FB: Middle Atlantic Conference

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 05:15:07 AM

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to WUDline no matter what goes on at the WU campus they haven't taken it out of Chester yet. Until they do that they will always be at a disadvantage when recruiting. As for reasons that kids go to DVC it's all about GA. He's fun to play for and he's a winner. No matter where he's coached he's won. Winning isn't just important to him ---- it's everything. Kids that buy into that same mentality will end up winning for him. You can just sense that the players on this team believe they will win. No matter what the game situation there is no panic just a belief that they can pull it through.

Lastly, as for the qualifications academically for these schools, give us a break. this isn't the Centennial conference here. And if you're a good enough football player there isn't a school in this conference who won't admit you and find the $$$ for you!


I wouldn't say that the Centennial Conference is that much better than the MAC as far as academics go besides Johns Hopkins.  I do agree to make WU's campus a nicer place is to move the whole thing to Harrisburg to go with the law school there. 

DVC is not the only undefeated MAC school with a stud-senior QB.  Albright could be the team that represents the MAC in the playoffs this year, IF they can knock off DVC and IF they can beat the rest of the parity-filled MAC.  Definitely not a given, but definitely not out of the realm of possibility. 


splk I think you are sadly mistaken about the Centennial. Other than perhaps McDanial the other schools in that conference are have tough admission standards. The MAC is certainly a step above the NJAC academically, but cannot compare with the Centennial.


I did not realize that winning for two years qualifies you as a winner. I thought it took alot more success than that. The major problem with many of the fans / alumni at Del Val is you have never won in the past. Therefor you still do not know the right way to handle success. GA is an excellent offensive Coach, who has done a good job assembeling a staff, lets see if Del Val can continue to win for a while before we put him in a category with Bear Bryant.



"And if you're a good enough football player there isn't a school in this conference who won't admit you and find the $$$ for you! "

If you really believe this comment, you are sorely mistaken. There are a great deal of athletic/academic philosophic differences between the conference schools. It's not even a contest. I can only speak for FDU, but there are several students receiving "academic grant money" at other MAC institutions that were not even acceptable candidates for admission at FDU....

Is FDU the only school in this boat? Are we somehow the Harvard of the MAC? Of course not. Just please, speak only of which you have first hand knowledge of.
"To build may have to be the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day."



I have not been to Widener's campus in a few years.  The football field was nice when I was there, but as other posters have already noted, the neighborhood in which the school is located could be better.  In any event, I think facilities are not as important to potential players as other things, such as financial aid packages and the chance to play sooner rather than later.  Case in point is LVC-great field, locker room, and athletic complex, but traditionally a bottom-feeder in football.  Interestingly enough, the basketball programs at LVC are traditional powers despite playing in the less-than-state-of-the-art Lynch Gym for much of its existence (of course now they have that sweet new hoops arena).

In regard to the comments regarding the academic comparisons between the MAC and the CC, I think Susquehanna, Juniata, and LVC are probably the best academic institutions in the conference.  As much as I hate to admit it, F & M, Gettysburg, Dickinson, and Hopkins are probably all significantly superior in terms of regional and national prestige, especially Hopkins.  Not to say that I wasn't satisfied with the education I received at LVC-it has served me well.  But I think the CC overall is better academically.

For what its worth, LVC--42, WU 35 in OT, with Kelly hitting Rendine in the corner of the end zone in OT and Holzman sealing the game with a pick.

Snake Parlor

Fellas, regardless the centennial conference academic standards they don't compare to the MAC in football standards.  9 out of 10 times when a mac and centennial conference team meet the mac team wins.  

As for DVC heading to the playoffs i think they have a good chance but I wouldn't count out albright either they have a chance also.  last yr del val barely beat albright 35-28.  look for this yrs match up to be just as close.

for this weeks predictions straight from the snake parlor
Del Val     24   Lyco        10
Albright    35   Kings       14
Moravian  30    Juniata    0
Widener   28   LVC          0
Lets face facts Juniata and LVC just get out recruited year in and year out and are never gonna rise to the top of the MAC.  


Snake Parlor....In my opinion as a parent, I feel that from the Philly area and certainly Juniata and maybe LVC are too far out from the area to recruit from Phila. From here Juniata is a 4 hour plus drive and LVC is approx 2 1/2 or more depending on weather and traffic. I think both schools are not recruiting the best playes in this vicinity and getting comittments, due to how far away they are. On the other side of the coin Susquehanna delivers a talented team and they reside between LVC and Juniata...go figure.

The academic comparisons regarding admission standards between conferences I feel is a moot point. Business admin, is business admin ,is the same course in almost any institution and what makes the difference is the faculty. Same as in football, what makes the differences between teams when there is talent from both schools....the coaching staff.  Again in My opinion only, I feel the SATS are a joke and should not be a criteria for admissions. A "Test" is just that a test. The individual should be evaluated on many other criteria besides a test. There is obviously more to any individual other than a test result.


WUDLINE....Help me here, What is the "Correct" way to handle success???

Chum Slam

My 2 cents ! The correct way to handle success is to foster it. Make it part of the student-athletes mindset. Success Breeds Success, this is a very true statement. Draw comparisons with your team about how they felt when they went 1-9 and how they felt going 10 - 0. It will make them appreciate success and want to hold onto it. This will make them work harder and play harder and be better people.
"Worrilow, get away from me before I choke you"  -Sama-


wudline i would tend to agree a little with your assessment although a coach who i believe won 2 national championships for widener (bill manlove) has called him one of the best coaches he has seen come along on any level of college coaching. he stated besides all the other intangibles of recruiting, coaching, having a great offensive mind manlove has stated what a great feel he has for defense and making adjustments and calls with the def. coaches. manlove is a guy i really respect his opinion and a man who has been around a long time and seen a lot of coaches. i do agree time will tell but bottom line is the guy can flat out coach and develop young players. In all honesty trying to be non partial here i cannot see taking any other mac coach over him right now.


Predictions for 9/24

Widener over Lebanon Valley
Albright over King's
Moravian over Juniata
Wilkes over FDU
Lycoming over Delaware Valley  :o

Last Week (6-0)
OverAll Record (11-1)

Opinions appreciated....


Oh PLEEEAASSEE! You're holding FDU up as a model of academic excellence???You are really out of your f---ing mind there. I am extremely familiar with FDU's academics and can tell you for a fact that their's is no different from DVC, LVC, or WDU. As a matter of fact they are so desperate at both campuses to recruit anyone athletes or not that almost anybody can qualify for academic money, and lots of it...so go on and delude yourself if it makes you feel better but FDU is no one to speak of standards!

As for GA he's won everywhere he's been not just DVC. He's more than an excellent offensive coach(he's brilliant if truth be told)he's an amazing motivator and he attracts the same kind of like-minded players. Will he continue to go undefeated at DVC and for how long no one can predict. But I will tell you that he is a winner and makes everyone around him better!


I am not questioning GA as a coach. I know him very well as a former player. He is an excellent recruiter, motivator, and game day coach. He has surrounded himself with a great staff that includes one of the best young D coordinators around. My comments are directed more towards the fair weather fans/ alumni that are coming out and latching on to the program. They are the ones who do not know about being a winner. It is hard to sit at the top of the Mac and stay there for years Lyco and Widener know this for a fact. the DVC program is headed in the right direction lets wait and see if they can continue this new found success. Especially in the future without a stud QB.


You are misinformed.  I cannot make statements for every school in the MAC, however, I know for an absolute fact, that LVC has not been on a level playing field with some of their competitors for years, as far as the academic standards of the athletes they have been allowed to recruit.  Their have been instances of kids with 1000 SAT scores, that could not gain admission, even with the coach begging the admissions department to admit the student.  I can assure you that athletic ability alone, will not gain you admission to LVC, unless you meet their academic standards.  I also know of a school in the MAC that recruited a kid that scored 800 on his college boards, he was accepted and was a four year starter.  This kid would not have been granted an interview at some of the MAC schools, LVC in particular.  By your statement concerning schools in the MAC accepting anybody they want on their team, are you implying that this is the route that DVC has taken?  That would certainly explain the worst to first sucess in the program in such a short period of time.  Not to break anybodies heart, but this is D3 football.  These kids should be students first and athletes second.  I have never seen a player in the MAC, that currently or in the past, has the ability to become a tradesman in the NFL.  These kids, when their college career is over, will have to make their mark in the world in the workplace and not the athletic field.  If some MAC schools are accepting kids for their athletic ability only, they are cheating their alumni, and the value of an education from that school.  My oldest son, who was a starter at LVC, is currently in  a nationally recognized law school, in the top 20% of his class.  The education he received at LVC is serving him well.  If other schools are accepting students for their athletic ability only, these schools will have numerous WALMART associates as future alumni.  Tell me maAggie , where would you prefer to have your degree from?