FB: Conference of New England

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:57:52 AM

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Bomber Backer

When Sully tried to bring his old-school approach to Framingham State players didn't respond, good players quit, leaders questioned the method to the madness. And when you lose from the start, players start to doubt themselves and blame the head coach. No tradition is built and you start over each year and hope the new recruits coming in don't listen to the bad things upper classmen have to say. A tough thing when you continue to lose. Its too bad these so called good players didn't realize what privilege it is to play college football, something that 99% of people out there will never do. Look at yourself before you spread blame. You wore the pads. How much time and energy was wasted on hating a coach? Did you expect to win with linemen who didn't start in high school and cry at halftime? Can you win with talented players who are 18 playing against talented 21year olds? The bottom line is when you commit to a season, play it the best you can, don't quit, don't bitch, your lucky to be playing football in your 20's. If you're so good and you love football so much I'm sure other schools will take you. It is coach Sullivan's fault for thinking this approach would work with kids these days who think respect should be given and not earned. It's a different era of football, clearly Sully's time has passed, but lets not blame this totally on the coach.


I don't get the idea that a field and weight room should automatically attract an althlete. This is not the 1970's all schools now have these resources. Can you blame any kid coming out of school that wouldn't want to go to FSC and play for a team that hasn't one since it's been around. And if you say that these 4-6 teams were talented, I would like for you to honstely tell me that you think one kid from these 0 for team's could touch the field for any those teams. It comes down to kids want to play for teams that win and unless you have the players to win it doesn't matter who coaches.

Jonny on the Spot

I don't care how many points you get beat by if its 1 or 101, Framingham's record since 1999 is 9-49 they only have won nine of their games for the last six years. I don't care who the coach is, what the gym or the field look like a good student athlete is not going to go to a school that has always been so consistently terrible.


In my other post I stated the talent isn't there either, but the coach is the main reason the program sux. Please Sully just resign and let someone new atleast try.


We interrupt this crusade against Sully and Framingham State, to make some NEFC picks for this week.

UMD 7 at Curry 21
Framingham 0 at Bridgewater 50
EC 28 at WNEC 20
MEM 35 @MAM 7
Fitchburg 35 @Westfield 21
Worcester 28 at MIT 7
Nichols 14 at Salve 20

I think there are some key games:  UMD/Curry - It would be amazing to see UMD go 0-3.  The Fitchtburg/Westfield game is the Bogan championship.  EC/WNEC- EC will need to cut down on penalties and not turn the ball over or they could bee in for a long afternoon and ruin their chances at the Boyd title.  I think that Salve will beat Nichols in a close one. Again turnovers and penalties could make the difference.

Ok, now that we have that out of the way back to picking on Sully.


No I'll take a break for a second to make some picks aswell.

UMD 13 at Curry 28
Framingham 7 at Bridgewater 46
EC 28 at WNEC 13
MEM 52 at MAM 0
Fitchburg 27 at Westfield 24
Worcester 31 at MIT 3
Nichols 21 at Salve 14


Jonny on the spot brings up alot of good points

Salve will put up a good amount of points against Nichols but might give up a bunch also.  But i see it going Salve 34 - Nichols 20


Quote from: gametimeplayer on September 21, 2005, 10:11:52 PM

Now WSC made mistakes but doesn't there have to be a player that finds himself in the right place reading the eyes of the quarterback or jumping on a pattern.  What about the backs who turn the corner and gain those extra yards to keep the drive going. Oh and the wideouts that when the ball came to them won the battle over the DBs.  So what im getting at is, you say they were mistakes while i say that we needed some time to realize that were no push over this year.

First, I agree with you on the Salve offense... and I also agree that they attacked #25 for WSC... the kid was terrible (or the DB coach is terrible)... #25 never looked for the ball...

The turnovers on WSC offense... that wasn't any skill on Salve part... watch the game film... the int's were bad... now there are some issues... sloppy conditions and if you noticed they were'nt rotating dry balls... second one of the 3 was a broken route... the ball was thrown to the side-line and reciever ran a fade... 2-3 was thrown into 3 white shirts... that's all on the qb... if a mlb can catch a ball thrown into his chest he shouldn't be playing college football...

That being said WSC still got the job done through the air when it counted... and that's credited to the great QB they have... beatrice should make their division interesting... MIT should be another tune-up game for WSC before they hit their in conference games.



I gotta laugh...How does a coach clear house with 35 guys to begin with? Those 35 guys where there to play because of love..Its not like he had to skim through 200 players and cut 50, he cut down from 35!!!  The whole old school thing is funny, you must have played for him, cause you hit some stuff on the head....Spare me the whole respect is earned, yada yada...This coach got plenty of respect to start and if anything, how has he earned a pass from criticism?

It takes a special coach to make good players quit and for leaders to question, dont ya think... ;D

Again, its as if you speak of Bobby Bowden coming to FSC...Its was some guy from Worcester St. and a D25 Central Mass HS...His record SPEAKS for itself...I played his first year, he's had a few more and its got WORSE

I sleep easy at night knowing I busted my balls to prepare for a season and this coach...And please dont make a sweet aplogy for this coach...He's share of the blame pie is the largest...Its got WORSE under his watch...And no, I dont consider myself lucky to have been 20 playing there, its a nightmare...I actually avoid football talk because I am EMBARASSED of this program and where its going...

and the whole "new" stuff at FSC is funny...Why do you guys think facilites are built?  To look good?  To keep student athletes out?  This is like a 5th grade discussion about economics...Its simple really, you dont build football fields, locker rooms and weight rooms, if you dont think they will attract student/athletes that pay money....Why would the state have pumped money into Framingham State if they thought the athletic programs would STILL be unable to support themselves?  The average student doesn't use this equipment, its the athletes...

There, I have said my peice...again  :P

UMD 20 at Curry 18
Framingham 6 at Bridgewater 40
EC 29 at WNEC 18
MEM 44 at MAM 7
Fitchburg 23 at Westfield 24
Worcester 41 at MIT 0
Nichols 21 at Salve 17

Bomber Backer

Jeff, Sullymustgo........

As a Framingham Alum. I sympathize with you guys. Your College playing experience should have been a lot better. Hopefully the school will make the necessary changes. Hope we are not boring everyone else on this post with the Sully talk. Anyway, good luck to Framingham State this weekend. Lets hope they can keep it close.

Jonny on the Spot

Picks for the week

UMD 17 at Curry 21
Framingham 9 at Bridgewater 42
EC 21 at WNEC 14
Fitchburg 21 at Westfield 28
Worcester 24 at MIT 10
Nichols 10 at Salve 7


UMD 14 at Curry 28
Framingham 6 at Bridgewater 40
EC 21 at WNEC 7
MEM 28 at MAM 24
Fitchburg 14 at Westfield 28
Worcester 49 at MIT 14
Nichols 17 at Salve 31



I agree that facilities are a lousy bribe to influence kids to attend a certain school; most of these athletes were members of places like Gold's, etc during high school and are not that easily impressed. 
So, what do I feel are the 2 key attributes to a coach getting the recruits?
1.  personality
2.  coaching talent
In that order.
In the recruiting game, coaches have to be good salesmen.  The ones who understand the psychology of hooking the kids and their parents (don't forget the influence of the parents who are paying the bills) to buy into the whole experience come out winners. How many recruits go to play for Steve Nelson at Curry because their fathers were excited after a meeting with him?  The guys who understand this psychology are better motivators, too.  We've talked about not having facilities - back in the days when Salve was a powerhouse, Coach Coen had those kids so into it that they didn't even care that they had no field house, no weight room, no lockers - they had to wash their own uniforms and keep them and their equipment in their rooms.  But, he was still able to get the recruits, still able to make them buy in, and still able to produce a championship team. 

Framingham's new facilities are great, but it's going to take more than that to turn things around,



Actually to be honest Sully isn't that bad of a recruiter in the sense that he's a good "salesman".  He pumps so much BS into new recruits it actually does more harm than good in the longrun because once they're enrolled for a year they realize how bad the program is and what Sully is really like and they quit or transfer.  I have a great love for the game and even though I hate his coaching I do not regret playing football there because I player in everygame every year, I just would have won more games.  I want to see Framingham become a respected team in the NEFC and it may not happen but one thing's for sure, it's never gonna happen with Sullivan calling the shots.