FB: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:06:06 AM

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Trine returns alot from last years good team.
Should and probably will be the leagues preseason favorite when the coach's vote comes out.

I think until a MIAA team wins a playoff game and returns the majority of that team we will not see a top 25 ranking preseason for a MIAA team.

Do not think any deserve it until the league proves something.

By the way when is the league meeting? Did not see anything on a web search.



I think you are right.  Anyway, the league meeting is always the Thursday before camps open, usually the first week in August.  At Hope, football physicals are Thurs August 13th when the players report; as such, I suspect the league media day will be Thurs August 6th.  We'll obviously have to await the announcement, although I would expect that to be out any day soon.  Hope's first game is Sept 5th at Ill. Wesleyan and that is 3 weeks after the August 13th report date, which is the NCAA limit that teams can report for preseason, i.e. about 3 weeks before the first game.
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice



Thanks for the info.

I believe Albion reports the same day.
Albion also has Butler Sept 5th for the first game.
Start off with a tough game

I expect Hope to rebound from Last years rough season.
As always Hope has a brutal out of conference schedule.



You are welcome.  Likewise, I appreciate your updates here as well as I'm sure our MIAA board colleagues do.  Indeed, Hope always has a tough non-conference schedule.  Yet, I think it's obvious that we need to start winning some of those.  One would think that after a few years string of playing those type of schools/games, the "experience" would take effect and in essense upgrade the program i.e. which translates into, can we say... "playoff wins"?!!! ;D  At least that's always been my philosophy in general regarding that topic and situation.  Way back in my MIAA playing days, I believe that did help us, although, admittedly, the overall general "national" talent pool regarding schools was perhaps a little different than it is today.  By that I mean it perhaps was a little easier in one sense to get to that next level and compete with the better teams out of region because there were fewer more powerful teams in the "outer regeions" so to speak.  Yet, at the same time it was still difficult because once the MIAA allowed post-season play in football, the playoff spots were few making it really tough to achieve (I won't go into all that history since most of our people here are familiar with the MIAA fb playoff history including the "near misses" and "slights" in selections!).

Anyway, I am not sure (in my own mind) how we (Hope) will fare this year.  I would obviously hope we will be much better and improved, although one never knows.  IMO, it has been a rather strange last 3-4 years with all the MIAA teams in that while parity is finally making the scene, it is still unpredictable.  You've had different teams in the title run (Olivet, Trine, Alma) while others who traditionally have been in there (and should have) having some down years (Hope, Albion, and Alma too).  Maybe I'm just getting old, but even with following the pre-season scrimmage and practices, I am just not confident in being able to assess/predict how we'll start out.

As far as your Albion, for sure, I would expect them to rebound and be much better than last year.  Starting out with Butler will be a huge test.  While people have mocked/scoffed at Butler in more recent years as being basically a DIII level program even though they are DIAA non-scholarship, they will be much better as their new coach enters a second year.  Admittedly they had some down years, however, I believe they will rise back to the level of the somewhat tougher competition in their Pioneer DIAA league that is, if we're truthful, for most teams there a step up above most the DIII programs (and in some cases, on the level of some of the DII programs).

That being said, I still love it when a DIII team pulls and upset over a DII or DIAA non-scholarship program and Albion has done that.  I would not count them out this year either against Butler, so it should be interesting to see what happens.  Speaking of Butler regarding a tangential (and minor i.e. a very less important aspect), I was disappointed to see that they basically "demolished" their old stadium the Butler Bowl.  While they obviously wanted to (and needed to) keep up with the modern times and upgrade facilities by putting in new field, improving the seating, IMO, it was sad to see them essentially change the entire atmosphere there from that old college traditional stadium feel to just another nice modern field.  Their seating, while nice and also the field surrounded on the other side by some new dorms, just doesn't have that "neat old bowl stadium" feel.  On the other hand, I guess they also figured since the "times have changed" with regard to their situation, it was time to change the "digs" to conform to that as they never were able to fill that old stadium to capacity.  They have a long way to go to catch up with their league opponents such as Dayton and San Diego in those type of aspects (attendance, "bigger time" programs that play some of the bigger former DIAA now FCS schools).

And finally, speaking of the latter, did you see where Fordham (another non-scholarship DIAA i.e. FCS program in the Patriot League) has announced they will be returning to scholarship DI football in the FCS?  They have worked out an agreement with the Patriot League that will allow them to stay in that league to play opponents, but will have to be trying for an at-large bid for any FCS playoffs and/or other bowl games.  Kind of neat in their trying to return to somewhat return to their glory days of the "7 Blocks of Granite"!  It will be interesting to see how that goes, but IMO, kind of exciting.

Okay, guys, sorry for the digression from MIAA discussion, however, it still is the off-season, so I guess I/we can "still go there" for a while longer! :D  Besides, like you said, it's been awhile since we've had much posting here on our board, so we can try to generate some discussion.  I'm sure that will pick up soon in the upcoming July weeks as we approach the pre-season camps.  Talk to you later.
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice


Trine reports to camp on 8/11 this year, a couple of days earlier than the others (it would seem).  However, we also have an earlier game.  Trine will travel to Manchester College for a Thursday night game on 9/3. 
"Talent is God given.  Be humble.  Fame is man-given.  Be grateful.  Conceit is self-given.  Be careful." - John Wooden



I have been reviewing some of the other Conferences boards.
The list"s of incoming freshman and transfers listed for numerous teams is interesting.
The local papers must report heavy on who, is going to what college to play.
Either that or "insiders" are posting on the website.

Seems that many other leagues enjoy a more rabid fan base than the MIAA. I am sure a significant amount is linked to the success level of the teams as well.

It is almost time for us to start the pre-season league picks.
I think I will wait until I see / hear some info from camps.


D306 and colleagues:

Indeed, there has been more activity on many of the other boards than ours, although it appears that even those posters are among the "die-hard" few.  Yet, it is still the off-season and mid- and/or towards the end of vacation for our current collegiate football student-athletes.  Obviously, more posting will occur by the end of the next 3 weeks I would bet as we near the opening date of the MIAA camps.

I am guilty of being in the above "absentee posting group" as well since I was out-of-town for 8-9 days of vacation the last week of June and, since our youngest (and last) daughter, also a recent Hope College graduate, was married this past weekend on July 4th.  Anyway, I'll try to return to doing some more posting and like D306, encourage all of you to do the same - in good time, of course, pending your own summer vacations and other activities, etc.

I will just add that this season at Hope College will be a special one in that we will be celebrating the 100th season of intercollegiate football there (Hope actually started before then, however, "officially" this is the actual 100th season due to the years with no teams such as WWI and WWII and a couple of other "skips".  Some special activities are planned for Homecoming in that regard by SID Tom Renner and our staff (which we square off against Albion on October 10th; some new info on Hope football history which we've found, celebration for former AD and Coach Ray Smith and all former football players at Hope, etc.).  So it should be a fun time.  I am anxious to see what the make-up of our team will be - obviously we have some very good returning players, yet also it will be interesting to see if any of the newcomers will break-in and contribute immediately.  The latter is always difficult and not that common, but does occur as we all know.

I'll look forward to all of your own "takes" on your MIAA teams as well as just "plain posting" with you guys again this year.  Also, I hope all of you had an enjoyable and safe 4th of July holiday this past weekend.

Regards to all,
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice


"Talent is God given.  Be humble.  Fame is man-given.  Be grateful.  Conceit is self-given.  Be careful." - John Wooden



This time of the year is like being a little kid waiting for Christmas!


AS hard as this is for me to watch...it was a great defensive battle!  Hopefully there will be another dramatic finish in the MIAA this year!



On a sad note, former Kalamazoo College standout player FB Kevin Moody (Class of '78 at Kazoo and originally from Flushing, MI near Flint), a well-known attorney in East Lansing, MI who was involved much in various state law as well as Native American law issues and whose son is a star pitcher for Michigan State University, passed away earlier this week after a tough battle with pancreatic cancer.  Please keep his wife, son and family in your prayers.
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice


This is my first post and only my second year following the MIAA daily - but the description of "like a kid waiting for Christmas" was so correct!!  I've enjoyed reading everyone's comments, descriptions, stats, insites and professionalism in their posts on here - - - just ready for more!!  With Media Day now less than a week away hopefully more will get started!  Aug 6 @ Hope from my understanding.


Quote from: 4852lkrick on July 31, 2009, 08:07:00 AM
This is my first post and only my second year following the MIAA daily - but the description of "like a kid waiting for Christmas" was so correct!!  I've enjoyed reading everyone's comments, descriptions, stats, insites and professionalism in their posts on here - - - just ready for more!!  With Media Day now less than a week away hopefully more will get started!  Aug 6 @ Hope from my understanding.


Welcome to the board!  On behalf of our colleagues here (including myself), I will take the liberty of thanking you for your kind comments.  Our board may not be as active as some of the others, however, I agree with you, as well as take pride in the fact, that, unlike some of the other boards, our posters here on the MIAA board indeed are very civil, professional and courteous in their opinions, responses and comments, even when we don't agree with each other at times.  Anyway, we'll look forward to your contributions in posting with us.  Again welcome.   
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice



I haven't heard from you in a long time...do you have any scoop on the Bulldogs?  What are they going to do without Niblock?  I have to imagine their defense won't be as good as it was last season.


Hey guys - I need your help.

I have an opportunity to be in Holland on Thursday of this week (MIAA Media Day).  I'd like to attend Media Day events but I don't know if the public is welcome or not.  I believe some of you have attended in past years.  Can any of you fill me in on how this works?

"Talent is God given.  Be humble.  Fame is man-given.  Be grateful.  Conceit is self-given.  Be careful." - John Wooden