FB: Centennial Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:07:19 AM

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Good luck to Dave Madeira after announcing his retirement from coaching Muhlenberg Mens Basketball .

Madeira retires after 22 years

The winningest coach in Muhlenberg College athletic history, Dave Madeira has announced his retirement.

Madeira compiled a career record of 311-247 in 22 seasons as head men's basketball coach.  He surpassed current athletic director and former baseball coach Sam Beidleman on the school's all-time list with his 256th win on Jan. 15, 2005, at McDaniel. Madeira's 300th win came against Hood on Jan. 3, 2009, and his final win was a 52-50 victory against Haverford in the first round of the Centennial Conference playoffs on Feb. 25 – part of a 16-11 season for the Mules.

"God has blessed my wife and I with 22 years of employment as the head coach of basketball at Muhlenberg College. I've worked with tremendous support from our administration, faculty, assistant coaches and of course the players," said Madeira.

"We are moving on to another phase of our lives where we will move closer to our son, daughter-in-law and five grandchildren. We are very thankful to have had this opportunity at Muhlenberg and will be MULES the rest of our lives."

Under Madeira's coaching, Muhlenberg won two Centennial Conference championships and won or shared CC East Division titles in eight of the 10 years in which the CC had divisions. The Mules received bids to the NCAA Division III Tournament in both 1995 and 1998.

Madeira led the Mules to double digits in wins in each of his first 16 seasons. His team qualified for conference playoffs 13 times and conference playoff tiebreakers on two other occasions.

Including his five years as an assistant coach before becoming head coach, Madeira was on the bench for 402 Muhlenberg wins.

Before coming to Muhlenberg, the 62-year-old Madeira piloted the highly successful basketball program at Lakeland High School, Lackawanna County, from 1974 to 1981, where he earned a District II PIAA championship in 1977. Madeira was an assistant for four years at Abington High School, Montgomery County, and for one year at Melbourne (Fla.) High School.

Madeira is a 1969 graduate of Concord College in Athens, W.Va., where he played varsity football and baseball. He earned his master's degree in physical education from West Chester University.

"Dave has had a long and distinguished career at Muhlenberg," said Beidleman. "His impact on the hundreds of young men he coached goes far beyond the basketball court. I'm sure I speak for the entire College community in wishing him a long and healthy retirement."

Muhlenberg will conduct an immediate search for a replacement.


Really surprised there is no discussion on the CC basketball board about Coach Madeira retiring. It sounds like he had a nice career with the Mules. The CC is very fortunate that most of the Head Coaches for both football and basketball usually have long tenures. It is nice for a kid coming into college knowing that for the most part, their coach will be there for them during their careers. I know in other D III conferences many coaches use the position as a stepping stone. Hope the Mules fine a new replacement that can match Coach Madeira's reputation. If you are the AD do you go after a younger coach hoping they will stay there long? Picking the right coach for a program is the hardest job for an AD in my opinion.


Just checked the CC basketball board and there is now a lot of discussion on the open Muhlenberg job and possible new coach. There is also discussion on what the job pays. I am assuming that it is a full time position. I do believe that all the CC Head coaches are full time with the exception of Ursinus' Head coach Kevin Small. Does anyone know that for sure? Do you go after another Head Coach from another school or do you hire a current Asst Coach?


Well i know this might be getting old about me saying something about that picture again, but c'mon it will be 2 years soon, if you don't have a recent picture i sure do ! And if you are not sure what i'm talking about just check out the picture on the Centennial Conference Football Web Site it still has Muhlenberg 2007 Champs. The Womens picture has been updated, baseball from last year has been updated.......WHY NOT FOOTBALL ???


Thank you for updating the Centennial Conference 2008 Muhlenberg College Football Champions picture. I swear i will no longer bring up this topic again.



When do we come out of hibernation and welcome the Spring ...............isn't it time to start to ponder

who gets to play Wesley this year in the playoffs? Will the Mules pull off a miracle and make it 3 in a row,

after losing so many seniors? If not, whose turn is it?


Muledaddy, I'll bite, yes I am interested in talking about Football again rather than the economy. Most of the CC schools are finishing up Spring practice and most of the schools will know what incoming Freshman they will have by May 1st when the deposits are due. If you go strictly by last season's records and returning players, I have to say Hopkins will be the pre season favorite. Dickinson should be right up there as they have all their skill players back including QB Mitchell and WR O'Connor. Obviously your Mules lost a lot but you can't count them out. F & M and Gettysburg should be competitive. Moravian lost a lot, Ursinus has some rebuilding to do as does McDaniel. Juniata starts all over with a new coaching staff so the jury is still out. Only 4 months till the fun begins!



Welcome back. I like the Devils and the Bluejays as the strongest on paper but I am looking for a sleeper,

much like Moravian was last year, that can come out of the gate strong unexpectedly.Let's put our collective wits to the test and go searching the rest of the conference.


Muledaddy, I thought about your question about which team will be the MORAVIAN TEAM for the 2009 season and I would say it could be the Dips of F & M. A team that could sneak up on teams and win 8 games. Their skill players were young last season and if some of last year's Freshmen can fill some holes they could be that sleeper team this season.


Hey Muledaddy & BT
This year is really going suck without our boy's playing, but i will be attending some games this year, how about you Muledaddy ?


Creek, it's not the same without your son playing. You will get through this year because you know the upcoming Seniors and some of their parents but as time goes on you will always be a fan but the games won't have the same meaning and intensity as before. If you don't believe me, did you go back and watch your son's High School play during the four years your son was playing at Muhlenberg?? See what I mean? When your son was playing in High School, you lived and died on every play and on the game's outcome. Now when you go back to the High School games, " it's that is a shame they lost" AND YOU FORGET ABOUT IT BY THE 11:00 NEWS. Feel fortunate that you have enjoyed the last 8 years watching your boy play doing something you both loved. Not to change the subject,but how is your son's job search coming along?


Not too good BT, i hope the economy picks up soon. I feel bad for the men coming out of college this year. But hopefully when they see where he went to school and played for four years in a Conference that is all about academics something will fall into place for him, i'm keeping my fingers crossed BT, and thanks so much for asking.


I think you are on to something big....the Dips fit the picture as a sleeper extraordinary.....let me check them out and get back to you with my thoughts.....




Hoping that all is well and looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks for graduation...I will
bring the crying towels....if only we had 5 years of eligibility...or 6...or 7..or...