FB: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:06:06 AM

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Mr. Ypsi

Quote from: ADAWGISADAWG4LIFE on November 20, 2007, 11:26:10 PM

It would be extermely odd for Miles to leave before the national championship game if they make it,   and it would also be very unlikely of michigan to apparoach that early.  It would cause Bo to roll in his grave if any recall his response to Arizona State hiring Michigans Bball coach away before the final four many years ago.

Combine that (and Bill Martin being well aware of that) with Martin saying the coach would be hired before the end of the year, and I'd say it will NOT be Miles.

Here's an idea from left field that might be good for UM (and would likely be good for 237 other schools in d3!) - hire Larry Kehres. ;)


Mr. Ypsi

That would be a great move for the other 237 schools in DIII, and it might end up being a great move for Michigan, but I would put the odds on that at about 10,000,000,000 to 1.  But hey, we can dream....


Quote from: ADAWGISADAWG4LIFE on November 21, 2007, 12:00:11 AM
I would put the odds on that at about 10,000,000,000 to 1.  But hey, we can dream....

.......so your saying....there's a chance!



Interesting topic we had a the Gym yesterday.

With more teams going to the "spread" and several more upsets of "powerhouse" programs in College football. Has the "recruit" profile for D1 colleges changed?

Are good athletes that are not "prototype" size players getting more attention and a shot? I know that many of the Big Ten and major colleges hae a official list of "measurements" players most reach IE: Height, Weight, 40 time, 225 REPS.

I am sure we all know young men that are great athletes and do not get noticed or marginal scholarship attention due to these profiles.
I think this is why many smaller and non traditional powerhouse teams are winning these games recently. In a lot of ways a player is a player, not everything is about these measurables.

To that end does this bode well for some of the DIII stand-out players in getting looks from the Pro Ranks? More and more I see slot recievers that are small,fast and run good routes. I think this also holds true for some DE, LB's good athletes but are "undersized"

Have a good Holiday drive safe. 
Watch the Lions VS Packers at your own Risk of spoiling another Holiday  LOL


d306----I think what the spread offense has done, is almost completely nullify the offensive and defensive line play.  This is where the big programs have always had the biggest advantage.  Everything is now designed to create one on one matchups between outside athletes, and frankly guys who can run are really a dime a dozen.    The offensive lines of a spread team are not required to engage the DL for very long on either a running or passing play, they need only occupy their man for 1 or 2 counts and usually the ball is already gone.  Therefore its not necessary for them to be big, strong and they can even be mildly talented.  The only requirement seems to be good footwork.

My personal belief is the two biggest reasons we have such parity now, is #1) the spread, and for the reason I outlined above.  #2)  The gap between facilities is really almost nothing today.   There has been a HUGE emphasis by most of the big time colleges to improve their facilites  in every aspect.  Everyone pretty much has the same basic weight training center that only the elite used to have.  #3) and it actually might be the biggest reason,  there are now 64 teams that will be participating in post season bowls.  Thats over half of Division 1.

Only 8 years ago in 1999 there were only 44 teams participating in bowls.  A bowl game gives you up to 5 extra weeks of practice as a team.  Things you cannot do if your sitting at home.

Think of it like this between Michigan and Michigan State, over the past 4 seasons Michigan has had 20 extra weeks of practice and 4 more games of experience.  How much better would MSU had been with the same extra practice time.  So Michigan has had almost an entire extra season of practice.  I'm sure thats played a part in the 6 straight victories, among other minor miracles on the field.

  If you want to know why it always seems like the same teams end up in the post-season D1AA, D2 and D3 tournaments, its mainly because of all the extra practice time they rack up during the post season.

Grand Valley State, has turned the GLIAC season into the most boring pointless display of a conference season there is, over the past 4 years GVSU has been able to practice 20 extra weeks and has played about 16 more games than their conference foes, thats a whole seasons worth of games and then some.  Thats a HUGE advantage.

Beyond just the 3 reasons I've outlined, you can add in scholarship limits (more on that latter), kids wanting to play NOW, and the general gameday experience improvements that a number of Universities have done.   In 1990 going to an Oregon or Kansas State game was not an event, but it is now.  In the Big 10 you need look no further than Wisconsin.  These are just more programs that add to the pool of the top programs competeing for kids.

People throw out the scholarship limits as a reason but I tend to disagree with that, those have been around for 20 years now, and we didn't have unranked teams beating top 5's at the current rate back then.  The only real, glaring thing the scholarship limits have done, is put teams that suffer a rash of  injuries in dire straits.  See UM 2005, 2007.  But thats been going on for years now.

For me at least, I believe #1 and #2 are the primary reasons for parity.  The spread gives teams of lessor talent the ability to compete, it just becomes a game of one on one matchups in space.  I find it incredibly boring football to watch a QB stand in the shotgun......look over to the sideline with his whole team, take a snap, fake to the rb and wing it out to a WR for a 3 yard gain.  Every time.  I don't enjoy watching 45-35 games as much as I do 24-20 slugfests.

The weight training facilites are all basically equal, its pretty hard to go to any division 1 campus and not see construction on some football facility somewhere.  Heck even GVSU is getting and indoor football building.

So these are my explinations, would love to hear others.


sac and D306:

Great comments.  I think all those factors are involved.   Yet, I also believe that the "facilities" aspect can be applied to DIII.  A great number of DIII schools have had to do this as well just to "keep up with the Jones'", particularly the very smaller DIII schools who historically in some cases have had a difficult time competing in recruiting with the bigger DIII schools and ones who have had established and more successful programs.  Although it is still a factor to some degree, the "cost factor" for most of the DIII schools is pretty much the same anymore, although not completely.  By that, I mean (as we had discussed recently on another board these similar topics), for example some of the DIII schools in Ohio are about $10,000 more than in our state (and this cost applies the same for in-state and out-of-state students in some cases in Ohio).  Thus, in many instances, a prospective student-athlete (let's stick to fb) might as well just stay in-state in Michigan since the cost difference is not as much as a factor, unless there is an academic program at an out-of-state school not available at one of the in-state colleges and/or they just really want to go further away in regards to location for their college experience (and perhaps even because a particular campus setting - the latter is not a "far-fetched" consideration i.e. it is a legit one for some students.
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice


Is there really any talk of Kirk Ferentz up in Michigan? We here in Iowa dont really believe it, and dont really want him to leave with the 2 seasons weve had it would be hard to get a coach equal to him to replace him! Just wonder what the news is up there!
30 IIAC Championships
20 Division III Playoff Appearances

Mr. Ypsi


His name has been on most of the lists, but they are often pretty long lists.  One thing nearly everyone seems to forget is that MOST Michigan coaches were 'nobodies' when first hired (Schembechler's hiring was greeted with newspaper headlines of 'Bo Who?')  It would not surprise me a bit if the eventual hiring was someone not on any of the current (public) lists.



Great comments folks.

I think you hit many of the same points I also believe are significant.

Look at the WAC and many other smaller conferences all the games are 40+ points for both teams.
Any team can win in this type of game, the ball is always in the air big plays are made defensively as well as offensively.

I think that more DIII players will be making the step to the Pro's also, due to the Spread. Look at a couple of the Lions WR these guys are not very big at all yet they are fast and fearless.

I also think this is why there is a few "smaller" DE out there now. They are speed rushers or LB's that can run well. Somehow you need to get pressure on the QB and force throws before the route is completed. I also like to see the DB bump the WR off the line. I think with so many smaller LB and DB players as teams look for "Athletes" as they call them that Tackling is a lost art. IE: Dre Bly great cover and instincts he can jump route well. That said he could not tackle a TE or Big Reciever unless he caught them off balance while making the catch.

All this said The Pats are amazing this year, they are just blowing teams away, every play is specifically targeted even when the game is already won. I think they have a point to prove about the "Camera" issue.


Quote from: Mr. Ypsi on November 21, 2007, 07:48:17 PM

His name has been on most of the lists, but they are often pretty long lists.  One thing nearly everyone seems to forget is that MOST Michigan coaches were 'nobodies' when first hired (Schembechler's hiring was greeted with newspaper headlines of 'Bo Who?')  It would not surprise me a bit if the eventual hiring was someone not on any of the current (public) lists.

Good point, Im just saying its harder for us at Iowa to replace a guy like Ferentz (national coach of the year 04 I think) especially coming off 2 6-6 seasons.
30 IIAC Championships
20 Division III Playoff Appearances


I think Ferentz' name is coming up more because Michigan's president, Mary Sue Coleman, came from Iowa than anything.

Ferentz is a good coach, but would be a tough sell to Wolverine fans because of his record the last three years.


Just wanted to wish a happy thanksgiving to all, if youre driving drive safe and if youre eating eat way to much!


I would also like to join the others in wishing everyone a blessed and enjoyable Thanksgiving Day.  Despite any differences of opinion, problems at work, relationships, or with life in general, let's all just put those aside for today and give thanks and focus on the positive aspects we have had.  One quote that I recently came across, have on my desk at home and look at everyday before going to work is the following:  "When you awaken each day, thank God that you have something to do today regardless of whether you want to do it or not"  (can't recall who penned it right now).  Anyway, as DAWG said, safe travels to everyone and again have a great Thanksgiving Day today.

"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice


Quote from: blb on November 22, 2007, 09:21:51 AM
I think Ferentz' name is coming up more because Michigan's president, Mary Sue Coleman, came from Iowa than anything.

Bingo, nothing more than speculation because they've worked together before.