FB: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:06:06 AM

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Speaking of jobs...any of the MIAA guys get any head jobs yet?  I know we had some talk a week or so ago about a couple.



Thats an idea, but I dont think I have quite what they are looking for, but hey the worst they can do is say no so I may just send my stuff on over.  I'm actually heading down to Florida on the 16th about a teaching/coaching job with a friend of mine who also played and coached at Adrian, hes the HC at a pretty good program right now so Im hoping I can catch a break and perhaps move to warmer climes.  No more freezing my a$$ off when I take the dog out if I make that move.



Kalamazoo has announced the hiring of Jamie Zorbo, K'00.   I think it's a great hire.

There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch.

Nigel Powers - Goldmember


Glad to hear it.

Looks like a good hire, give a Alum. a chance at HC, he has experience, local contacts.

Hope he can improve the numbers first for the program, then add some depth and talent.

keep us posted Stinger.



Anybody checking the Blogs, and furoms about Michigan football coach

Scary group of posters.'
They all want to fire Martin and act like anybody but LM is a travesty.

I am a fan of sports but these folks give fans a bad name.
Alot like way to many of the OSU fans when you go to Columbus LOL

But seriously, Mich will get a good coach is LM the right guy or a great coach I do not know but Wow the headline news on ESPN and all the pundents act like U of M killed somebody and ,messed up the hiring.


Count me among those that support Les Miles, but these guys are crazy.  One look at mgoblog.blogspot.com makes me ashamed to be a Michigan fan.



You want to see fans that will make you embarassed to be from the State of Michigan

www.Mlive.com pick a subject Mich.FB / MSU FB/ HS Football/ News etc...

Scary did we let all the 12 years have access to these sites?

I swear it is like middle school playground mentality on there.
Mixed with a feew guys whom actually want to discuss a topic or share some info.

Glad this site is pretty above board with real comments.


Quote from: bulldogalum on December 06, 2007, 09:57:24 AM
  One look at mgoblog.blogspot.com makes me ashamed to be a Michigan fan.

Agree, but I have to admit, his website response to the Appalachian State loss was absolutely classic.


Today let us remember our Soldiers and Sailors who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor and those who survived the attack in our prayers and thoughts.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


My apologies for the "off" postings here, however, here are a few "potpouri" comments:

1) Congratulations to Jamie Zorbo on being named Kazoo's next head fb coach.  I agree with you guys in that it is a great hire.  Before hearing that announcement, he is one person that had come into my mind - an alum may just be the answer to start things out.  It is a fantastic opportunity for him, especially a young, enthusiastic coach as he is.  I wish all the best and hopefully, we'll see Kazoo improve back to the momentum that Rogers had going (I hope that, except against Hope, of course! ;D).

2) What a fantastic hockey game last evening as Hope defeated Calvin College 4-3 at the Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids in their annual game there.  A great contest with much action, paticularly in the 3rd period.  There was a huge crowd there, well over 2000, probably in the 3000-4000 range (not sure of the exact count as yet, however, Calvin sold over 2000 tickets it was my understanding - in one year, there was upwards of 8,000 people at the game; they always have it right after a Grand Rapids Griffin's game of the AHL, which helps attendance, however, it is well supported by Hope and Calvin fans anyway).  Hope and Calvin need to join Adrian and make these officially varsity sports as everything is run that way already, including use of the college's team bus by Hope, a very generous allowance by the administration.  The only disappointment I personally had was not being at the Hope basketball game where Tom Renner (longtime Hope SID and MIAA SID/publicist) and his wife were honored at Hope's DeVos Arena for their distinguished, longtime, unselfish service to Hope College with the DeVos' media center/press box being named in their honor.  I would have liked to be there, however, had purchased hockey tickets quite some time ago.  Anyway, congratulations to Tom and his wife for a very much deserved honor and many thanks as well for their service.

3) Looks like the weather will be a little better for today's semi-final DIII fb games.  I suspect that we'll see a Mt. Union vs. Wis Whitewater Stagg again. as eveyone else does as well, although one never knows.

4) Quite an interesting process occuring with the search for the next U of Mich fb coach.  Did anyone really expect Rutger's coach to leave for that?  I didn't, especially after the latter gave him such a great deal following last year's success and this year's as well, and especially since he is from New Jersey and has many family ties there as reported.  Right now, I don't have clue or idea as to who would be best for U of Mich.  DeBord and English are on the list, however, I'm not sure they would be the best choices at this time (or perhaps they are! ;D.  Local newspaper reports this AM that English is on the list for Arkansas).  Keep watching!

5) I suspect Grand Valley will keep rolling today towards another National DII title.

6) Don't forget about the Heisman selection tonight.

Hope you all have a nice Saturday today.  I'm off to do some Christmas shopping, errands, etc. 
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice


As to hockey, the only disappointing thing for me about Adrian's hockey team this year is that we haven't scheduled some sort of game--exhibition or otherwise--against Hope and Calvin.  The Bulldog hockey squad has been very good in their first year, it would be interesting to see how they stacked up against more established programs like Hope and Calvin.



Yes, I would have liked to have seen that happen as well.  I am not sure as to the official NCAA policy on such situations i.e. if a game that a varsity team schedules with a legit club college team that is administered in the same manner as a varsity program under the auspices of the particular school (such as Hope or Calvin) can be counted as a regular season game or if it has to be designated as an "exhibition".  Either way, I agree with you that there should be no reason why Adrian couldn't have done that early in the season, especially since it is their MIAA "brothers".  Same goes for them in lacrosse, although I think we (Hope) have scheduled them for a scrimmage early in the lacrosse season, even though they have left the CCLA for DIII independent status in their inaugaral year.

Swithing topics here:  as predicted by most, it will be a repeat "Purple" Stagg Bowl (can anyone say "three-peat"? :) ;D) as Mount Union and Wis-Whitewater both won today.  I am wondering if it will be a closer game in the Stagg this year though.

"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice

Mr. Ypsi

Actually, by Mount standards, UWW has played close games in both previous Staggs: 35-28 in 2005 and 35-16 in 2006.  Rather than continuing the trend (35-4 seems an unlikely final score!), I'll predict a Raider win by somewhere between the previous two margins.

Any likelihood that hockey and/or lacrosse will become official MIAA sports in the foreseeable future?


Mr. Ypsi:

You are probably right in regards to your Stagg Bowl predictions for this year, although I would not put an upset out of reach of WW, unless they have an early "implosion" like most teams seem to do against Mount Union.

As far as hockey and lacrosse becoming MIAA sports, I don't see that as happening anytime soon.  One of the main reasons is that Hope, Calvin and Albion are the only other schools in the conference that already have teams in hockey, with Alma having lacrosse.  I don't see the other schools having the means to add hockey at least in the forseeable future (Olivet, Alma, Tri-State and certainly not Kazoo).  A four team "MIAA hockey" league could be formed (similar to the UAA in football) if these other 3 schools (Hope, Calvin, Albion) were to elevate their hockey programs to varsity, however, I see them most likely choosing to be independent status at least at first, yet indeed playing each other on their schedules.

Realistically, lacrosse would have a better chance at becoming a league sport right now were it not for Title IV.  I say lacrosse being in a better position for this because 1) Adrian and Tri-State both are varsity teams now, 2) both Hope and Calvin have both men's and women's teams already, and 3) Alma and Albion have men's teams but could possibly be puruaded to add women's teams.  The overall cost of starting up a lacrosse program is obviously much less than hockey.  Yet, it is my understanding that the Alma administration decreased its fairly substantial funding support to the lacrosse program last year, while Hope kindly increased its support significantly (as I'm sure everyone knows, as club status, the colleges contribute some financial support while the majority of it has to be provided/fundraising by the players and their families and other outside support with college having control of the program as if it were full varsity status).  I'm not trashing this system, because something is better than nothing, and the collegiate club hockey and lacrosse programs have national championships run by national organizations essentially administrated and overseen exactly like the NCAA.   

One potential scenario would be that lacrosse could be sanctioned by the MIAA for men only and then the MIAA starting up women's field hockey for all schools again (the latter sport was dropped several years ago, but with its big history and tradition in the MIAA, I've heard talk among the various rumor mills that that might be a possibility, although personally I doubt it.  I see the MIAA as preferring to add the same sports opportunities for both men and women rather than the hypothetical I mentioned above.

IMO, I don't see any of the other schools being able to establish hockey programs or lacrosse programs right now, so I think it will be quite some time before they become league sports.  Yet, again, Hope, Calvin could do independent teams as varsity for hockey and lacrosse right now with the former having the best chances I believe as the programs are essentially "all in place in all parameters" right now with full coaching staffs, equipment, use of facilities, transportation, etc., etc..

All that being said, I would love to see it happen.  Perhaps the other schools and the MIAA as a whole are waiting to see how Adrian and Tri-State do for a couple of years.  We'll keep campaigning at Hope though. ;)
"When the Great Scorer comes To mark against your name, He'll write not 'won' or 'lost', But how you played the game." - Grantland Rice