FB: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:06:06 AM

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Uncle Rico

I am done with the Michigan / msu topic (finally!   :) ) so you can get the last word in, ThunderHead.   ;)

Getting back to the MIAA...Nice to see Olivet get a win, surprised by K-Zoo's showing.  Low scoring game at Hope.  Nice win for Trine too.  Adrian remains unbeaten.  Fun stuff in the MIAA.
"Back in '82 I could throw a football a 1/4 mile"


Quote from: Uncle Rico on October 16, 2011, 03:54:35 PM
I am done with the Michigan / msu topic (finally!   :) ) so you can get the last word in, ThunderHead.   ;)

Getting back to the MIAA...Nice to see Olivet get a win, surprised by K-Zoo's showing.  Low scoring game at Hope.  Nice win for Trine too.  Adrian remains unbeaten.  Fun stuff in the MIAA.

Thank you for getting the board back on track Uncle Rico.  This IS an MIAA board...was looking forward to hear first hand reports from those posters who went to the 3 MIAA games yesterday and all we get is page after page of UM-MSU crap.  Don't get me wrong, I love all levels of football, but there are tons of other boards devoted to B1G discussion.

Congrats to Olivet...first win since 2008 if I am correct?  Playing that tough non-conference schedule probably helped them out in playing with confidence yesterday.  Where has the Olivet poster on this board been, isn't he the SID there? 


Quote from: Uncle Rico on October 16, 2011, 03:54:35 PM
I am done with the Michigan / msu topic (finally!   :) ) so you can get the last word in, ThunderHead.   ;)

Getting back to the MIAA...Nice to see Olivet get a win, surprised by K-Zoo's showing.  Low scoring game at Hope.  Nice win for Trine too.  Adrian remains unbeaten.  Fun stuff in the MIAA.

Wishing that I would give Dear Uncle Rico "Karma" for typing that ADRIAN REMAINS UNBEATEN.   And hoping that Adrian stays focused, one week at a time.  Kzoo next.



I can understand your frustration and, indeed, like Uncle Rico, I am done with the Michigan/Michigan State debate/discussion.  However, with all due respect to you, your assertion that there was no discussion about yesterday's MIAA games is incorrect.  You obviously missed the discussions on page 451, one of which was mine regarding a fairly detailed summary of the Albion @ Hope game and Uncle Rico's brief summary about Trine's game.  Also, on page 453, sac mentioned the attendance figure for Hope's game, a subject which I brought up and...finally, I think my discussion about officiating in the MIAA (including yesterday's Albion @ Hope game) qualifies for an "MIAA football discussion".  So again, I appreciate and understand where you are coming from, but, also, please read a bit more carefully! :D ;)

Overall, I think we've had some significantly advanced discussion here on the MIAA board this year regarding just that i.e. MIAA football, including academics, campus structure, stadiums, turf, attendance, recruiting, etc., etc., compared to previous years.  But also, some occasional discussion regarding all the levels of football is not inappropriate here.  Yet, I again, agree with you, focusing on the MIAA games of the weekend should be more of what is concentrated on.  The problem, as I'm sure you agree, is that obviously, we can't dictate to posters of other MIAA schools to do just that i.e. post in and update us on the games.  I wish more posters from the other schools would join us; and, unfortunately, we've even lost some good, veteran posters from years past.  I know some of that is because of moves away from our region due to jobs, family issues, etc., however, on the other hand, for some of those, I remain baffled. ??? :-\ :-X :)  Anyway, thanks for your contributions on this MIAA board - they are important and, at least I've enjoyed your posts (not sure I've disagreed with any of yours, unlike as I have at times with some of our other friends/colleagues on here :D ;D :), but...nothing is wrong with differing opinions on here, so long as all of us keep it civil and respectful.  I think everyone has essentially done that, even in the strongest of disagreements on some topic.

BTW, OC_SID is still around - he just is not always able (or in a position i.e. at liberty) to post. ;D ::)  Also, another former Olivet poster who has been absent is rome.  rome, where art thee?  Addendum, speaking of that, where is kzoodad? We haven't heard his opinion on the Kazoo/Olivet game from yesterday.  Obviously, the outcome was as disappointing for him as it was an elation for the Olivet people.
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice


Fellas - maybe it's my bad for getting us on Michigan v Michigan State track. But the MIAA board isn't exactly "rocking" and I don't think our talk hindered anyone from bringing up or commenting on MIAA driven posts. So I figured some chatter was better then no chatter.  ;) After all, we have a rather small group of guys who are regulars and we can only talk so much about the same stuff.

As for the MIAA - the biggest win was for Olivet IMO, kinda interesting to me, Kzoo seems hot or cold, a case of maybe two different teams?

Based on the chatter, I'd say Adrian is fully in the drivers seat. Congrats to them and FF for remaining undefeated this weekend.  ;D

PS - FormerD3er, there is quite a big difference between having the best defense against the run, and having the number OVERALL defense in the country at the D1 level. As for arrogant coaching, well - I think it comes with the territory and fair or unfair, it's even common at the D3 level. d) I realize your point about guys liking whoever they're with. However I know these guys personally, and they had a much different opinion on MSU then before they went in. d.) MSU does not have more "thugs" on it's team. I'll leave it at that.  ;)

As always though, good chatter. It's a lot of fun talking football with you guys.
Education is what you get from reading the small print. Experience is what you get from not reading it.


Quote from: formerd3db on October 16, 2011, 08:41:04 PM

I can understand your frustration and, indeed, like Uncle Rico, I am done with the Michigan/Michigan State debate/discussion.  However, with all due respect to you, your assertion that there was no discussion about yesterday's MIAA games is incorrect.  You obviously missed the discussions on page 451, one of which was mine regarding a fairly detailed summary of the Albion @ Hope game and Uncle Rico's brief summary about Trine's game.  Also, on page 453, sac mentioned the attendance figure for Hope's game, a subject which I brought up and...finally, I think my discussion about officiating in the MIAA (including yesterday's Albion @ Hope game) qualifies for an "MIAA football discussion".  So again, I appreciate and understand where you are coming from, but, also, please read a bit more carefully! :D ;)

Hey former, appreciate your response.  However, I didn't say there was "no discussion" in regards to saturday's miaa games.  I might have missed a few of the miaa posts inbetween all of the um-msu posts; it get's frustrating to "hunt" for them when they should be the main topic of conversation, especially after a football saturday.  I would think it would make it difficult for guys to post about their miaa team when chances are it may get "lost" in all the debate of the game in EL.  I want to say thanks to Uncle Rico, sflzman, and yourself for the reports on the miaa games saturday.  I was out of town so I was looking forward to hearing from those who attended saturdays conference games.   


TUA and TH:
Hey you guys, no problem.  I do not think for one minute that anyone here among our posters (regular or not) has a vendetta and/or a severe dislike for anyone else here regardless of how vehemently (at times) or far apart we are i.e. in disagreement on any topics.  Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion and even if I or any of you guys or the others get somewhat boisterous in expressing our opinions at times, no disrespect is intended, at least that is what I believe from all of our various bantering and discussion on here of recent and in the past.  That's just part of the game overall.

I don't think anyone need apologies for bringing up various topics at times either (as long as we don't cross the line regarding prohibited political discussions on here ;D), yet as has been mentioned, we'll try to keep the MIAA discussion in the forefront.  I'm sure most will admit, however, like you say TH, that some DI and DII "fodder" has to be thrown in there if it gets boring by no one of our other colleagues posting about MIAA game, week day reports and/or any other related info.

Have a good start of the week.  Perhaps see you in Angola on Sat if you guys are going to the game.  UR said he and LIR will be there.  At the risk of being berated here for this, I'll just reiterate what I posted to UR - save me a hot dog for halftime (to help ease the hunger and warm up from the cold) but I promise I won't throw it at anyone like that guy did at TW on the golf green! ;D :D :)  :o :P :o
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice


What would you think of a player, team, or coaches who said this

"_________ should know we're coming. They have a good offense, and that quarterback (______ ________). But they should just know our defense is coming. And just like any other team, if they're throwing the ball up, our DBs are going to go get it, our linebackers are going to go get it and our lineman are getting after the quarterback. And they're going to hurt him."


Quote from: sac on October 16, 2011, 11:30:00 PM
What would you think of a player, team, or coaches who said this

"_________ should know we're coming. They have a good offense, and that quarterback (______ ________). But they should just know our defense is coming. And just like any other team, if they're throwing the ball up, our DBs are going to go get it, our linebackers are going to go get it and our lineman are getting after the quarterback. And they're going to hurt him."

Not much.  First portion of the quote I have no problem with as it is enthusiasm for what they should be doing in the first place.  However, that last sentence of the statement has no place whatsoever at any level of football - period - and anyone who says otherwise is simply not being honest with themselves or anyone else.  Also, sac, I assume that you are not going to reveal the source of that quote - which hopefully was not from any MIAA player or coach (although I have my suspicions of who might have a tendency to spew forth such jibberish :o ::) or unless it was a "made up" one for the simple purpose of generating some philosophical conversation which appropriately applies to the game ;D :D ;) ::)!)

P.S. BTW, sac, I see you are in the mood for playing the "jokester" in addition to the above i.e. stirring the pot (if that is a theoretical quote/question) as nice, cute photo of the cat in the bread!  I got a nice chuckle out of that! ;)
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice


Not hard to google this part

"But they should just know our defense is coming. And just like any other team, if they're throwing the ball up, our DBs are going to go get it, our linebackers are going to go get it and our lineman are getting after the quarterback. And they're going to hurt him."

And there is your answer.


Saturday was one of the more difficult days to be  Hope fan.....Last week I mentioned that the Kazoo-Hope game could have been a much bigger score margin, whell the same thing is true for this past Satursday 12-3 does not at all indicate Albion's dominance of Hope.....and, I think, the reasons for that go both ways....Hope did not come out with the same confidence and emotion that they had been playing with the last 3 games, and Albion played much better than anything that I had seen reported previously....definitely Orr was feeling better (230+ yards rushing)...and they seemed to be able to make the big pass anytime they needed to......Some would cut the Dutch defense some slack as they were on the field so much, but honestly, I 'm not sure I can as the war of both lines was clearly won by Albion...and in the world of smash mouth football, Hope got smashed......It was deja vu all over again, a defensive big play mistake for a TD, a lot of arm tackling (as formerd3db mentioned), special team issues, offensive mistakes....all against a pretty good Albion team....simply a recipe for disaster....this was not the Hope team that was beginning to emerge...I guess its 2 steps forward and the occaisional step back (this was definitely a step back).....Albion's greatest opponent, was Albion...way too many penalties (and not smart ones), special teams issues and turnovers...if they continue that against Adrian and Trine, I don't think the outcome will be so positive.....
Net out, is that this is a game that Hope needs to put behind them in a big way....Its time for them to get angry, get refocused and back to performing the way they can....I know this is a tough part of the season, but that is the only way they have any chance of being competitive against Trine and Adrian in their next 2 games...taking one game at a time, and holding each opponent up with the respect they have earned (but playing without any sense of fear)....By being positive, focusing on what they are capable of doing and getting it done, Hope still does have the opportunity to affect who wins the MIAA and earn some respect of their own.....whether they are prepared to do that starts at Trine on Saturday.....its the only game that matters....and its up to them if they will be competitive or not....certainly Trine will be ready.....Go Hope! 


Quote from: sac on October 11, 2011, 11:46:06 AM

Adrian #59
Albion #88
Hope #95
Trine #98
Alma #142
Kalamazoo #149
Olivet #203

Some shuffling around this week.  Adrian, Albion and Trine drop a little, probably because all 3 had two non-conference opponents take losses.

Massey also has a score predictor.

October 15
Albion 23 Hope 21
Kalamazoo 41 Olivet 31
Trine 31 Alma 28

Overall Massey has Adrian at better than 70% running the table, the real battle is for 2nd between Albion, Hope, Trine.  In the head-to-heads between these three massey currently has the scores

Albion 23 Hope 21
Trine 23 Hope 21
Albion 27 Trine 24

Massey also has Olivet at better than 80% to finish winless.

Last week's massey ratings quoted above.  This week's below

Adrian #50
Albion #84
Trine #87
Hope #116
Alma #153
Kzoo #158
Olivet #177

Let's see......Adrian got almost all of its 9 places it lost last week back by simply not playing.  Hope takes the biggest hit and Olivet makes the biggest jump.

These seem like plausible final MIAA standings to me.

Massey clearly riled up the Comets with his 80% probability of finishing winless......his formula still doesn't like them much, now its 70% to close the year with just the one win and only a 9% chance of beating Albion.   So there's a chance.

This week's massey predictions:
October 22:
Adrian 34 Kzoo 17
Albion 38 Olivet 21
Trine 21 Hope 14

(massey's formula seems to over-predict the offensive output of MIAA teams........or under-predicts the hellacious winds that swept across the mitten last weekend.)

Last week I highlighted the closeness of the battle for 2nd....massey now like's Trine but only by a slim margin over Albion.

Trine 21 Hope 14
Trine 23 Albion 22

Adrian still with a 70% probability of closing it out 9-0.

Uncle Rico

Since there are a fair number of Trine and Hope fans here,  I invite everyone to visit us at the Hope vs Trine game at Trine this coming weekend.  We park the ThunderBus in the lot behind the scoreboard side goal posts.  Be there before, at half time, or after the game.  It would be fun to meet you all.  If you wish to remain anonymous just stop by anyway and don't tell us your "handle."  :) 

Pat Coleman, Keith McMillan, or any of the other D3football.com luminaries...if you haven't visited Trine yet, book the trip and I will save you a burger and a beer (or two) of your choice  :)   It might not be the D3 game of the week, but it would be a great chance to see Trine and Hope, the facilities, and meet a great bunch of forum members.  OK, well, maybe the "great" part is an exaggeration. 

Go Thunder!

"Back in '82 I could throw a football a 1/4 mile"


Excellent posts Hopewatcher, sac, and Uncle Rico!  +k for all of you (oops, sorry sac, I am in the "24 hour limit" rule for you regarding karma because I gave you a +k for a recent post last night - so I'll put this one on delay for you! ;D).  Hopewatcher, you hit the "nail on the head" for everything regarding Hope, IMO.

sac, I personally think Trine will come in 2nd place with Albion 3rd in the final league standings.  We'll see what happens - that is, of course, assuming we (Hope) can't pull the upset of Trine & Adrian - of course, I'm pulling (and hoping) for that without question! :) ;) :D

Yeah, Uncle Rico, I am all "in" for a hot dog this Saturday (and I'll actually eat it!).  Can I or do I need to bring anything, pop, etc.?  Just let me know.

"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice


Uncle Rico, I really have my feelings hurt.  You didn't invite me for a hotdog when we were there with Adrian.   ;) :o ??? :'( :-*