FB: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:06:06 AM

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If Adrian holds Hope to 14 points I'd be very surprised.  I've been wrong before and I'm going to be wrong again.  But it is fun just to go out on a limb.  Is this limb cracking right now...???

Not saying the D at AC isn't that good, but I just think Hope's Oline is much better than the Dline at Adrian.  Maybe I'm wrong, but I've seen both these teams and I see a much better Oline at Hope and a much better offense at Hope.   With all the talk down at Adrian, if they lose three in a row...are the jobs safe?  I've heard rumors around the league about the coaches down at Adrian.  I'd hate to see that happen in the MIAA.  I just don't think the "hot seat" should be here at DIII, when you get kids that come to school for football and academics and not on athletic scholarships....you know.

Olivet is somebody I really like.  I like that D they put on the field.  I thing they have the best D in the league.  Great players at the OC, but their O is questionable, but if they don't get greedy, they'll be alright. 

My question is this...if Rundle loses a couple more is he done at Albion?  Any other coaches on the hot seat?


Things are getting a little more defined in the MIAA.

Hope and Olivet have stepped up to show they are the leaders in the MIAA.

TSU is playing tougher than expected and continuing the rapid rise in the Conference.

Albion and Alma are struggling with young teams and lack of consistency.

Kazoo looks to have awide open offense but lack of D and depth are hurting them.

WLC has been improving I think the change in leagues will help. Not as many long trips for games, more local compeition and more instate recruits to follow.

Almm at Albion both teams under performing in my mind, youth in starting line-ups and key positions is evident. I will go with Albion in a high scoring game.

Kazoo at WLC I will take Kazoo I like the offense to outscore WLC.

TSU at Olivet 2 tough defenses, I think Olivet has the best defense in the league and it will show in a low scoring game. Olivet is confident and will not let this game get away with the chance to win the league this year.

Hope at Adrian  Adrians defense has been tough and the game is at home for the Dawgs. I just do not see Adrian putting enough points on the board or holding Hope down low enough for the win.

The Hope / Olivet game will be a contrast in styles in a couple weeks.
Will Hopes offense still be able to run on Olivets fast and aggressive D?
Olivet is not a passing team and that is were Hope is vunerable.
olivet pounds out the yards and plays field position.
This will be the game of the year.



I never gave any thought to Rundle being in any trouble at Albion.

I do not think they have the talent this year, very young in key positions.
Lost too much on defense with both starting LB whom should be Seniors out this year. If you look at the defensive lapses it is power runs and out side cut backs.
LB play with experience would address this issue. I would like to see more rotation on the Dline of fresh players and also a little more bringing the LB on Blitzs or run blitz to support. Some atheletes in secondary though young bode well for the next couple years. same story on Dline very young but some good atheletes that will mature with the amount of time they are getting as under classmen.

The offense can not maintain a drive. I do some times question the calls but that is the fan in us. Too many breakdowns in assignments on Oline for me.
I would like to see some passes in the flats or crossing patterns everything is deep in the passing game.


Will toss my picks in here even though I have been off the board for a couple weeks.

Hope @ Adrian - Hope is scoring lots o points. Hope wins. This will be a very good game and if I could afford the gas would travel to see this one.
Alma @ Albion - Tough pick for evenly matched teams. Home crowd gets the win.
Kazoo @ WLC - Gotta win one for the home crowd.
TSU @ Olivet - Is the stat correct? Olivet only 21 points against? Sorry TSU, looks like you are up against a shut down D. If TSU pulls out the W, I would not concider it an upset.

By the way - the scoreboard at WLC is awesome. Third largest in WI to the Packers and the Badgers. Cannot wait until they get the whole stadium area finished.


Completely off topic but has been discussed before on site.

Is it me or does it seem that Scholarships and Grants are less and harder to get than in the past?

The GPA inflation I see is huge, especially when you look at the ACT writing results compared to the schools teaching the ACT test so schools the district looks good on MEAP.

Obviously I am in the College search game again for a Senior this year.

MIAA is looking better all the time, after reviewing educational value vs. cost in State Schools and out of state National Universities.


I agree with you regarding the term "upset" not applying to this weekend's MIAA games.  As you say, any of these teams have the capacity to win as no one is displaying "powerhouse" football at this point.  I would even venture to say that an "upset" wouldn't be in "play" regarding whoever ends up winning the AQ, including if it comes down to the Hope/Olivet game being the contest for the championship.  Of recent, Hope/Olivet games have been tough nosed football games.  But alas...I need to refrain from looking ahead too far. ;)

HOF and D306:
Some general thoughts on yours.  First, I agree with you and DAWG in the following aspects;  Hope's OLIne has been playing tremendously well the last 3 weeks and seems to finally have found their "groove".  However, I also agree that Hope's defense is vulnerable with regard to the passing game.  While their defense has done well of recent, as some of us have noted previously, the secondary has been the "Achilles heel" this season.  If Adrian concentrates on putting up a good passing game, that could be the key.  I still see that game as a close one and while I think Hope will win, it is not going to be easy since it is at Adrian, barring a total Adrian collapse.  From what I hear from "inside" sources, however, I believe that Adrian will be very ready this week. 

As to the topic of DIII being a "hot-seat" for coaches, I agree that at this level it should not be.  However, in recent years, that has not been the case in some instances.  At some of our league schools, there indeed has been some pressure on coaches for performance which has factored into their being retained or not.  As to the Rundle situation, you are/were aware of some of the paramiters of that the last couple of years with regards to the differences of opinion with the former administration regarding direction, philosophy of the program i.e. you recall he was seeking and almost had the DePauw job.  Obviously, I don't know the "inside" details at present, however, it appears that with the change in administration/president coming on the scene, this might/may have improved.  On the other hand, for sure, some Albion alumni would like to see a change made.  After the long powerhouse streak in the '90's under Schmidt, this varying records in years has been a little worrisome to some  as I have heard.  It will be interesting to see what happens at the end of this season, depending on how Albion ends up, although I am not saying or predicting that Rundle will leave.  You guys know more inside info than I at present.

Concerning the "tangential" topic i.e. grants/scholarships, first, I don't think any of us consider it "off-topic" per se, but rather relevant to these boards in the overall "picture".  Anyway, I would agree that these are becoming more difficult to obtain.  Having gone through the process recently as well, I would also say that indeed, the MIAA schools are a bargin compared to other small colleges and universities in surrounding states as they are roughly about $10,000 less than many of those schools (and the academics just as good - if not better in some cases).  Yet, the bottom line is that it comes down to a variety of factors for one's son or daughter in making their decision i.e. the specific academic tract (some out-of-state schools might offer a degree not available at the other schools), distance one wants to be away from home which includes the parents, again, grants and scholarships offered by one school vs. the others, the "feel", structure and layout of the campus including the "atmosphere" presented by the students, faculty, etc. to visiting prosepective students and their families, and, of course, the athletic programs and specific opportunities for the prospective student-athlete including the "#'s" game. 

I'm not telling you guys anything you don't already know with regards to the above aspects and I'm sure that you have some others that I have missed or perhaps not experienced or thought of.  Nonetheless, just thought I would share some general comments in response to the topic which you mentioned.  Again, I feel it is good to share and discuss these other tangential aspects here as it is insightful, helpful to many I'm sure.  Besides, for those of us who have been through this experience in recent years, it brings back a ton of memories! ;) ::) 
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice


I forgot to add/mention one aspect with respect to the grants/scholarships, etc.;  even if these are small in amounts that our sons or daughters might receive from whatever source, every little bit helps for sure!!! ;D
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice


Okay you guys, it is pretty dead in here while the other boards are "chatting up a storm"! ;)  That means either 1) you guys are working hard at your places of employment on the Friday before TGIF and those guys are "goofing off", or 2) you've said it "all" already about this weekend's MIAA games i.e. nothing left to say but for the players to just "play the games" tomorrow and/or 3) a combination of all the above in #1 and #2! ;D :D ;) ::)

As I said in an earlier post, the weather reports the other day for the weekend said it was going to be nice (like mid-afternoon yesterday a nice breezy sunny/partly cloudy very comfortable October fall day before the tornados and severe thunderstorms hit here in Michigan and Indiana, Chicago and parts south Mississippi, Texas, Georgia, etc.).  However, right now it is cold-er, cloudy, windy and looks like it might rain.  I hope this clears by tomorrow - we'll all have to watch the weather reports on the late news this evening (or check the Weather Channel is better I guess! ;D).
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice


NOAA for Adrian, MI says.....

Mostly sunny, with a high near 70. Breezy, with a west wind between 14 and 21 mph, with gusts as high as 29 mph.

Sounds like  a nice day to run the football.


Thanks, friend, for that good news.  Now, if only our Hope team will cooperate in the same way! ;)
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice


Wow, I didn't expect my single sentence about the difference between Hope's and Adrian's pre-conference schedules to get such a reaction.  I stand by my observation.  Hope has had a much tougher pre-conference schedule than Adrian, but don't read more into it than that.  It's not a criticism of this year's Adrian team.  In fact, I hope they do knock off the Dutchmen and make the MIAA race even more interesting.  (Sorry, formerd3db.)  Here's hoping for good weather, and good, clean football tomorrow.



No offense taken! :)  Of course, you want Adrian to knock off Hope as you want the best for help for your own team - nothing wrong with that and it is only natural.  At any rate, you need not worry about causing a stir about the scheduling debate.  I have to somewhat disagree with my good friend bulldogalum - he is very correct about Adrian as a team having to be ready and doing so in regards to whomever they play in the non-conference games.  However, one of the aspects that critics have leveled at them is that they indeed have played some "cream-puff" teams for those early games - no way around it, that is a fact.

Now before bulldogalum and DAWG and ACRULZ all blast me for that, allow me to say that my own theory and argument in reverse of that with respect to gaining experience for the eventual NCAA playoffs should one's team win the AQ (putting aside the fact that anyone's team obviously wants to gain good experience and from their non-conference games and be prepared for the soon to follow league games), is that it doesn't seem to be working for my Hope team! ;)  In recent years, Hope has returned to playing tougher non-league opponents (like we did way back in my day when we played some DII teams, and like Alma has periodically for the last couple of decades and sometimes Albion does currently does also) and in theory, that should eventually (make take 3-4 years or so) propel a team to be accustomed to playing upper tier talent and thus translate into success in the playoffs.  However, that has not happened for Hope or any of the MIAA teams that have made the playoffs since Albion's 1994 national championship as we all know.

I am at a loss to explain why this has not been working for Hope.  Still, I can't but believe that in the long run, a team will eventually benefit and become stronger for post-season experience by playing upper level talent in the early non-conference games.  Of course, there are some of our colleagues who believe otherwise and also that such a philosophy/system runs perhaps a higher risk of injuries, confidence/attitude problems, etc. and perhaps they might be right to a degree on some of those aspects.  Anyway, time will tell most likely and I think we could make a judgment then once a team gives such a system an adequate trial of several consecutive years.  That might blow my theory out of the water entirely,; then again, perhaps not and moreover, it just might make things more confusing and unable to make a decision either way! ;D  How's that for a "bunch of mumbo-jumbo" rambling on a topic??!!! ::)  Let me know what your own opinions/theory on this is.  We've discussed this multiple times here on this board (and others have on the other boards as well), however, IMO, it is always an interesting topic and discussion.  Thanks.
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice


Weather Channel for Olivet, MI says...
Sunny, gametime temp average 64.  Winds W-SW at 17 mph diminishing later.  Huh... they say threating thunder will be present throughout the afternoon?

SAC:  Your mention of the directional wind gusts and the running game got me thinking.  As long as I've been around the game I've never given this aspect of the game much serious thought:  Is there a legal compass point orientation for a gridiron.  Recently I've noticed fields run north-south (hence the phrase - he's a north-south runner).  I also suppose a N to S field gives no advantage to either team looking into the late sun, or being affected by the westerly prevailing winds.  However, I remember playing on east-west running fields, but they were older stadiums.  Is there a requirement?  I hope I'm not the only one on the planet that does not know this, I've just never given it much thought.

Guys, we all know every game this weekend is a crucial game, and that the finest of men are prepared to play them.   Only 4 can know victory.  Wishing all the opportunity to be "perfect" (ie...Friday Night Lights).  MIAA FOOTBALL - Gotta love it!     

Ralph Turner


I read your post about the MIAA.

I have another take about the MIAA and football in D3 in 2007.

Look who was in D3 in 1994...

Not the Northwest Conference.

Not the American Southwest Conference.

Trinity TX had not won a D3 playoff game.

In 1993, Pac Lutheran beat Westminster PA in the NAIA-II championship game.
In 1994, Westminster PA returned the favor 27-7 over PLU.

There was a 16-game playoff.  Look at the distribution of those teams in the playoffs.  No WIAC team is represented.

The whole game of football has changed.  The emphasis in some schools with a more highly visible playoff system has changed.  I think that a different athlete is playing in D3.

Since the playoffs have gone to the Pool system in 1999, the MIAA has not won a post-season game.  I believe that the factors above have something to do with it.

Ralph Turner

Deacon Blue,

There is no requirement for the field to run north-south.

Jackson Field, Sul Ross State University in Alpine TX, runs east-west along side the BNSF railroad. :)