FB: Conference of New England

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:57:52 AM

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Yeah, SullyMustGo, I would have to agree... as with any salesman, the product behind the sales job has to be a good one or the consumer (in this case the kids) will figure out pretty quickly that they've bought a raw deal.  But the motivator piece of the 2 part doesn't seem to be there, maybe that's where he's falling short?   


Tim Coen, now that's a football coach as a RI High School Coach I have the the pleasure to work with him and see him suceed everywhere he has been.  Forget the recruiting, he makes the wing-t exciting and gets his players ready like no one else I have ever seen whether be at any RI highschool, where he worked or at Salve.  Putting Sullivan in the same sentence with him is an injustice.  How about Sully's marches to practice and all the other **** he found important rather than gaining his player's respect by being a stand up guy.  What he did to Luke Callahan, one of the most exciting college qb's I have ever seen on any level was a sin.  I can't see the Rams playing football much longer. 


As a motivator Sully belongs in a church and saying a eulogy.  He is the worst coach I think football has ever seen when it comes to motivating his team.  Take last years game at Fitchburgh for instance. He has his team warm up at a field off campus and doesn't show up to the game until 10 minutes before gametime. He told his team it was like they were Rocky Balboa in Rocky I and Fitchburgh was the big bad Apollo Creed, but the opposite. (Because in the movie Apollo was late). Hey coach Sully, besides this being rediculous, Rocky lost in Rocky I and Framingham got absolutly embarrassed 75-0.  He should have resigned after that game. If he's still there next year. Asst. Athletic director Ms. Williams needs to think about why she is there on that positon. Ever think it was to make every sports program the best it can be. Obviously in football she doesn't care.


Let's see, let's pull a bush-league move and really piss off a better club, no wonder they didn't call of the dogs!  Also, Ms. Williams making football decisions...enough said!  Poor Rams, at least they leave Sarno alone, hopefully.  I'll bet he could coach some ball.


Thats what I never understood about Framingham.  They have a former head football coach as the athletic director yet the football team gets the worst treatment. They hired Sully, technically they hired him because his father was going to be a big part of the team but unfortunatly his health prevented him from coaching.  Instead they were left with little Sully.  A former coach as the AD and they let the Asst. AD do everything and from what I've seen she trys to sabatoge the team.  She puts up a front in public but in reality she's just as bad as Sully, since she did hire him. Obviously winning isn't important there at that is what breaks my heart.


Alright, SMG, listen -- you've obviously got an axe to grind and you have certainly made your position clear. But enough, already. Take it to the Framingham administration if you have a problem. You're doing nothing by posting cowardly about it here under a generic e-mail address.

I support your right to have your opinion but I actually don't have to support your right to post it on this Web site over and over ... and over and over and over. Move on, or we'll move you on for you.


This is a open forum, how is what I'm saying illegal? Plus no one else is bring up any topics.


What did Ms. Williams or Sully complain to you guys? I know they look at this.  This is rediculous if they can't take the heat from a open forum, hahaha.  I have a right to speak my mind on here as long as I don't use obseen language or threat anybody.


Why do you say it's an open forum? You have to register to enter.
Quote from: SullyMustGo on September 23, 2005, 09:15:55 PM
This is a open forum, how is what I'm saying illegal? Plus no one else is bring [sic] up any topics.

That doesn't mean you have to beat the same horse to death over and over. Consider it a heads-up. We've gotten your point. But this site, while available to those who wish to register, isn't here to support your axe-grinding.


Quote from: SullyMustGo on September 23, 2005, 09:20:34 PM
This is rediculous [sic] if they can't take the heat from a open forum, hahaha. I have a right to speak my mind on here as long as I don't use obseen [sic] language or threat [sic] anybody.

Uh huh... you keep thinking that. We have the right to restrict the forum on whatever basis we like. But if you don't heed the warning there won't be another. End of conversation.

I look back and see there is indeed other conversation here -- it's just hard to find it in your diatribe.


I don't understand why what I'm writing is illegal? Some people on here praise people for their accomplishments others point out wrong doings, thats what a open post forum like this is all about.  I havn't gone beyond the limits here. I'm speaking my mind without swearing or threatening anyone.  I would like a better explanation to why I got a warning.



This is not a place for axe-grinding.

Stop your axe-grinding.

You have made your point.

Hopefully this is clear enough for you.


I'm not trying to fight with you, I get a little angry when I get warned for expressing my right.  Please send me the link to your rules, If I am breaking one I will stop and apoligize.


Also if you read the other conferences posts they all talk trash. Why am I being singled out here?


I am telling you the rule right here in my posts. If you continue to debate it you'll be doing it elsewhere, because you won't be posting on the site.

Why is this so hard to understand? I have warned you. If you don't appreciate the warning or abide by it then you can go elsewhere. I have the right to apply whatever rules necessary, and I have decided that this is enough.

Consistently over the course of the seven seasons that I have moderated this message board, I have applied the rules. You do not have an inalienable right to be on this message board -- it is private property.