FB: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:06:06 AM

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I forgot to mention that in addition to the upgrading of facilities, schools like Olivet and Trine have really improved their academic programs and a wide variety of degress offered it seems.
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice


Brehm transferred from Michigan Tech I believe.  He was from Ithaca, just down the road from Alma.  Alma gets most of its players from mid Michigan, with some from metro Detroit and a few kids from northern Michigan as well.

This Wayne State transfer sounds interesting.


Does anyone know if Steve Wasil Fomer Albion QB is playing FB this year.
I just saw an article that says he has left the team, and Muskegon is looking for a QB.

Did he leave for another team, or decide to stop playing?

Nothing new to report on the Recruit side of things, hear some names but no actual info to share.

Spring Ball starts soon hopefully we can get a feel for a few teams.
Hopefully all the teams will list the returning players as I see Hope and Albion have.


Word i have heard on Alma's Wayne State transfer is that he is a books only scholarship kid who from Wayne State.  Very credible sources indicate this.

Brehm was a unique transfer who left Michigan Tech when the school decided to cut funding for the football program and before it was brought back through private funding.  At least thats my understanding on Brehm and the new transfer possibility.  Alma would be very well served to stay the course with McGrady as he is a very good qb and also a dual threat which is a huge asset in their system I.M.O.


Looks like Adrian will be getting some form of indoor practice facility.  Apparently now that hockey season is over the ice will be taken up and field turf will be installed.  Its not U of M, but its better than most DIII colleges can offer!


The indoor idea is a great use of the building.

Multiple sports teams could get some prcatice time in the building during the off season.

Looks to me like the MIAA is stepping up to the plate with improved Campus offerings.
I think it is required with the cost of College and the way HS look now you have to impress the potential students, not only Academically but Visually as well.

Weather is finally breaking, Spring Ball coming up with at least no snow mounds on the field.


Help me here.  If this is true, how are we gonna put field turf down in the hockey arena and then tear up the field turf in the fall?  Just seems like they'd have to do some old school turf for this to work with all the tires that go into the new stuff.

And if the football team can use the indoor in the spring, wouldn't they want to go outside??  Hockey starts in August right?  So football wouldn't have it for the season, cause the ice would be down??

Help me...



Im not to clear on the particulars on how the turf will go down in the arena, i do know the ice is being taken up here shortly so thats gone, however I dont get how the field turf is going into the arena, the turf and rubber etc seems like it would be a hassle.  I heard one rumor that they are looking into how they can make it retractable i.e. the Arizona Cardinals stadium.  That doesnt seem feasible or cost effective on top of the fact that the ice arena wasnt built with anything like that in mind.  Id tell you more if I knew, but I dont know the real specifics.


ADAWG:  Thanks!  Sounds like a real sweet plan for AC.  I just think it might be watercooler talk, you know??  Whatever happened to the bubble they told all the recruits about a couple of years ago that was being thrown around this board?

Speaking a Brehm?  Did he ever make it?  What about Wallace?



There are ways to have synthetic turf rolled into place for various occasions.  Just depends on if Adrian wants to spend the $ for this.  As to the retractable roof for the stadium as originally proposed and on the architectural drawings, it was my understanding (from sources that will remain unnamed, of course,  ;D) that due to the costs involved and budget concerns (i.e. and in relation to all the other new athletic facilities and upgrades that are part of the Renaissance Program), that was one of the areas that had to be cut from the original design.  However, I also heard (from the same sources) that it could be added in a Phase II, if the college ever decides to impliment that.

While I agree that it would be some substantial cost for turf for inside (although certainly not as much as a full field), it would not be a waste for indoor practices for all the sports including football and soccer (or even baseball and lacrosse) in the spring.  Besides, when school is done for the summer, there is plenty of time between June and August 1st to return the ice in time for the start of late August/early September ice hockey pre-season practice.  In reality, all of this would not be such a bad idea, as many school teams have to end up renting indoor facilities for late winter/early spring practices (of course, again, all this would have to wait until the ice hockey season was completed, but that is not a problem in DIII).  BTW, speaking of ice hockey, Hope's team came in 5th place overall in this weekend's National Championships for the Amercian Association of Collegiate Hockey championships in Rochester, MN.  They lost only one game, but had they won that, it is very possible they might have won the national championship as they beat some top teams. 

As far as Brehm and Wallace, I heard that they played in one of the lower level Arean football leagues, however, I cannot recall where/who I heard that from i.e. can't substantiate it right now.  Perhaps our friend bulldogalum can help us out in that regard.

"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice


HOF, Formerd3db:

Taz Wallace is finishing school at Adrian right now.  I believe he still has some prospects but he is getting his degree which is a very wise thing to do.  I saw him the other day and he still looks to be in excellent shape if not better so than when he was playing.  Im not sure of his exact future plans, but getting the degree is hugely important and he has always realized that.


Thanks ADAWG.  I wish Taz Wallace luck.  I had a chance to meet him one day and what a class act he was.  You always root for somebody like that to do well.

Is Mike Lewis still playing?  Last I saw on here, it said he was playing in the Arena League 2?

Saw Rich Rod started practice down at UM Saturday.  Hard to believe that another college football season is upon us all.  I love this time of year when it starts staying lighter out longer and the weather temps keep rising.

ADAWG...I also saw on the Adrian website that Coach Rod Marinelli is in town Friday for a coaches clinic, not to mention some great coaches talking as well.  Are you attending the clinic??



It does look to be a very good clinic at Adrian this year, obviously Rod Marinelli is quite a draw.  The two coaches I would want to hear speak the most though would probably be Jason Mensing, who is a high school coach from tecumseh who will be speaking on the Wing T and then Jim Deere, Adrians DC who is a genius who will be talking about the Adrian 3-4 and 3-5 defenses and how to use them effectively.  I dont know yet whether or not I will be attending there may be some things that get in the way, work etc. but I'd really like to. 

I dont know if Mike Lewis is still playing or not, I just checked the Albany Conquest website where he played last year and he isnt listed on the roster.  Now I do know that he is playing.  Just checked the AFL2 website and it appears Mike Lewis will be playing for the Amarillo Dusters this season in the AFL2.  Congrats to Mike!


Taz Wallace Update:

Taz Wallace will be heading to Denmark to play football overseas.  He will be playing with the Triangle Razorbacks, one of the top level teams in the Danish American Football Federation, the Razorbacks actually winning the last two "Mermaid Bowls" the DAFF equivalent of the Super Bowl.  The team Taz will be joining posted a 9-1 record last regular season.  It is a 10 game season over there and the set up apparently is similar to the CFL.  The DAFF has been playing since 1988



While I obviously don't know the particulars other than what you've shared with us, that is probably a good opportunity for Taz, although I don't think one has to go that far away to continue their post-collegiate football career, unless the $ was the "thing".  If one has a chance to do that "once in a lifetime experience" i.e. experiencing another country while playing a sport; if one can afford that in both time (of their lives) and $, then why not?  For Taz and others in similar situations, this is probably the best time to do that - obviously in regards to their age/athletic ability in being able to do so as well as the "timing" i.e. right after finishing their degree.  On the other hand, as we all know, there will eventually come that time when it is realistically "time to hand up the cleats and get on with one's life".  That being said, I wish all the best to Taz in his next endeavor.
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice