FB: Centennial Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:07:19 AM

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101 Aborne

  Mule Daddy I have enjoyed your comments over the past two years. You should be very proud of your son not only for his football accomplishments but more importantly for the fact he will graduate fdrom one of the finest small liberal arts colleges in America.The last two years have been simply outstanding for thr Mule gridders, not even the Major, the legendary Ben Schwartzwalder  produced such outstanding records before he moved on to Syracuse. Hopefully next season the old grey mule will continue down the road to another conference championship.have a nice day and airborne all the way,



Thank you for your kind words.Both my son and I appreciate them.The Mule experience has been a

great one, with 4yrs of football and 4 months of study abroad in Australia.The school atmosphere is

really amazing,as are the kids who appreciate the opportunity to experience it. The football may be over,

as  incredible as it was, but the Mule will be a part of our family for years to come....may the next championship come soon.......Good Luck, God Bless, and thanks for fighting for our freedom.......

old ends

The final stats were posted but I did not post them here,

click here: http://www.centennial.org/Football/2008stats/confonly.htm




A moment of remembrance for Blackburn and Principia, no longer playing d3 football.


Does anyone know how recruiting went this year for C C ?
I know it's way too early to make any predications, but what school is losing a lot of seniors this year, and what schools are up and coming......
I know it's only February and the Superbowl is only 4 day's old but i miss the chatter on this sight already.
I look forward to hear any comments.


Greek, Unlike D I and D 1AA, who had their National signing day yesterday, most D III schools don't usually know who is coming until around May. Many potential students are waiting on acceptence letters (unless the student requested early decesion)and most schools in the CC don't send out the acceptence letters until April 1st. Most decisions are also based on financial aid and/or merit scholarships. The CC schools usually don't pubically announce their recruits until the students mail their deposits into the schools which usually is around May 1st. Now is the time that the D III recruiting heats up as kids who thought they had a shot at a higher level found out yesterday that the D 1AA and DII schools were not interested in them and have fallen through the cracks.


Thanks for the Info BT, didn't know there was that much involved about the recruting issue. I just thought maybe some might have heard through the grape vine who was looking where. This is for you Muledaddy, went to the Wing Bowl last Friday.....i'm still laughing !


Greek, I always wanted to go to the Wing Bowl, was it worth it????



   Aint nothin like a wing bowl........one helluva good time.....I had to send my emissaries this year,although I followed it closely on the radio and the internet...taint the same as leadin a posse of 10 or 20 stout hearted lads on the world's best competitive eating/beer and stripper contest....at 5 am in a packed 20000
fan Friday before the SuperBowl ritual....my boys got vip treatment in the pink suite/club box.......the
absence of the pro eaters made this year special.......next year, they are back again.........the Black Widow,
Joey Chestnut, and the entire freak show.....sadly, its as close as we can get to a Super Bowl in Philly.....


Muledaddy & BT, i went to the 10th wingbowl 7 years ago and i swore i would never go to another one, because we had to wait outside until they open the doors and it was freezing outside then once they opened the doors it was a mad rush to get a seat, 7 years ago it was free.Well low and behold a friend of mine called me the night before the 17th Wing Bowl and said that he had a ticket and a ride down to Wingbowl 17 so needless to say...it is much better with a ticket and tickets were only $7.50 and i think most of the proceeds went to the Families of Police and Firefighters in Philadelphia who have lost love ones, so at $7.50 a ticket and over 20,000 people there it was well worth it good fun for a good cause. One more thing what happens at the Wing Bowl...stays at the Wing Bowl !
Bt....Maybe Mule Daddy can get you and me in a Club Box for next years Wing Bowl !

old ends

I am pondering that with todays money troubles if teams in the Conference may start putting more limits on travel cost, teams size, and grants toward the athletes.

The parents with student athletes, I think, will end up with some additional cost placed on them. It may not be a question of " is it fair", but out of the colleges need. Some programs may get cut because of cost restraints. Even though times are very tough for parents maintaining a child in college, some of the pressure is going to effect all levels.

For the next few years the colleges closer to the home of the student will become more of a first choice. It maybe a Community College or night school so the student can work to help pay the cost.

One of these moves is Susquehanna asking and getting into the Conference. The move becomes very cost effective for them and the rest of the Centennial teams. One less out of conference team and also maybe one less overnighter.

Parents let me know what you think.


Ends, I thought about your question all weekend. While I don't see a drastic reduction on the athletic side in terms schedules, overnight trips, equipment, etc. I do see all the schools slowing down in the ARMS RACE as far as facilities are concerned. Most of the CC schools have really improved on building fitness centers, building new fields or improving exsisting ones( IE Field Turf), new swimming pools, new field houses, new gyms, etc. I believe the economy has also hurt the very wealthy who have donated $millions toward these projects over the past few years. I can see schools holding onto uniforms longer and not replacing them like they use to every few seasons. The interesting question you brought up is how the schools will handle their financial aid and merit scholarships? Will they dip into their shrinking endowments to cover these costs? Another big question will this schools continue to increase the tuitons year after year like they been doing for the past few years. With tuition at all the CC schools in the $40's(thousands) Some of the schools may be pricing themselves out for athletes to consider. Many may opt to attend state schools and not even play sports because that is all their parents can afford. Very interesting topic.Time will tell.


Boy this CC board is Dead!!! I realize it is the off season, but most of the other boards have some chatter. Ends has tried to get some discussions going but with no luck.


Ends & BT, with the economy being so bad i really feel bad for the seniors this year, who have worked so hard at getting a great education for the last 4 years and have nothing to show for it. My son is a senior this year and he is having a really hard time trying to find a job, and time is running out. He did get a great education and played football all 4 years but......something has to give soon. Great resume'..... great kid....no job !
The thing that i keep saying to him is "look its not your fault " and "things are bad all over "


Greek agree, I read an article in the Wall Street journal that the class of 2009 might have to wait at least 18 to 24 months before they get a decent job in their field of choice. Many have student loans which they will have to start repaying when they graduate.  Applications for Medical, Law and graduate schools are down for the first time in nearly eight years. It hasn't been this bad for newly college graduates since the early 80's according to the article. Keep having the "WARD CLEVER" speeches with your son to keep his spirits up.