FB: Centennial Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:07:19 AM

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I did hear that instead of the usual 6 months they get before they start paying there student loans back that there is a possibility that it might happen this year that they are changing it to 9 months because of the failing economy.



In an era where the best the president can come up with is to reward those who do not pay their mortgages, to tax those who work hard enough to make a decent living, and the Speaker of the House can fly , with 7 other congressmembers on a private G7 aircraft to Italy, at a cost of 400000,while the auto industry dies, the steel industry is whipped  by our global competitiors, the brokerage houses fall like so many leaves, and a doctor thinks its a good idea to put 8 babies in the womb of an idiot who can't care for her existing 6 kids, the continued economic horror show only worsens on a daily basis as the leader
preaches more doom and gloom after pushing a panic button bailout bill that no one really knows, understands, or had an opportunity to study....what's the big deal about our children having a tough time getting jobs....or whether the capital improvement budgets at CC schools, or elsewhere, have  to put projects on hold...these are not the best of times...pray for a presidential awakening.. and a word of confidence in the American people to meet and rise above the threats to the very core of our society...my kid isn't even looking....yikes



Ditto Muledaddy, i'm not pushing the panic button yet, i work in Center City Phila. and our company just laid everything on the line with a big meeting telling us what there doing to keep everyones jobs. It lasted about an hour and toward the end of the meeting i heard what i was waiting for NOBODY IS GETTING LAID OFF....whew ! I'm 53 years old and was not looking foward to trying to find another job, especially the way the economy is today.As long as there is money coming in, thats a good thing.


Guys, Getting back to Ends original question, how will this economy effect the CC schools with admissions, aid and athletics???? ???




Muhlenberg will not change 1 bit....upon assurance of none less than the President, with exception of
recognizing the need for increased financial aid being available.......I think that most of the CC schools are well endowed enough to weather the storm.....in the absence of a complete 1930's degree depression.

These are very good, but very expensive liberal arts colleges, which will continue to be desireable
places of study and athletic play.

Will we lose out on some kids because their parents get laid off or fired because of economic upheaval? Sure, but I do not see this being the rule, rather than the exception.

I have  sons who are state affiliated college/university grads (West Chester); I am a grad of both Penn State and Temple,
but  I look back at the last 4 years, consider all aspects of the CC experience my son has had the
privilege of living, and know, if I had to do it all over again, the CC is hard to beat.....overall...

old ends

Wel, it seems that some of our media is starting to ask the same question I did. Below is an article which mentions some of our Centennial conference teams.

Click here: http://www.pennlive.com/sports/patriotnews/college/index.ssf?/base/sports/1235261406164720.xml&coll=1



Ends, Thank you for the article. Saw the school I root for, Dickinson, will look to cut back on their athletic budget. I can see the football team not taking as many players to an away game as an example. Good thing they already renovated the football stadium last season. There was to be a phase II renovation with new locker rooms and upgraded home stands, I can now see that put on the back burner for a while.


Hey does anyone know who does the Centennial Conference Football Web-Site ? when i go into the site it still has Muhlenberg Football ( who i root for ) Team as Champs of 2007, some of those guy's in the picture graduated already, can't that be updated to say 2008 Champs ? and maybe get a new picture put in there ? I know its not Football Season but some of us still go on that Web-Site.


I agree, I've noticed that and also players who have broken records or moved up in "All-Time Stats" have not been given that recognition on the website either. Interested to see where active players rank in those situations and who looks to break records the upcoming year. I know that the upcoming season is far off, but I guess I already have that football itch

old ends

My Bother-in-Law in North East PA called me last night that a Nanicoke High School Player signed to pplay with Ursinus. His name, I think was Wall and he will be going there as a wide receiver.

Ursinus in the past has recruited well in that part of the state and some of them, in the past, have done well within the conference. Dickinson also had some players from that area.


Hey Coach,
how you doing i hope well. Dickinson, Franklin and Marshall, Gettysburg, Ursinus and Mulenberg are ranked in the top 100 liberal arts colleges in the country. Ursinus is ranked 15 or 20 higher than Mulenberg and the rest that were mentioned sat in the 50th to 70th. Johns Hopkins is in a class above with Haverford and Swathmore, who don't have football teams but are in the cenntenial conference. The cenntenial conference is a strong academic conference you should look into it.

Gray Fox

Check out the latest Forbes.  There is an article about how the Harvard endowment lost billions of dollars through mismanagement.  The effect on the school are still unknown. :'(

I hope the CC schools were a lot smarter.
Fierce When Roused


Just want to wish GOOD LUCK to the Muhlenberg Womens Basketball Team this weekend in Maine ! GO MULES !


Creek, Good luck to the women Mules team as well as the F & M men's team as both are in the sweet 16. As much as I love football, there nothing more exciting than the NCAA  basketball playoffs in all three divisions. I have the opportunity over the years of watching many CC men's basketball championship games at Ursinus, F & M and Gettysburg, etc and in most cases the games have come down to the wire and the atmoshere has been incredible with standing room only crowds. This past weekend was a perfect example on TV. Watching games for the smaller mid major teams as they clawed their way into the big dance in their conference championship games and then seeing their fans storm the court to celebrate was neat to watch.