FB: North Coast Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:05:01 AM

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It's all good, Scotty.  We're just getting feisty.  Let's play ball!

(We have to wait another week - gaah!)


When bash fans talk you'd think they are talkinga bout the Dallas Cowboys.  I didn't think they were very good the past two years, and I still don't think they are very good.


Boo Creepy Foot Doctor, Hooray Beer.




One thing is for sure...I can't wait for tomorrow and next Saturday to see who's comments will show merrit or who's will be humbled! 


Quote from: scotty on September 02, 2005, 09:59:05 AM
tiger alum, im a little confused...when did making positive comments about one's team lend itself to being "humbled"...the only fans that are actually making grand predictions are the Wabash faithful...can't you guys stand the fact that a few other schools are excited also...i guess you didn' get that type of universal acceptance in your days at Crawfordsville...

You know, scotty, the fact that his screen name is "tiger_alum" might clue you into the fact that he's not a Wabash supporter.  Wabash supporters have screennames with things like "bash" or "wally" or "lil' giants" in it.

But hey, don't let that stop you all from painting all Wallies with broad strokes.  Obviously we're the source of all the "bad" comments on the board, but if you guys are going to try and gang up on us, at least know who's on your side :)


Once again I stand here ready for the abuse my very vague comments will allow me. 

            I am sorry you seem to have taken such offense to my earlier comment.  For my intent was not to offend anyone.  In an earlier post I made, I made reference to how everyone's chatter on this board is really illrelevant untill around Nov. when it has all been played out.  In my humble opinion, then is when the most of the "bragging for your squad" should take place.  Because then it becomes founded, and not just a guess or specualtion or how you would like for you team to be this year...now one again, (as it was pointed out in my earlier post)  I am not complaining for anyone who is proud of their school, wants to see them do well, routing for their success, or any other phrase you can throw in there.  All I am saying is there is a lot of talk about who is going to be the best school in the NCAC this year (Everyone saying their school will be the best)... I am no different.  After all has anyone ever came on the board and said (at the start of a year) "WOW WE ARE REALLY GOING TO STINK IT UP THIS YEAR!  WE SUCK."  My point is that I am looking forward to seeing who's comment are correct (with merrit) and whose comments are wrong (humbled).  My earlier post was directed to no one individually, but everyone who posts on the board. 

             I hearty thank you for taking notice of the little things...by the way wasn't it scotty who (in the past day or so) said he was really starting to like the Wallys?  Or something like that. 

            And to all Bash faithful, I am sorry my so one sided comments left you to feel the brunt of my ill tempered tongue.  Will you ever forgive me?


Quote from: tiger_alum on September 02, 2005, 10:45:22 AM
            And to all Bash faithful, I am sorry my so one sided comments left you to feel the brunt of my ill tempered tongue.  Will you ever forgive me?

Somehow...we'll go on....*sniffle*... ;)

And yeah, I'm pretty sure that was scotty who said he was starting to enjoy the Wallies.  Perhaps he has since been shown the error of his ways by the likes of Lancer (who thankfully warned everyone else about the insular nature of every Wabash poster by pointing out our zealous fervor about Wabash, which, oddly enough, no one had ever noted before)

Quote from: tiger_alum on September 02, 2005, 10:45:22 AM
After all has anyone ever came on the board and said (at the start of a year) "WOW WE ARE REALLY GOING TO STINK IT UP THIS YEAR!  WE SUCK."

And I think a Hiram poster did this once.  Nobody argued with him.  (Sorry to any Terrier lurkers...I couldn't resist such an easy joke)


Somehow...we'll go on....*sniffle*... ;)

Knowing this I will be able to sleep tonight.  Thanks for the peace of mind, and taking this burdon off of my back. ;)


lancer, once again you're way off base.  Look at that Kalamazoo team and tell me that they aren't in a big, big hole.  Their numbers are down, they're burning through head coaches like crazy, and they're coming off of a season where the only team they could manage to beat was Kenyon.  When I say K'zoo has got a long way to go to get back to the level they were in '03 (which, in another post that you apparently forgot to read or conveniently forgot about, I sang the praises of that '03 team that beat Wabash and pointed out that they had three or four of the best players in SCHOOL HISTORY on the roster), it's because that's how the pieces of the the puzzle fit, not because I'm out to snipe anybody.  

Second, defense won't be a problem for Wabash (defense rarely is a problem for Wabash).  In fact, Wabash returns just about everybody from the NCAC's best defense in '04.  Witt returns most of their offense...but keep in mind that a key part of Wabash's defense (Selby) didn't play at Witt last year and I don't think Murray would have had quite as easy a time against Wabash had Selby been playing.  But what do I know...it's not like I actually follow the team or anything like that.  Witt will score some points, I'm sure.  But it won't be as easy against a healthy defense and it won't be as easy at Hollett (please note that I didn't just say that Wabash was going to shut Witt down or shut Witt out or even that Wabash was going to beat Witt at all).  You know, These posts get much less fun to write and read if I have to keep telling you what I'm NOT saying. 

You're way too quick to read way too much into what we're saying.  If I were you I'd be less concerned about what Wabash fans are saying on this board and more concerned about why the guy who is good enough to be (and I'm quoting directly from www.wooster.edu here) "one of the top signal callers in conference history, and in the nation" (and Wabash fans are over the top...) went 4-23 in his season warmup.  There's only one way to read that number and it's not good in any context. 
"Nothing in the world is more expensive than free."- The Deacon of HBO's The Wire


Hmmm, Wally, if I had to grade that post, I'd give it an F. 

Not enough knee-jerk reactionism, insufficient home-team chest-thumping to the point that it makes you appear open minded and level-headed, and overall too much of an attempt to make a valid point using such foreign objects as statistics and logic.  All in all, simply unfit for the NCAC board.


I have a question for you Wabash posters. 

Isn't it annoying with all the excitement about the upcoming season, that you guys have to wait a week to start?  I know it would annoy me.  I know why you open with a bye week, but I want to know if it is annoying to you all.

Now, I hope you guys are honest with your answers.  I'm sure I'll get the typical Bash response that will go something like this "Fraternity life is SO important that we are all for whatever decision our perfect school makes in regard to scheduling.  No one else can begin to understand our traditions, history, and way of life."

So, don't give me that answer, be honest.


No dude, I'm super pissed off that we have to wait a week.  And we don't even have any real NFL games to tide us over either.  Football's so close that we can taste it, but we have to wait a week.  It sucks.  My honest answer.  And I've never been in favor of the bye week, but then again, I was an independent on campus, so I pretty much gave a crap for what the frats did.

Now, as for a response to the second part of your email, you can't understand our history or traditions.  You don't know the handshake.


Honestly...it doesn't bother me at all.  I think I'd be more annoyed with an idle week in the middle of the season.  I love 10 straight Saturdays of football.  

And for the record, we have no idea if Wabash doesn't play in week 1 because of rush...that was just a theory tossed out as a possible reason (by an independent no less).  Really, most of the rush for this year would have taken place between Aug. 22 and Aug. 26 (actually a good portion of the rush for the '05-'06 freshman happens during Honor Scholar weekend five months earlier) and wouldn't interfere with a week 1 game anyhow.  
"Nothing in the world is more expensive than free."- The Deacon of HBO's The Wire