FB: North Coast Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:05:01 AM

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Quote from: wallyworld12 on September 16, 2012, 10:17:49 PM

Agreed....   especially with the past "North Korean" style of information lock-down with some of their past coaching changes...   They threw this thing out to the wire and everyone picked it up... like to actually promote it as a positive...  strange.
Why should you go for it on 4th down?

"To overcome the disappointment of not making it on third down." -- Washington State Coach Mike Leach

sigma one

I just can't get away from the DePauw press release.  Athletic Directors, or anyone connected to a college or university, just don't send out releases on their own. Or shouldn't.  Those statements are always (?) reviewed for language and content, and important personnnel ones (and certainly ones about firing) are carefully thought out internally or run by an attorney, or both.  Presidents are always involved in high-profile decisions that affect the welfare of the institution.  Could there be any sports-related decision more high profile than this one during a football season?  Given the timing so soon after a game, it's as though DPU was ready to pull the plug or the actions of the moment on one or both sides  so incendiary to force a quick and decisive decision.  The more I think about the language and timing the more, and more confuseder I get.   


The 2012 slate favors the upstart Bishops....like Bld states... I like NOT playing Witt
and getting a shot at the LG's at Selby...if OWU is to rise fast, I'll take & use any edge
we can get...Building this program will take time. Getting the recruits in and KEEPING
them in Delaware to start the JV program will be key. The frosh numbers are a little
light...but, that will change. 


Quote from: aueagle on September 17, 2012, 02:04:15 PM
Getting the recruits in and KEEPING them in Delaware to start the JV program will be key. The frosh numbers are a little
light...but, that will change.

From my vantage point,  this has been the program's number one issue over the past 4 or so years....  I for one am very excited about the potential your program has.   Exciting time to be a Bishop....  expectations need to be realistic, but still, Bishop faithful have something to look forward to on Saturday's now...  Sometimes, just believing you can win can make all the difference in the world.  I think this new coaching staff has them believing.
Why should you go for it on 4th down?

"To overcome the disappointment of not making it on third down." -- Washington State Coach Mike Leach


I think you guys are on point about the schedule laying out better for OWU this year.  Each season dating back to the 2008 season, OWU has played two or three of Witt/Wabash/Wooster in September.  They've been playing out the string by midterms for the last four years.  Sure, they've had wins on the back end of those schedules, but that and 8 bucks gets you a ticket to a D-III playoff game.   

It's going to help this year's Bishops to build into the meat of the league schedule instead of being hit with it right out of the gate. 
"Nothing in the world is more expensive than free."- The Deacon of HBO's The Wire


I believe this week is huge for the Bishops.....  IF, and I said IF, they can find a way to pull out a victory over Case this weekend at Selby,  they have a real chance to roll into Pittsburgh on Oct. 20 at 6-0.   First things first,  Case may be a bit down, but will still be a very tough task.   Look forward to Saturday!
Why should you go for it on 4th down?

"To overcome the disappointment of not making it on third down." -- Washington State Coach Mike Leach


Quote from: bashbrother on September 17, 2012, 03:29:19 PM
I believe this week is huge for the Bishops.....  IF, and I said IF, they can find a way to pull out a victory over Case this weekend at Selby,  they have a real chance to roll into Pittsburgh on Oct. 20 at 6-0.   First things first,  Case may be a bit down, but will still be a very tough task.   Look forward to Saturday!

I agree this Saturday will be very Big. If OWU can pull it off it would validate the administrations decision to make a change.


At the least, a statement from the President should have accompanied the release. A link to that release is still on the front page on the DPU web site, in all its glory. Doesn't Casey want to get his hands dirty, ever?
Wabash Always Fights!

Li'l Giant

From Twitter a two-tweet message of support from the Depauw football captains.

QuoteSr. TE Bobby Coburn reading captains' statement: "We will always stand behind DePauw University and our President, Brian and trust that he and Mrs. Baker-Watson did their due diligence in making this decision."

Part 1 and Part 2.

"I believe in God and I believe I'm gonna go to Heaven, but if something goes wrong and I end up in Hell, I know it's gonna be me and a bunch of D3 officials."---Erik Raeburn

Quote from: sigma one on October 11, 2015, 10:46:46 AMI don't drink with the enemy, and I don't drink lattes at all, with anyone.

Dr. Acula

Always a good sign when the statement from the kids is the most polished and measured one released.


Quote from: Li'l Giant on September 16, 2012, 10:11:55 PM
After having digested this a bit, and reading what's been posted, I have to mention two things:

One, I agree with Wally that despite our usual rivalry-induced ribbing, this is not something that I enjoy seeing. I believe this hurts the rivalry. Our rivalry doesn't necessarily require that both teams be good, but it requires they be at least moving in the same direction. Part of what makes our rivalry so great is the tight series record. Yes, there have been streaks. But as much as I'd love to see us get Depauw back for that 5 game streak in 96-00 I don't want it like this. Not because they've cratered and flushed another 2-3 years down the crapper just be-effin-cause. I feel like Depauw's administration isn't fulfilling their end of the bargain in being involved in a historic and wonderful rivalry like ours.

Second, like 16 mentioned I feel sorry for the kids on the team. When was the last time Depauw graduated a senior class of football players who had played all four years under the same coach? By my math it looks like that would be the guys who played in Coach Mourouzis' last season as seniors. That was 2003. Look at that again. 2003. I'm sorry but that's just awful. It's awful for those players, their families, for the coaching staff, for the university and for our rivalry.

Nobody wins here. Nobody.

Damnit Depauw, get it together.

Quote from: wabco on September 17, 2012, 11:33:00 AM
A-MAZ-ING.  Stevie "Wonder" should become Stevie Wandering ... wandering somewhere else.  Anyone who has administration leadership responsibility and puts out such gratuitous damaging statements, damaging on so many levels ... should be sent "wandering".

Unless you can have faith in your AD as "having your back" against what is normal Dannie administrative leadership dysfunction, why would you go there as a football coach ... WHY? ... YOU CAN HEAR THE CLOCK TICKING YOUR TIME THERE AWAY AS YOU TAKE THE JOB.  Folks, the cancer is not in the football coaches/program ... it is in the "pancreas" ... the administration.  Stevie "BE GONE SATAN !" ... "BE GONE SATAN!".   The Dannies need an exorcism.  Until that happens there will be good and bad.  Both are the same:  1) the good ... it will continue to be be "Yum, Yum, Yum" time for the Little Giants when they play "womp the Dannies", 2) the bad ... it will continue to be will be Yum, Yum, Yum time for the Little Giants when they womp the Dannies.

It does make me (and I believe the olther Little Giants in this blog)  reflect upon and renew your faith in Wabash; its traditions, its common sense, its methodologies, and the "good faith for the betterment of the College" reflections of Wabash leadership before making decisions/taking actions ... AND ABSOLUTELY BEFORE  just gratuitously plunging a knife into the stomach of the institution STUDENTS AND ALUMNI care so much about, support, and want to make better. I understsand that, if Robby did something which was aggregious enough to require being addressed/action taken ... as has been done,  you do it.  BUT you do not then hide behind such sophomoricly poorly written announcement as Stevie Wonder has.

I say ... "off with her head".  That is the exorcism.  Then find a good coach (not too good a one ... not of the Reaburn caliber) and lets get on with it.  Dannie alums ... where are you?  Rise up!  Get this train back on track!  ake your facilities something to be proud of!  Give the money for it!  Demand common sense out of your leadership!  Wabash doesn't want this ... we want to whomp you when you are healthy.  You alums have some lifting to do.  Your leadership treated you as babies not to be trusted with the Rogers and then the Walker saga ... is this to be more of the same?  Unless there is a sea change in the way the Danny dysfunction works ... I fear you cannot come back.  As just one Little Giant faithful ... I want you back.  I really really really want to beat the tar out of you in every sport and any other competition ... academic or otherwise.  But in a certain (sick?) way ... I feel I can say all these anti Danny things ... but Witt (for instance) better not.  They have not earned the right.  Guys, for better or worse we all are a bit tied at the hip.  You taking a dagger such as you have and as ineptly delivered ... harms us.  Danny alums, arise ... fix this ... Stevie, will you please start your wandering, and lastly:  DEPAUW TO HELL, WE HAVE THE BELL!!!

I agree, this will not be fun, nor is it a football tradition that can remain when one team is a doormat. The Monon game is so wonderful because anything can happen. At least, anything could have happened. I feel for those players who are dealing with this, and hope Depauw can find a solution fast. 
DePauw Never Quits

"This happens every year. It's the mere stupidity of supposedly mature college kids acting like a bunch of horse's dicks." - Officer Keller, The Crawfordsville Police Department


Quote from: wallyworld12 on September 11, 2012, 06:08:42 PM
The Bear, anything more specific? As a Greencastle resident and Wabash grad, I definitely know of the dark ages you speak of but what made people question actions taken by the current administration?

Sorry for the late reply, but I think we all are somewhat on the same page now.
DePauw Never Quits

"This happens every year. It's the mere stupidity of supposedly mature college kids acting like a bunch of horse's dicks." - Officer Keller, The Crawfordsville Police Department


It is tough and I hope the school, it's players and it's alumni can find a path back to success in their football program.......

Why should you go for it on 4th down?

"To overcome the disappointment of not making it on third down." -- Washington State Coach Mike Leach


Quote from: Bishopleftiesdad on September 17, 2012, 04:29:02 PM
Quote from: bashbrother on September 17, 2012, 03:29:19 PM
I believe this week is huge for the Bishops.....  IF, and I said IF, they can find a way to pull out a victory over Case this weekend at Selby,  they have a real chance to roll into Pittsburgh on Oct. 20 at 6-0.   First things first,  Case may be a bit down, but will still be a very tough task.   Look forward to Saturday!

I agree this Saturday will be very Big. If OWU can pull it off it would validate the administrations decision to make a change.
I think validation came when the OWU brass made the change to drop the other guy and turn the ship around......


Definitely a dark time at DPU

There's no doubt that there are thousands of questions to ask about the timing of the firing, the real reasons, etc.  One would think if DePauw had the Bell now and at least were 1-1, that such a decision wouldn't have been made.  But, that's just not the case.  We're 0-2, and going back to the last 2 Bell games, we're probably playing the ugliest football the school has displayed in the last 2 decades

Our recruiting has been subpar at best.  We're just not getting it done.  Also, supposedly didn't travel on team buses and drove himself.  I don't know how that's even possible, but the way I understand it, the University was far from happy about it.

As for facilities, DePauw is under a massive effort for a huge fundraiser to completely rebuild the athletic center and all of our facilities ((field turf/lights/weight room, etc)) 

This 5 coaches in 9 years thing is just unexplainable.  Matt Walker had the program on the up and then he had his own 'administration' issues that led to his ousting.  We need a guy that has a fire and passion to take this program to the next level.  Restore pride, tradition, values and effort once again.  Whether it's a UW-Whitewater/Mt Union guy or DPU alum, we all want the same thing you want.  The Monon Bell game has become an absolute embarassment....while it's fun to be part of a blowout, it's not fun when the two teams aren't on the same level....as much as it pains me to say.

I will say, A LOT of alums have reached out the last few days.  There's a ton of concern, a lot of interest and many asking how they can help.  So, that's encouraging.

At the end of the day though, I still feel for the players...especially the seniors