FB: Centennial Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:07:19 AM

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Truly a bonkers way to start the season with the UC/ Millersville matchup, but having attended the F&M v. LVC game, it ended up being quite the barnburner too right down to the wire.

This is why I'm so excited for CC football to be back, it's such a wonderful time of the year!

(Also, if you haven't made your picks yet, it's not too late!!!) http://tinyurl.com/CCFBPickEm2015


Just filled out my picks. Had to choose for the UC and F&M games too even though they were already played. Hope others play too, things seem a little quiet here.

Ralph Turner

I saw the Millersville score (5OTs) and did a double-take.

But why did Ursinus play a D-2 school?  There are so many D-3's nearby.  Thanks.

old ends

totally miss this weeks picks due to the birth of a great granddaughter, but it was worth missing to see the little one.





Great first week definitely punctuated by that wacky Ursinus game... Haven't ever seen one quite like that.  F&M and McDaniel games came right down to the wire too!

Now for the picks:
gohop   53
njf1003   46
DipsWin13   44
Jcfb2003   38
jayhawkdaddy   34

You can view the picks from last week (with confidence scores) here on the "Week 1" tab at the bottom of the page: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WmngDqpgvdhS9ZZY8wc38IW9LMS43NDL9l4UEDvBonY/edit?usp=sharing

All the games this week are 1 PM, and you can make them here: http://tinyurl.com/CCFBPickEm2015 (be sure to select "Week 2 (9/12)" on the first page.)

Many congratulations to old ends on your great granddaughter!

old ends


That is really a nice set up for the picks. Will enjoy this.

Old Ends

old ends


Quite the week in the CC, the weather being relatively uncooperative, and some unexpected results to be sure.

Kudos to njf1003 for being the only one to pick the Diplomats to knock off the Mules (although also the only one to pick the Green Terror to beat the Hounds...)  Great to see old ends and 69mule get in on the action as well this week.  69mule took first place with 11 points, but GoHop still maintains the overall points lead with the week 1 scores included.

User name    Week 2 Points   Correct Picks
DipsWin13           7                     2
old ends            10                     3
gohop                 8                     3
jcfb2003             8                     2
69mule              11                    3
njf1003               9                     3

You can view the picks from last week (with confidence scores) here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WmngDqpgvdhS9ZZY8wc38IW9LMS43NDL9l4UEDvBonY/edit?usp=sharing

Also, I added a tab for total number of correct picks because I know that has been a fan favorite in the past.

You can make your picks for week 3 here: http://tinyurl.com/CCFBPickEm2015 (be sure to select "Week 3 (9/19)" on the first page.)


Quote from: DipsWin13 on September 14, 2015, 10:01:50 PM

Kudos to njf1003 for being the only one to pick the Diplomats to knock off the Mules (although also the only one to pick the Green Terror to beat the Hounds...) 
I don't know what I was thinking with that Terror pick. I guess I wasn't thinking about much Moravian had improved recently...
But yeah... weird weather delayed games on Sat.


Greetings from the left coast.  8-)   It is actually raining this morning, a blessing to us.

I watched part of the Mules/Dips game.  Two missed conversions by the Mules and a lot of persistence by the Dips made the difference.


69mule- The conversions were definitely key, but in my mind the key moment that swung the momentum to the Diplomats was the turnover in the 4th quarter at right around the 2 minute mark of the highlight video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3ioFqp5HTE&feature=youtu.be

You can hear Phil Soto-Ortiz say that a Mules first down would end the game and then the Diplomat defense took the ball.  Honestly though, what a sensational football game (regardless of outcome or rooting interest) to start of the CC season!

Reserved Seat

Just got around to reading the confidence point rule.  Looks like I didn't follow the rules.  I'll do it correctly next week.  I only looked at what the pickers above me did; I should have looked at everyone's or read the rules first. ;D

Reserved Seat

I had Muhlenberg and John Hopkins as definite wins.(5-4)
F&M almost sure(3)
The other two games as not sure(2-1)
As you can tell from my confidence levels.

Reserved Seat

Looking at the scoring from previous weeks, it looks like some scores are inflated by using the same confidence levels.  I love the scoring idea.  Wish I had read the rules earlier.  I was just trying to get my vote in on time. :-[

Congratulations DipsWin13 on your work.


Reserved Seat- I actually goofed up and didn't check the "allow one response per line" box on the confidence points grid this week (i.e. it was possible to select two games at the same confidence level, which based on the rules we have set you shouldn't be able to do.)  I have it corrected for future weeks so it won't happen again. 

Everyone did really well this week with their picks (I'll review them and have scores and totals up early next week) but I think to rectify the mistake, I'll give the maximum amount of allowable points for correct answers without repeats.  As far as I know the only game that anyone got incorrect was the Dickinson/ Susquehanna score (I was one of the ones who got it incorrect...) so it may not be a real issue... and again this is all just for fun anyways.

I'm glad you all are enjoying the system, I think it's been a lot of fun so far!