If you truly were at the game, and saw this, and thought # 48 was a linebacker, you need to rethink how the game of football is played!

Perhaps the obies are on a similar level as Woo this year.  I think not.  I think Woo is a young team who made mistakes, and Oberlin knew how to capitalize on those mistakes.  How many of Woos points came off of costly mistakes?  Such as not focusing on a botched kick for a FG?  Or allowing someone to slip through a seam on a drop step (Do you know what a drop step is?).  Trust me, when woos young men learn how to play tough, agressive ball, they will be at the top, if not the top.

Mr. Parent, or should I say Mr. Vance (oh yeah, way to be clever and find out my identity, took a rocket scientist for that one, huh), I will let that lie there.  To all other NCACers, sorry for the long post.  I felt it was warranted given the situation.

Beyond that Mr. Vance, you are lucky I don't Smite you were you stand.  I have the power now, you know.   ;D


Welcome to the club, DD.  The Karma Club.   :)
"Nothing in the world is more expensive than free."- The Deacon of HBO's The Wire


DD if I wasn't always lurking in the shadows and had enough posts to give karma I would join Wally!!

I have seen many people say a lot of strange things on this board but I think Oberlin parent is getting to the level of god ole James Brashear.
(Oberlin Parent since you are new let me tell you that is not a good thing!! >:( )

Mr. Vance unless you have useful things to contribute go back under your rock...  your type of posts are what keep legit Hiram, Earlham, Denison, and kenyon posters from talking.  They see the reactions you elicit and this board loses fans from half of the NCAC.