FB: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:06:06 AM

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Wabash Always Fights!


I found out a few years ago that it was an all guys school.  For most people I know that would be a challenge.  I guess the most important thing in college is academics, and then athletics.  I guess it would have been nice if they had a "sister" college.   


There's a lot more to college than just academics and athletics.  Academics certainly are higher priority than athletics, but there is way more to it than just class and sports. 

Wabash doesn't have a particular need for a "sister" school...C'ville is a surprisingly popular destination for coeds from colleges and universities all over Indiana.  The opportunities to socialize with the fairer gender are plenty.  Don't feel too sorry for Wabash men.   :)
"Nothing in the world is more expensive than free."- The Deacon of HBO's The Wire


Q: What does a Michigan girl say after sex?
Q: "Get off me dad, you're crushing my cigarettes."

Q: What's the difference between Ann Arbor and a Porcupine?
A: There's 100,000 pricks on the inside of Ann Arbor.

Q: What do you call two good looking women walking through the Michigan Campus?
A: Visitors!

Q: What do Michigan football and marijuana have in common?
A: They both get smoked in bowls!

Q: What's the difference between a Michigan fan and a carp?
A: One is a bottom-feeding, scum sucker, and the other is a fish.

Q: How many Michigan fans does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: One, but he gets 3 credits.

Q: Where was O.J. hiding right before the famous white Bronco chase?
A: On the Michigan campus. That's the last place you would find a football player.

Q: Why do they throw out a sack of manure at University of Michigan weddings?
A: To keep the flies off the bride.

Q: Why don't University of Michigan fans let their kids play in sand boxes?
A: Because cats keep covering them up.

A University of Michigan fan walks into a doctor's office and removes his hat to reveal a frog sitting on his head. The doctor asks, "How can I help you?" The frog replies, "I was wondering if you could help me get this wart off my butt."

Q: Did you hear about the University of Michigan fan who locked his keys in his car?
A: He couldn't get his family out.

Q: Why do University of Michigan fans keep their diplomas on their dashboards?
A: So they can park in handicap spaces.

Two University of Michigan fans were walking down the street when they came upon a dog lying on the sidewalk licking and cleaning his groin like dogs do. The first University of Michigan fan says to the second, "Boy, I wish I could do that." The second University of Michigan fan replies, "Yeah, me too. But I wouldn't try it." The first University of Michigan fan asks, "Why not?" The second University of Michigan fan replies, "Because I'm afraid the dog might bite me."

Q: Did you hear about the power outage at the University of Michigan library?
A: Forty students were stuck on the escalator for three hours.

Q: Did you hear about the fire in University of Michigan's football dorm that destroyed 20 books?
A: The real tragedy was that 15 hadn't been colored yet.

Q: Do you know why the University of Michigan football team should change its name to the "Opossums"?
A: Because they play dead at home and get killed on the road.

Q: Did you hear the story about the semi-truck carrying pigs that flipped over on the University of Michigan campus?
A: The officials had to check ID's before letting anyone back on board.

Q: What does the average University of Michigan student get on his SAT?
A: Drool.

Q: What do you get when you breed a groundhog and a University of Michigan?
A: Six more weeks of bad football.

Q: What should you do if you find three University of Michigan fans buried up to their neck in cement?
A: Get more cement.

General Schwarzkopf was walking through the desert during the Gulf War when he found a lamp on the ground. He picked it up, rubbed, and out came a genie. The genie said to the General, "I will grant you one wish." The General replied, "I wish that we will win this war. Here is a map of the desert and all the war parties. Please make us win the war." The genie responded, "I'm not that powerful of a genie. I cannot grant you that wish." "Well," the General responds, "then can you have University of Michigan win a bowl game this year?" After a moment, the genie says, "Let me see that map again."

Q: How do you make University of Michigan cookies?
A: Put them in a big Bowl and beat for 3 hours.

Q: What do you get when you cross a University of Michigan fan and a pig?
A: Nothing. There's some things that a pig will not do.

Q: How many University of Michigan freshman does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None, it's a sophomore course.

Q. What did the Michigan graduate say to the Ohio State graduate?
A. "Welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order, please?"

Did you hear about the Wolverine fan who was so upset that the Buckeyes beat Michigan that he tried to commit suicide by jumping out his basement window?

It was reported that Michigan head football coach Lloyd Carr will only be dressing twenty players for the Ohio State game. The rest of the players will have to get dressed by themselves.

Q: How do you get a Michigan grad off of your front porch?
A: Pay him for the pizza.

Q: What's the only sign of intelligent life in Ann Arbor?
A: Columbus: 187 Miles

Four college alumni were climbing a mountain one day: an Ohio State grad, a Michigan grad, a Penn State grad, and a Notre Dame grad. Each proclaimed to be the most loyal of all fans at their alma mater. As they climbed higher, they argued as to which one of them was the most loyal of all. They continued to argue all the way up the mountain, and finally as they reached the top, the Notre Dame grad hurled himself off the mountain, shouting "This is for the Fighting Irish!" as he fell to his doom. Not wanting to be out done, the Penn State grad threw himself off the mountain proclaiming, "This is for the Nittany Lions!" Seeing this the OSU grad walked over and shouted "This is for the Buckeyes!" and pushed the Wolverine off the side of the mountain.

A guy in a bar leans over to the guy next to him and says, "Wanna hear a Michigan joke?" The guy next to him replies, "Well before you tell that joke, you should know something. I'm 6' tall, 200 lbs., and I am a Michigan grad. The guy sitting next to me is 6 ' 2" tall, weighs 225, and he's a Michigan grad. The fella next to him is 6 ' 5" tall, weighs 250, and he's a Michigan grad. Now, you still wanna tell that joke?" The first guy says, "No, not if I'm gonna have to explain it three times."

I find easily offended people rather offensive!

Statistics are like bikinis; what they reveal is interesting, what they hide is essential.


There's seriously not a better place to do that?  Wow. 

I was listening to Rome at lunch today...some Buckeye fan called in railing all things Wolverine.  Really not a bad call until he got to a score prediction.  Jeff in Columbus called it....OSU is going to roll it up on UM by a final score of 27 to 27. 

The next hour's worth of calls and emails were priceless.  I can't make this stuff up....it's on the webpage.  Check it out.


The one thing that Michigan has always been able to hold over OSU (other than their monstrous edge in the overall series) is that UM is a better school than OSU (it is) and that UM kids are smarter than OSU kids (they are).  Then Jeff comes on and proves the point.  Awesome, awesome stuff....this all coming from a guy (me) who could care less who wins that game. 
"Nothing in the world is more expensive than free."- The Deacon of HBO's The Wire


Agreed, Wally, but alot of it is funny--some good material for The Bell Game chat room next year?  One wonders how long the Ohio folks have been collecting the list, or how the Ann Arbor list of jokes compares?  Those of us who live in southern Indiana have a similar list for our friends across the river in Kentucky.  Oh, well...

Michigan by 7 (UofM that is) ... while WABASH ALWAYS FIGHTS!! 



See you beneath the scoreboard at end of 1st half.
Full response to you on the North Coast board.
Travel safe.  See you tomorrow.


Good luck to Albion tomorrow!  (Hard for an ALMA grad to say that!)  Represent the MIAA well.  As many have said on this board, it should be a good game with two great programs.  Go Brits!


An alma grad huh, theres nothing wrong with that.  The Great Coach Pete Schmidt was an Alma Grad and went on to coach Albion College, and give us our lone national championship (1994).  Anyway, it should be an interesting matchup coming up at noon.  I will definitely be there.  I was thinking about driving there myself, but we have fan transportation which leaves around 6am from our college.  We should be there by about 11ish or so.  I hope to see many of you there.  Remember my face will be painted purple...and you can't miss me.   Hope it ends up being a pleasant day of football!  Go Brits!   

Li'l Giant

Congrats to Albion on a great season.

My computer crashed and I had to listen to the Albion broadcast as the Wabash stream was tapped out. Your broadcast crew was good. Very knowledgeable and professional.

Thanks for the good game and good luck next year, Britons.

"I believe in God and I believe I'm gonna go to Heaven, but if something goes wrong and I end up in Hell, I know it's gonna be me and a bunch of D3 officials."---Erik Raeburn

Quote from: sigma one on October 11, 2015, 10:46:46 AMI don't drink with the enemy, and I don't drink lattes at all, with anyone.


Congrats to Albion for a valient effort today and representing our MIAA.   
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice


Apparently Tri-State's Head Coach Frey has been released from duties.  The website lists an assistant as the interim head coach.  Anyone have info on this?
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice


Anyone?  What did you think about the All-MIAA selections last week?  I was somewhat surprised - not sure I agree with some of the selections.  But nonetheless, congratulations to all those selected to all the teams, 1st, 2nd and Honorable Mention.

BTW, wish some of you would join me here in some occasional discussion.  I'm going to get a complex in being "the lone poster" on our board if this continues! ;D
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice


I was in Crawfordsville, Indiana, the game was definitely ugly.  I feel the first possession on offense for Albion really set the tone of the game.  With Wabash being up 7-0, Albion got the ball back, and they appeared to score a touchdown, but the referees ruled it incomplete (he didnt hold it long enough, and then dropped it).  There was a crucial point in the game when they were down 24-6, when Albion had a punt blocked and it was recovered in the end zone for a 31-6 lead.  Albion had chances, but Wabash was the more dominant team in the game.  Albion's defense was on the field way too long.  Our offense couldnt capatilize.  On the first possession from a possible touch down, an interception was thrown.  Giving a good effort is important, but in the final game story the only stat that matters is whether you scored more points than the other teams......and there was no W.  I congratulate Albion on winning the MIAA.  However, reality is, still the MIAA hasnt won a game since the playoffs expanded.  I don't know if the problem lies in recruiting, or is it that the region record is poor.  In order to prepare for the playoffs there must be a tougher non conference schedule.  MIAA teams are flopping like no other in the Football playoffs.  Since Albion won the 1994 National Championship, I believe no current member of the MIAA has won a playoff game.  Bottom line:  We need to be competetive in the playoffs, and hopefully have another team claim the hardware.  Our conference is seen weak in football, but I feel that it will improve.  I hope our conference will get the respectability as it does in basketball!     


I too was very surprised at some of the selections. Too dissapointed to post. Congrats to those that made the selections. Many names not on the lists that I think could have been there, many, many names that should have been switched around. Guess name recognition goes a long way in making the selections, as do repeat winners.

I will try to help you out in not being the lone poster but job duties have been changed and I find less time to even get to this site much less post.