FB: Middle Atlantic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:15:07 AM

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One thing we must remember is the way his job(s) pay is structured.
At this level, when coaches hold more than one job, salaries tend to be broken up in strange ways as people stay longer and longer.
For example, G might have been getting paid most of his salary as the AD - let's say $50,000. He might only have been getting $10,000 a year as the coach.
Once he steps down as coach, the school has to do some financial restructuring in a hurry, because if he stays on as AD, the school needs to find a way to pay a new coach, give benefits, etc. They also may need to give a "raise" to G the A.D., because he's been saving the school money by doing two full time jobs for only one full time salary...
"To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day."


Girardi, who will stay on as athletic director until further notice, didn't say how large a role he will play in the search. And Lycoming College President James Douthat said he has several candidates to interview as soon as possible, but did not specify.

This from the Williamsport paper Dec. 5th

I think Wiser (D coord) would be the leading candidate from within...  Gary Brown (GB) would be a viable outside candidate among many others.

Time will Tell...sounds if they want it done soon.

old ends


Please go to the south then to Centennial Conference postings on page 52. Look for Ralph Turners link D-III membership document. But before you do that drop down just a few more for the pay reference. I hope you may not have read it yet, but it sounds like you may have.


old ends

Please don't take this as an attack; it's not.

What are you referencing in the document? I have read it before, I was just using the pay numbers because it was easy math. I am not making any attempt to disparage (sp?) coach G or his possible salary structure!
"To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day."

old ends

I understand your point. And I thought you may have. Plus your explanation on your originial was very good.


Today let us remember our Soldiers and Sailors who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor and those who survived the attack in our prayers and thoughts.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


We are currently assigned to duty in Japan.  Pearl Harbor day is observed here on 8 December on account of the time zone differences.  The Japanese regard it as a true military victory - which of course it was, but yet, the facts is General Douglas MacArthur's plane landed in Atsugi (site of our Naval Air Facility to this day) on 30 August 1945 and we are still here.

It is a very dangerous thing to underestimate one's opponent or overestimate one's ability whether on the field of play in DIII football or in international relations.

We visited Pearl Harbor and the USS ARIZONA.  Just yards away is the USS MISSOURI where the war ended.  Interesting irony.

Another tidbit from history - General MacArthur, upon landing in Atsugi - took a staff car ride to Yokohama - the road was flanked by Japanese soldiers at attention - 35,000 of them facing out and along the entire 25km distance.  MacArthur checked in to the Hotel New Grand and stayed in the very suite he and Jean occupied in 1937 on their way to Manila.  On 31 August he welcomed LtGen Wainwright, survivor of the Bataan Death March and Japanese imprisonment.  When the peace treaty was signed on the MISSOURI MacArthur arranged for the very flag Commodore Dewey brought ashore in Kurihama in 1854 to be on the quarterdeck of the MISSOURI. 

How is that for irony???

God Bless America, and all her sons and daughters who have served, bled or died to preserve our way of life.



MacArthur definitely rubbed it in, but so did Halsey, he made sure that some of the Battleships that were sunk and refloated at Pearl were anchored in Tokyo bay for the surrender.

"In the end we will survive rather than perish not because we accumulate comfort and luxury but because we accumulate wisdom"  Colonel Jack Jacobs US Army (Ret).


Hey Pat,

How about updating the pick em list. 

Quick question, where do I pick up my new El Camino after I win the whole thing next week?
A flute with no holes, is not a flute.  A donut with no holes, is a danish.


Looks like Del Val has an open date on 9/6/08.  So does Hobart.  C'mon PBR make it happen!


you know tgp pbr was thinkin' just that!!! if it happens the rev, tgp, pbr will have to take in the game...will be mandatory...pbr is going to email appropriate people and suggest this early season matchup! btw great to see dvc lb john pursell do very well in the aztec bowl....



I need, in order to remain honest, to correct an error in a recent posting.  It was Commodore Perry who came ashore in Kurihama, Japan, not Dewey.  Commodore Dewey, whose flagship the OLYMPIA may be visited at Penn's Landing in Philadelphia, is known for uttering the famous nautical quote, "You may fire when ready, Gridley."  Whereupon the Spanish Fleet was shortly turned into artificial reefs at the bottom of Manila Bay during the Spanish American War.  That was some 45 years after Perry made landfall in Japan.

Still - got to love how MacArthur put that twist into the surrender - when we last came to you folks with this flag it was in peace - now war; which do you prefer?

History is almost as much fun as the LLPP!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all posters from one of America's sons serving overseas.

Go Warriors!



Quote from: Lyco80 on December 19, 2007, 04:55:31 AM
I need, in order to remain honest, to correct an error in a recent posting.  It was Commodore Perry who came ashore in Kurihama, Japan, not Dewey.  Commodore Dewey, whose flagship the OLYMPIA may be visited at Penn's Landing in Philadelphia, is known for uttering the famous nautical quote, "You may fire when ready, Gridley."  Whereupon the Spanish Fleet was shortly turned into artificial reefs at the bottom of Manila Bay during the Spanish American War.  That was some 45 years after Perry made landfall in Japan.

Still - got to love how MacArthur put that twist into the surrender - when we last came to you folks with this flag it was in peace - now war; which do you prefer?

History is almost as much fun as the LLPP!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all posters from one of America's sons serving overseas.

Go Warriors!


the truth shall set you free lyco!! btw as much as people dont want to admit it they all read the LLPP and get plenty-o-chuckles and information from the board...call it a guilty pleasure if u will....have a great holiday overseas and stay safe to you and all of our military peeps this year.

old ends

old ends

To all have a safe and Happy New Year !!!