FB: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association

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Quote from: sflzman on April 10, 2011, 04:37:53 PM
Albion also has varsity lacrosse

Opps, my bad. :-[  I did not mean to slight Albion, meant to include them with Trine and Adrian as they had added lacrosse last spring in 2010.  They all play in the Midwest Lacrosse League.  This is Albion's second year as a varsity program.  They used to play in the Central Collegiate Lacrosse Association (CCLA) with Adrian, Hope, Alma, Calvin in the second division.  The last season of their former program, Hope beat them before they dropped the program for a year.  They obviously have stepped up recruiting for the full NCAA program.  Many of the CCLA programs (DIII and some DII schools) would get pummled by Adrian, Albion and Trine currently, however, I think that this year's Hope team would be more than competitive with those teams.  Calvin's team has slipped the past two years, unfortunately; also while Ferris State has been an upper level club collegiate virtual varsity program as far as talent, Hope has "had their number" the past 3 seasons. Grand Valley State and Davenport are two others that would probably beat many of the of the DIII schools in the Midwest league (although, they are in reality DII NCAA and NAIA respectively as we all know). As I've commented to several people in the recent past, I think the turning point in Hope's lacrosse program came 3 seasons ago (2009) when Hope shocked a tough Ferris State program by beating them at a game in Holland.

The MIAA was supposed to have gone full varsity by this season, however, it was decided by the Presidents to hold off for at least another year due to economics.  Obviously, Albion thought otherwise; Trine had their program in  full swing before Adrian did, which brought in varisty hockey at the same time (IMO, Hope's hockey program as well as Calvin's should be DIII varsity already - in essence, again, they are virtual varsity will much assistance by their respective Colleges - but...that is another story for another time ;D)  The last I heard, the MIAA was tentatively scheduled to be sanctioned for varsity lacrosse for next year, however, I have heard rumors that might be again further delayed.  Nonetheless, if that turns out to be the case, those remaining MIAA schools who are planning on adding lacrosse as full varsity sports for both men and women I would assume would be joining the Midwest League (or at least playing those schools and others as an independent), however, obviously, when the MIAA does go full varisty for lacrosse, Adrian, Trine, Albion i.e. any of our MIAA schools in the Midwest league would be leaving that for our own.  I will keep you posted on what I hear further along regarding all this during this current season.
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice

Mr. Ypsi

I have a personal interest in the LaX discussion, as my older son was captain of the first LaX team Ypsi High ever fielded (he was already a junior, and he and his freshman buddy were the ONLY players to have even so much as attended a camp, much less played a real game - needless to say, they stunk! :()

I admit, however, to a bit of a love/hate relationship with the sport.  In their first playoff game (EVERYONE in Michigan LaX makes the playoffs ;)), they played one of the few teams they had beaten.  David had scored 6 of Ypsi's 7 goals in that win.  In the first 30 seconds of the game, an opponent broke his stick against the side of David's knee. >:(  The opponent got a 2-minute penalty.  David is one helluva tough kid, and continued to play (and even got 2 assists), but never scored because his knee would buckle when he tried to brace for a shot.  The 'cheaters' won.

David (in his naive goodness of spirit) insists to this day that the kid was trying to knock the ball out of his stick - he was carrying the ball high, and the kid missed his stick by 2-3 feet! >:(

Raider 68

13 time Division III National Champions


Thank you Raider68.  Of course, we here in Michigan are way behind you OAC people in having official varsity lacrosse teams.  Hope's club team, however, dates back to 1974 and they actually played Ohio State, Johns Hopkins and Clemson on their spring trip way back then and, as expected, "got killed". ;D

Mr. Ypsi:
Thanks for sharing your lacrosse stories/experience.  I know exactly what you mean.  Being a football guy at heart as you all well know (you guys are too, of course), I've come to describe lacrosse by coining the phrase it being a sport of "controlled violence" (as compared to football) and the only action in life where you can legally beat someone with a stick!! ;D :o ::) :P
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice

Mr. Ypsi

Yeah, David admits that one of the main appeals of LaX is that he can hit people with a stick legally! ;D  As a dad, I wish they would do a better job of protecting against the illiegal hitting wih sticks!  LaX players are well-protected on top, but the knees have no protection against those deliberately taking out the only guy who might beat them. >:(  Without David, Ypsi gave it a shot, but they had no real chance.  His freshman buddy played defense.  Without David, they were no real threat to score (he had over half their goals that first season).

David would love to coach LaX (and has done so as a volunteer assistant), but his gift is coaching soccer - his Ypsi (coed) middle school and Saline freshman girls' teams have won over 90% of their games the last three seasons. ;D

He graduated from U of M with a sports management major in December (which is essentially a specialized business degree); he has gotten almost nothing in his job quest.  If any of you guys hear of something that seems up his alley, you know where to tip me off! ;D


Quote from: formerd3db on April 10, 2011, 05:46:04 PM
Quote from: sflzman on April 10, 2011, 04:37:53 PM
Albion also has varsity lacrosse

The MIAA was supposed to have gone full varsity by this season, however, it was decided by the Presidents to hold off for at least another year due to economics.  

Well, the MIAA has no plans on adding lacrosse in 2012 either, because Alma is coming into the NCAA as an Independant....

There is no league that will accept us in, and the talks are of being independant until 2013 when the MIAA adds lacrosse.
Be not afraid of greatness - Shakespeare


Mr. Ypsi: I finally get your "posterID" or whatever they're called  ;D

It was bugging me, I always try to figure everyones out and I just couldn't understand what yours meant....so relieved!  ;D
Be not afraid of greatness - Shakespeare


We'll give you a pass on that one, sflzman! ;)  Mr. Ypsi has been around a long time with some of the rest of us; he taught at Eastern Michigan University, although he is an Illinois Wesleyan DIII grad!

As far as the MIAA lacrosse, after my posting, in talking with our coach, yes, it looks like the league will be delaying making it a sponsored sport for yet another year.  I must be stupid, however, I find that rather baffling and do not understand that reasoning at all.  Since most of the schools (exception might be Kazoo) will have lacrosse teams for men and women, the league administrators can't hide behind the economic excuse anymore as well as the fact that the teams have a ton of support from their "boosters" i.e. parents having organized support groups, including financially.  Thus, there is no reason not to do it.  Furthermore, the cost of running lacrosse teams is no where near the cost of doing football, basketball or some of the other sports (equipment, most of the players would be willing to contribute to having their own - most would anyway, particularly the sticks and their own protective pads.  Heck, Hope has already covered the cost for jerseys in the past and last year, new helmets for the team.

As far as Alma, I also find it strange that no league would accept you guys.  It has to be politics.  With the Midwest Lacrosse league already having the 3 MIAA schools that currently sponsor lacrosse as official varsity sports, that has to be the answer.  The location proximities make sense - one only has to look at the league make up.  Is it that the league is concerned about getting too big?  The MIAA teams who will be sponsoring lacrosse as official varsity by next year will most likely be playing several of those Midwest member colleges anyway.  So I don't understand this at all.  

This could be, in some ways, just another reason why the MIAA has fallen from being perceived as among the better or one of the more elite DIII athletic conferences like it was 2-3 decades ago.  I reaIize that many more factors are considered in such a decision by the league Presidents in regards to considering this decision - I am not so nieve as to think otherwise.  In addition, it is a College's perogative to decide what intercollegiate sports it chooses to sponsor.  However, at the same time, the MIAA has always, at least it has projected itself as such, as  being "in unity" together, and this seems, at least on the surface, to have fallen away from that philosophy.  It doesn't matter that the MIAA is the oldest continuous collegiate conference in the country - that is nice, but times have changed and that distinction doesn't really have much prestige anymore in this day and age, as much as I hate to say it. There are times when you "have to keep up with the Joneses" and this is one of them.  Some of these schools (as we've discussed in the past) had to do this to help enrollment and it worked out in all aspects.  As I see it, if you are going to sponsor the sport and go full tilt as these schools have decided to to, why would you not want to continue to support each other.  

Anyway, kind of ridiculous, IMO, to have these remaining MIAA schools plaing as independents, although that is obviously better than nothing.  I must be missing something here in regards to the league Presidents and administrators thinking. ;)  Now, back to our regular football programing. ;D :)
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice


I think from my understanding is that it is travel distance (which I think is ridiculous because is the hour between albion and alma going to make that big a difference? But I can see the point u would make with it....but honestly, alma is not the odd one out in that league, it's fontbonne
Be not afraid of greatness - Shakespeare


And now on a more board appropriate topic  ;D

I watched my first bit of spring football today, not really anything much to report other than it's nice to see Jarrett Leister on the field knowing we will have another great QB this year. It will help tremendously with the young wide receiving crew. But like I said, was only over there breifly in between two amazing softball games between #13 Adrian and #21 alma. But just figure I'd let ya all know that I saw it with my own eyes - they're playin football up here in the frigid cold!
Be not afraid of greatness - Shakespeare

Raider 68

Quote from: sflzman on April 11, 2011, 10:21:18 PM
And now on a more board appropriate topic  ;D

I watched my first bit of spring football today, not really anything much to report other than it's nice to see Jarrett Leister on the field knowing we will have another great QB this year. It will help tremendously with the young wide receiving crew. But like I said, was only over there breifly in between two amazing softball games between #13 Adrian and #21 alma. But just figure I'd let ya all know that I saw it with my own eyes - they're playin football up here in the frigid cold!


Finally some Spring football!  ;D ;D Thanks!
13 time Division III National Champions

Raider 68

Now that the weather "appears" to be finally getting warm, the MIAA schools with building plans can get started! :) :)
13 time Division III National Champions


Hello to you guys, my friends.  I don't have time to share/expound further upon my personal opinions about this since I have to leave on some business for the weekend right now.  However, I will just briefly post this and then hopefully can enjoy further discussion with you all on this later in the near future.  At any rate, in seeing on D3fb.com's front page that Willamette will be playing FSC Portland State, I think that is great and will be a fantastic experience and opportunity for our DIII colleagues (even if they lose/get crushed, etc.).  I know there will be many who might disagree with me on that, although I have my own opinions and reasons why I favor an occasional game of the sort.  Anway, I will be interestd to hear your thoughts on this.

Yes, spring weather has been great for football spring practice and lacrosse games.  Unfortunately, Hope's lacrosse team suffered its first defeat of the season last evening in a very lackluster effort on our part when we lost to Davenport University 20-11.  Ouch!  We will need to rebound tomorrow against Siena Heights University (of Adrian, MI).  Talk to you guys later - I 'gotta go" ;) I hope you all have a great and safe weekend.
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice

Uncle Rico

Found a youtube weblink that shows Trine's facilities....


Coach Land seems more subdued than usual, he is usually a lot more animated and excited.   :)

The stadium looks much better when the seats are filled (see the 9:55 mark).  I wish they would have shown more scenes of that.  The ARC building (at 10:50) also has tennis courts that did not appear to be set up.  At the very end you can see the three MIAA championship rings.

"Back in '82 I could throw a football a 1/4 mile"


Personally I think it's great for anyone to compete at the highest level. If given the opportunity why wouldn't you want to compete against a Division 1 opponent.

I understand that almost all D3 programs simply don't have the same resources as big D1 programs, yet talent wise D3 football is full of guys who where snubbed by the big schools and are looking for a proving ground. Aside from that I'm sure there are guys with NFL aspirations and at some point they know they're gonna have to compete with the "other" guys.

Now I realize that arguments could be made along the lines suggesting that while D3 football may have some D1 type NFL guys overall; position by position, D3 athletes just don't stack up as a whole. And I'm sure that's true, yet - I think every kid who's worth his salt love to compete in any arena and thus would welcome the opportunity to play the "big boys". I have a strong feeling Trine would play "up" if given the chance, even if that's a D2 school. At some point I think as a program you take on a "big boy" approach, with facilities, athletes, and...scheduling when given the chance.  

Just my thoughts.
Education is what you get from reading the small print. Experience is what you get from not reading it.