FB: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:06:06 AM

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Flying Dutch Fan

DBlue - I must agree wholeheartedly - the Thunder are no longer an "easy" game on any team's schedule, and I think will be in position to challenge for the league crown in the next 2-3 years.  The coaching staff has done an excellent job, and with all the youth on that team, there is a very bright future for Tri-State.  That is a big plus for everyone in the MIAA, as a stronger league benefits everyone.
2016, 2020, 2022 MIAA Pick 'Em Champion

"Sports are kind of like passion and that's temporary in many cases, but academics - that's like true love and that's enduring." 
John Wooden

"Blame FDF.  That's the default.  Always blame FDF."


LetItRain, DEACONBLUE, Uncle Rico:

My sincere apologies also for not being able to meet up with you guys - obviously not your fault.  I, too, did not see LIR's message and due to an early Sat AM commitment, I was behind schedule and just arrived prior to the start of the game; my official duties there then prevented me from getting over to your meeting place.  So I am disappointed, but again, not your fault.  We'll have to try next time.

As far as the game, my compliments also to Tri-State players and coaching staff.  Indeed, the team is tremendously improved and now elevated to a real contender for the title.  I agree with FDF's comments regarding this - it is great for the league as well as TSU itself.  I was expecially impressed with TSU's speed and quickness, also size of linemen much improved from what I remember last year.  TSU passing game was very good, although I think Hope's secondary did a good job on coverage - certainly better than in past years.  And TSU's TD kickoff return near the end of the game was awesome - for you guys! :)  That player was fast and just simply outran everyone, even in traffic.  So I was very impressed overall with Tri-State.

Hope's Manning did have a good game - he made much better decisions on when to throw the ball away, choice of receivers, etc., and again, our OL did an outstanding job.  Jones running continues to be amazing (Booko's injuries from last week kept him out for yesterday's game, although we expect him back for next week for Olivet.  VanErden's receiving - simply a work of art and awesome.

I have to bring up one "big" negative on the game, however.  I do agree with FDF and hope1, however, in that the officiating was indeed atrocious - and this is for several reasons and not "sour grapes" (it can't be the latter since we won the game ;D ;)).  Seriously though, the penalities did keep Tri-State's couple of drives going, especially their last score.  I don't think anyone expected it to be a blow-out by any means (I certainly did not and mentioned or at least alluded to that all week in my prior posts).  Yet, without those penalties, it might not have been such a dramatic last few minutes, although perhaps so - who knows.
I and many others have commented in the past that unfortunately, the MIAA officiating crews have not been very good over the past at least 3-4 years now and yesterday I would have to seriously say was the worst I've seen in many years.  Holding calls were simply not called all day for both teams, late hits were justifiable calls except one and also with the exception of one face mask call, the remainder of face mask calls were just simply incorrect - particularly with the officials standing right in front of the play - it was obvious that all except one of those were "shoulder pad tackles" and tackler's hand was nowhere near the face mask.

Yet what was particularly egregious was, what I would simply call, the lack of professionalism from the officials and they simply didn't do their job - no explanations on calls, they simply "blew that off" on several occasions with the remarks such as "well, that was the call" or "he - i.e. the other official - called it, I didn't", etc.   Moreover, and this was perhaps the most serious mistake the officials made was not enforcing the rules.  One example - several players had their "kneepads" above their knees.  As I'm sure most of you know, this has been the "fashion fad" for many players the past couple of years (somehow, they think it "looks cool").  However, it is not only dangerous, but a violation of NCAA rules, just as not wearing hip and tailbone pads, or for that matter, wearing an "unpadded cast" for hand injuries.  I've seen officials address this knee pad issue at other games, however, yesterday, when I and others asked the officials to address it, we were told, and I quote "we've mentioned that to players and coaches every week, we did today".  When we then replied that it was still illegal, just as improper equipment, they again replied "we told them".  We basically then replied to them "then you are simply not going to do anything about this - just ignore it and look the other way" and no further answer was given.  They just ignored our questions on this from then on.  This is simply unacceptable - a warning should have been given and then if it happened again, penalties accessed.  They did it for "sideline warning" of players crowding the sidelines and also for coaches "out of the box" toward the 20 yard line (for ours but not TSU).  I bring this up because this is a serious issue of safety - we don't want anyone on either team to get hurt and if you are not going to enforce even simple rules like that, then why even have them.  Missed or controversial calls are part of the game - we all know that, however, this lack of intentful disregard of rules and what I again would term unprofessionalism from the officials is just simply wrong.  Now before anyone starts harping on me about this as being "sour grapes", let me say that it had nothing to do with the outcome of the game, and further more, regardless if any controversial calls or "no calls" being made, we all know that a team just has to "play over the latter".  Officials have a tough job and take alot of "heat" all the time by coaches, players and fans obviously (and an understatement).  However, these other issues I've discussed should not be allowed or tolerated; safety and also just not having an explanation on some calls for the coaches - it's absolutely the official's job to do so.  I have not decided yet if I will contact the league officiating director about this yet; not sure if it will do any good - it should though, if brought to the attention of that office and particularly since, at least yesterday's crew, admitted they were aware of the "problem" yet knowingly chose to ignore it.  A safety issue is legit and important.

Okay, I will "step down from my soapbox" if I may be permitted to use that perhaps worn out and old phrase.  Yesterday's game was still a very exciting game.  Too bad the weather kept the crowd down - sun came out just as soon as the final horn sounded.

Good luck to Tri-State the rest of the way.  I was very surprised at the other MIAA scores.  We're still expecting another tough, close game next week when Olivet comes to our place (although, who knows after their "meltdown" at Alma yesterday  ???).  Thanks for your indulgance in my venting on the quality of officiating - my apologies.   
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice


Yesterday's Alma/Olivet game was a surprise in many ways.  It was not as close as the score would indicate.  Alma led throughout.  The score was 35-3 at the end of the 3rd quarter, and Alma had lots of young players getting some time on the field at that point and after.  Alma's defense was surprisingly effective, and Olivet's was not.  Alma moved the ball at will, racking up about 350 yards in offense by halftime.  Olivet's late rally was too little, too late.  If the same Olivet team shows up at Hope next weekend, the Dutchmen have nothing to worry about.  But as mentioned before on this board, Olivet can be a "Jekyll and Hyde" type of team.  If they bring their A-game, Hope will have a battle on their hands.

Formerd3db, you make some good comments on officiating.  The MIAA really must do something about the poor officiating in recent years.  The officials were not decisive at all yesterday at Bahlke Field either.  At times they were right on, and other times they missed some calls.  Sounds like it was much worse in Holland, though.  While missed calls are part of the game, and the officials do have a tremendously difficult job, we're hearing about the officiating week after week all around the MIAA.  The league has to address this at some point.


It is sad to hear the the MIAA has yet to address the officiating during games. Not calling holding was always a pet peeve of mine. If they are now not addressing safety issues it has gotten much worse. It is my hope that the coaches throughout the MIAA (or is it a D3 thing) will start making some phone calls and get this corrected.

That being said, I would hate to be any type of official as there are people, like me, who disagree with every call they do or don't make. ;).


miaafan and wlcalum:
I agree with you.  Hopefully, these concerns can be addressed/improved in the future.

Thanks miaafan for the recap on the Alma/Olivet game.  Changes things slightly now.  If Olivet were to beat Hope next weekend, and then both them and Hope win their final games along with Alma winning their remaining two, there will be a 3 way tie for the league title.  Obviously, I hope that doesn't happen ;D ;) ::)

DAWG and bulldogalum:
Looks like your Adrian team got back on track as you discussed.   

"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice


I didn't see this mentioned but according to the Holland Sentinel, Hope College set a school record for consecutive MIAA victories Saturday.  It now stands at 14.  8)


I'm assuming Albion has the MIAA record during the Pete Schmidt days...

What a weekend of football.

I'm very upset that Olivet went down.  I wanted them to head to Holland this weekend with a perfect record.  Ohhh well....I still think they can beat Hope.  I'll be there Saturday, if plans allow.

Nice wins to all this weekend....



Yeah, I was glad to see Adrian get back on track.  Looks like they played pretty well.  Unfortunately, they jump right back into the fire this weekend for a battle with Albion.  I'm probably going to venture into Calhoun County for this matchup, which always proves to be entertaining.  It'll be my first chance to see the Bulldogs this year, and I'm anxious to see how they look.


Regarding the officiating at the Tri-State/Hope game this weekend...

Personally (being a Tri-State fan), I thought the officiating was fine!   :D

But seriously, this is not the first time I've seen poor officiating at a game this season.  We've been baffled before by plays called during a game.  Tri-State's game against Manchester College was something else - the officials had to have been on Manchester's payroll, I swear.  Alma was another game where the officials were very questionable.  I hope the NCAA and MIAA are taking this seriously and addressing these issues - especially the safety concerns identified by formerd3db.

I would like to point out that while the Hope fans feel that the penalties may have been lopsided, Tri-State also helped you out with five turnovers so I really don't feel too badly.  It was an exciting game.  Hope will win or share the MIAA title this year and I congratulate them for it.  However, don't get too comfy with that title because it isn't going to be yours for long.   ;)

Sorry we missed everyone at the game.  We'll have to try to meet at another time. 

"Talent is God given.  Be humble.  Fame is man-given.  Be grateful.  Conceit is self-given.  Be careful." - John Wooden


Dawg, BDAlum

Should be a good game at Albion this weekend.

I honestly am a little disppointed in both teams.  ???
I expected more from them both.
I thought Hope would win the league, but I expected both Adrain and Albion to push them.
Albion is young and it shows, not sure why there is not a lot of upper classmen on defense. I know there was some heavy graduation and both the LB's whom were Seniors this year are out.

Adrian seems inconsistent but has talent. Albion has young talent that continues to grow each week.

The homer in me says Albion the objective fan looks at both teams and is
undecided.  Hows that for sitting on the fence. :)

Guess I will make a guess later in the week.

Flying Dutch Fan

Rain - no doubt the trunovers by Tri-State played a huge role in deciding the outcome of the game on Saturday.  Whoever wins the trunover battle will typically win the game.  And I think players can accept that - if they make a mistake, then it has a negative impact on the team.  Players can even accept that if they are called for a legitimate penalty.  All of those things let the game be decided by the players.

What I have a very difficult time handling is when the officiating enters into deciding the outcome.  And when, as described by d3db, it crosses the line of safety for the athletes, the officials involved need to be removed permantly. 

In my mind, the officials must always be concnered first and foremost with safety.  The officials are there to provide "an environment of fairness and sportsmanship" (taken from the 2007 NCAA Football Rules Book).  It also states that "Every participant in the collegiate football scene shares a responsibility for ethical conduct"  Choosing not to enforce a rule hardly seems to meet that standard.
2016, 2020, 2022 MIAA Pick 'Em Champion

"Sports are kind of like passion and that's temporary in many cases, but academics - that's like true love and that's enduring." 
John Wooden

"Blame FDF.  That's the default.  Always blame FDF."


Flying Dutch Fan - I totally agree with you on the safety issues and indicated that in my post.  It is nothing to be taken lightly.  I don't want my son getting hurt over something as stupid as trying to be fashionable by wearing kneepads above the knee, or some other goofball rule infraction.  I did not make light of this - we are all in agreement on this issue.

Officials make mistakes.  Sometimes blatent mistakes.  And sometimes the fans think mistakes have been made when the officials are right.  Bottom line - I certainly would not want to be an official.  However, when a person chooses to become an official they need to enforce all of the rules, and enforce them as objectively as possible.  Unfortunately, I personally have not seen a lot of evidence of objective, balanced officiating this season.

"Talent is God given.  Be humble.  Fame is man-given.  Be grateful.  Conceit is self-given.  Be careful." - John Wooden



That knee pad issue is one I have noticed at all the games I have been to this year. Players think it looks "cool" but it actually just makes them look like they are wearing biking shorts and doesnt protect the knee from bruising or collision which is ridiculous. 

LetItRain, formerd3db, miaafbfan, wlcalum:

Everyone is right on with officiating in this league.  For the last 8 years on many occasions it has been mediocre at best and some crews definitley seem to carry a bias in games that I have played in, coached in and attended now as a fan.  The crews in the MIAA seem to miss a large number of calls that aren't hard to see and also seem to pick and choose what penalties they feel like calling and what they don't.  I know in the past an MIAA crew has worked the national championship game and I have no clue how they were awarded that honor.  I know from personal experience that some coaches are much more lenient on the official review cards than they should be and often let alot of things slide that should be brought to the MIAA's attention, only by coaching staffs holding the officials accountable will there be any change.

Hands down the worst call I have ever seen in the MIAA was in 2001-02, Adrian was playing #12 Thomas More at home.  With Adrian leading 19-13 with under a minute to play Thomas More throws a deep pass up the visitors sideline, Adrian's safety jumps straight into the air to play the ball, Thomas More's receiver jumps headlong into our safety, pass intereference on our safety.  Thomas More scores on a run from the 2 yard line two plays later wins 20-19.  The crew was lucky to get out of the stadium as the fans and team were irate.  I know from that however the play was sent to the MIAA, and that official did not work another Adrian College game for 5 years.


I hope you have an enjoyable time at the game this Saturday, and especially since it will be the first game you've been able to attend this year.

Rain, FDF, and DAWG:

I agree with all of you as well regarding the officiating topic(s).  I also do not think that anyone was "taking this light".  Yet, also, I want to have my own opinion clear as well - like all of you, I realize and appreciate that officials are human beings, mistakes are made on calls (that's inevitable) and, for sure, get undeserved and rigourous rantings from fans, coaches, and even players on occasions.  Of course, none of the latter is within our ideal of sportsmanship and obviously we need to remind ourselves at times (myself included) to keep our protests in a professional and sportsmanship demeanor.  While any of us can get over-excited and rather very upset in the heat of the game in regards to controversial and/or just plain wrong calls, I don't believe, however, that I have ever "crossed the line" and made any disagreement with calls downright nasty and/or personal attacks against officials, nor do I believe any of you have or would.  That does not mean, though, that we do not have the right to protest, and/or moreover, we have the duty to point out inadequacies and simple flagrant disregard for the set rules, particularly and above all about safety - as you all have very eloquently stated - and much better than I did and was attempting to do.  At any rate, we can only hope that these aspects we are discussing are addressed appropriately and improved for the sake of everyone from players to coaches and all our fellow fans.  I appreciate everyone's insightful discussion and genuine concern about this topic.  While fb is just a game, it almost goes without saying that in other aspects, it transcends that and is much more with regard to the all these issues/asepcts we are talking about in "the game of life".

I think all of us have one great example of a call like that during our playing, coaching and/or fan careers in the MIAA (or before!)!!!! ;D ;) ::)  For sure, there have been some "doozies"!  But while we are on this topic, it reminds me that even the instant reply/review (which I love and am in favor of) for officiating is fallible as witnessed by that reversed call taking away a most definite TD pass by Ohio State in their game against Penn State.  The review officials most definitely "blew that one"! ;D

BTW, everyone - did you see the video that Pat and crew have on the front page here showing the multi-lateral last play of the game resulting in a TD and win by Trinity over Millsaps?  Unbelievable - that has to almost, if not definitely replace the Cal-Stanford "The Play" in being one of the greatest plays ever in the history of college football at any level.  It is fantastic!  It reminds me of everytime I watch "The Play", I start laughing uncontrollably because it is so great to see - just unbelievable all the laterals - and this one is the same (of course, it is not so funny, nor ever, ever will be for the losing teams, Millsaps and Stanford :)  The only thing missing in this one was the band and its trombone player!!!!! ;D :D     
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice

Flying Dutch Fan

I did see the video here, but after I had seen it on SportsCenter as the #1 play of the day.
2016, 2020, 2022 MIAA Pick 'Em Champion

"Sports are kind of like passion and that's temporary in many cases, but academics - that's like true love and that's enduring." 
John Wooden

"Blame FDF.  That's the default.  Always blame FDF."