FB: North Coast Athletic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:05:01 AM

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The two deeps are posted on the website.  Franklin is TINY.  They match(ed) up relatively well with OWU's typically undersized line, but I don't see that happening this week. 

Solid game notes from B. Harris this week...I'm lovin' the new website.  Great work as always. 
"Nothing in the world is more expensive than free."- The Deacon of HBO's The Wire


not sure if it's been discussed or not, but I was wondering what happened to Wabash's former RB Lafitte (sp?)?  I remember him transferring to either Arizona or ASU and hearing a bunch of talk about him getting PT this year from some Wabash people.  I checked both teams' rosters and he's not on either one.  Any info for me?  Thanks


Quote from: gobash on September 06, 2006, 11:06:55 AM
I could be persuaded to attend, given that at least one of my two demands are met, as per my doctrine.

The Gobash Manifesto:
To ensure my attendance at any one event, one of two things, but preferrably both, must be provided.

1.  Beer
2. Wabash College Football

You have my demands, I will await your call.

Your demands have been met. 
"Nothing in the world is more expensive than free."- The Deacon of HBO's The Wire


For 'Bash faithful...future for Andrew Hasty? Great kid and solid football player. Saw he was still listed as QB...will he remain there or move to safety?
Thanks for any intel...


Quote from: benbraddock on September 07, 2006, 09:03:02 PM
not sure if it's been discussed or not, but I was wondering what happened to Wabash's former RB Lafitte (sp?)?  I remember him transferring to either Arizona or ASU and hearing a bunch of talk about him getting PT this year from some Wabash people.  I checked both teams' rosters and he's not on either one.  Any info for me?  Thanks

last i heard Lafitte was general manager for Foot Locker in Arizona...may try for a professional team but only if he gets a foot in the door...
Boo Creepy Foot Doctor, Hooray Beer.


Sounds like he took a page outta BJ's book... Springfield branch Foot locker Employee of the Year!
Has been Scot living vicariously through others... livin the good life



        NCAC- Fans, why always the ref: to Ben at Kenyon, what did I miss, I am only one season  old, to this site! I think the ref: might be  to a little used center from Fla. He played most of the second half vs Grinnell and did a nice job with the second "O"., Kenyon was playing 2nd and 3rd string guys early in the second half. The Lords have work to do on the "D", but the "O" has a chance to put up some scarry numbers. With Kenyons wide open attack, and a great school, with an  outrageous   athletic facility, even better recruits will follow. As a expert on NCAC and Ohio Conf: and having some 40 + yrs of  D3 and OAC and NCAC, action under my belt, I have to say to the top 5 teams, this conf: is far better with more parity. If any of you think that Kenyon, did it last year because of mirrors, or however you non football playing authorities  think they won 6 games. Think again, Wooster would never have there head up there posterior that far, if you were at last yrs game, you would realize that the Scots played poorly,  and Kenyon has some fine weapons on the "O". The conf; can be cocky and take Kenyon lightly, or make excuses, or call them the weird bright guys on the hill. But the truth is,when I played, Kenyon could beat anyone in the NCAC and we competed against the big dogs in the OAC. Thats right if you do your homework, I played when a kid could have started in the OAC and then became a NCAC player.   And as to the expert comment, I only am an expert at one thing, finding week after week the best football the world has to offer. And that would be a fall afternoon in the town of a NCAC school  . You can have C-bus with all of its hoopla, and hoods, or  Notre Dame, and  its lets make money on every blade of grass in South  Bend. I would rather be in Sprigfield, Crawfordsville or even Hiram, I love this conf; and don't you guys agree that the people afilliated with these schools, are for the most part class acts. Parents, family members and students alike at these schools are always nice to meet with few exceptions! 


"Nothing in the world is more expensive than free."- The Deacon of HBO's The Wire


and the congregation says "Amen"...btw, Herald...just a few ...or , or .
Boo Creepy Foot Doctor, Hooray Beer.


Ben -

Lafitte...?  ASU did not work out from what I have heard.  It will be interesting to see where he ends up.  I hope his career is not over, along with pursuing a college degree.  Too much talent.

HoosierQBscout - not a lot of detail on Hasty other then he is a great kid and super hard worker.  If Huff uses his 5th year (next season) which is the plan, I'd think he would switch positions.  Not sure but one would think.  I have only heard positive things about Andrew.

An interesting thought about tomorrow's Bash/Franklin game - Coach Leonard (Franklin) was our NCAA rep last year and saw our playoff games vs. Albion & Capital.  Any advantage?  Not a big deal?

FirstDown - any Whittier updates?  I hope all is well on the West coast.  I'll send a good luck email later today.


hey all, new to this board...

but from a couple of guys that know lafitte from arizona, he got kicked off of the team for some "inappropriate actions," despite being the number one running back in camp. he was expected to see some serious playing time this year. however, now that he's gone from ASU, there are rumors circulating about a return to wabash next year? the rest of the NCAC better pray that those rumors remain just that...or else...!



Welcome.  A couple of thoughts.

Positive:  From what I know, Lafitte was playing well at ASU on the football field but was not happy, satisfied, fit in (choose the word) there.  I do not believe he was "kicked off of the team".  I believe it simply wasn't a good mesh and he is no longer a student at the University. 

Negative:  I caution not to spread a rumor "for some 'inappropriate actions'".  Man, that is easy to say/paint on and hard to get the tar off.  I don't know what "inappropriate actions" mean and, unless solidified by some judicial or administrative body after a full airing, my knowledge is what I personally know: Lafitte is the good kid he was while at Wabash and a student in good standing academically ... that we KNOW. 

I for one, wish him the best and believe his original transfer to ASU was a stupid venture for a young person who got his head turned.  Would love to believe your second rumor (which is positive) ... that he might just return ... fun for us ... and good for him.



where did that burst of Woo posters come from a few pages back?


So this Claremont...I searched them online, is it the school in Cali??  That is a long drive to gurantee a win.


Yep...Kenyon is starting their season with trips to Iowa and California.  Then have two more road games in Delaware and Cleveland.  I think they finally get a home game sometime in October. 
"Nothing in the world is more expensive than free."- The Deacon of HBO's The Wire