FB: Conference of New England

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:57:52 AM

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Just because a team has no class or disciplne doesn't mean they can't win. If they have better talent then it doesn't matter how much of poor sports or cry babies they are. They beat Framingham last year 75-0 but had several 15 yard unsportsman-like-conduct penalties. I was just saying they have no class. 2 years ago when they lost of those close games to the top teams in the conference I guerentee they would have won atleast 2 of them if they were disciplined.


And it's not like I'm just making stuff up to argue, Fitchburgh has always been know for classless play, cheapshots, whiners, etc....I'm sure other people on this site can back me on this, I'm not the only one saying it.


So Sully, I have time on my hands, I'm at home sick, so I looked at the Fitchburg Framingham game (stats on FSC's site), and there where 2 personal fouls for 15 yards against Fitch and both were after touchdowns (prob for celebrating) and then there was one 15 for facemask.  THer rest of their penalties were holding.  On the other hand, the Framinghamers had 3 PF's in the second half alone, in the middle of drives.  Seems liek you had your information wrong. 
Now I know that Sully likes a tight ship, how could those happen under his watch?

Anyway, lets get back to the ral matter of EC and Curry, who can break this game down??

Jonny Utah

Quote from: footballfan2005 on October 18, 2005, 12:15:12 AM
Johnny Utah i picked this out for you:

The Princeton Review says WSC is a  "Best Northeastern College"
Worcester State College was selected by The Princeton Review as a "Best Northeastern College" for the new 2006 edition of its book, The Best Northeastern Colleges (Random House / Princeton Review, August 2, 2005). WSC is one of 224 select colleges and universities in the Northeast to receive this distinction. Worcester State College is the only state college selected in Massachusetts distinguished by this recognition. This is the second year in a row that WSC has been selected.

Yea, I never said worcester st was a bad school, but again you talking about 224 northeast schools.  maybe harvard being the best and who is #224?  I dont know but if youre the 224th ranked school in the northeast, you have 1000 better schools in the country to go to.  I mean thats a lot of schools.

and mass d2 teams wouldnt be great d3 teams, but Bentely is a pretty good football team that could hang with any top d3 east team.  So. Conn is another d2 team that is solid....now there are some really bad  1-aa football programs like sacret heart, siena, canisius.....those schools would be competitive with nefc schools.  At Ithaca we played aic every year when they were the best ne-10 school or at least top 2 or 3.  They were good, we usually beat them but even when Ithaca was winning national championships, aic beat them one of the years.

Fitchburg still has the biggest loss in the history of the nefc........77-0 to the bombers!!!!!!


Your argument means nothing gullgrad, penalty's have no say to the outcome of a 75-0 game . It will hurt fitchburgh in a close game, unless this years team is different from the past teams. but from what I'm reading on here they are still the same old punks they've always been...... So you can honestly say Fitchburgh has class and team discipline, gullgrad?


well, I have only seen them play one time, I went to the FSC EC game last year  and I was rather impressed.  It was billed to be a showdown but FSC crushed EC, and I thought they won with class.  The starters where out in the 4th and they seem to be polite to us EC fans.  Just the one time I know of, but thats that.
I am starting to think that maybe you  are just angry because you attended the lesser of the 2 FSC's? (at least football wise)



Who the hell are you?  What did you play for EC when they were a club team?? what all of us say is obviously based on are own opinions.... I for one never played in the NEFC... I was in the Liberty League... well what is now the liberty league... and I'm only watching NEFC ball b/c I got a job in worcester... so i've been following since the start of the season... one thing i've noticed is that anyone of these teams prob doesn't deserve to play in the NCAA's they are gunna get smoked in the first round anyways... as for EC and Curry I don't think EC will win the game... granted Curry started of bad but they have been playing well lately and I think this Holleran kid will tear up EC defense... but we'll have to wait a few more days...


Looking at penalties is not a good measure of whether a team is "dirty" or "poor sports".  It is how they conduct themselves, when they win and probably more so when they lose.  If you look at the stats, Fitchburg is in the middle of the NEFC regarding penalties, but everyone including me considers them poor sports. There have been several postings on this site about their poor sportsmanship, but you can't rely on penalties as a measure of sportsmanship.    Also classifying a team as poor sports depends on the "eye of the beholder".  As someone mentioned earlier, Curry plays music when the opponent is 3rd and short so that they can't hear the plays.  Is Curry a poor sport because of this?  I don't think it is fair, but I also don't think it is poor sportsmanship.  Just look around at major colleges and the NFL they make a lot of noice to prevent the opponent from hearing.  That is all part of the game and the adnavtage of playing at home.

Regarding the Curry-EC game, I give the advantage to Curry, but I think it will be close.  Curry has a lot going for them that will be tough for EC to overcaome:  Defending NEFC Champs (experience in the "Big Game" as has been mentioned by others before),  Homecoming (although EC has beaten two teams at their homecoming games this year), Home Field advantage (music playing when trying for first down).   I think the EC defense can hold their own, but the offense has got to get started early and keep pressure on the Curry Defense or the EC defense will spend too much time on the field and starting wearing down.


I graduated from a D1 school where football wasn't their top priority and it wasn't always the best.  I've been to all the Fitchburg home games this year and never witnessed the type of behavior that some of you describe on this board.  The games have had a few penalties but none that would warrant the label of the Raiders.  I thought the excitement of the fans and students is what has me rooting for the Falcons.  I've seen how close the coaches, players and parents are.  They have a big tailgate party after the game and everyone is invited.  Coaches, players, parents and friends take part in the tailgate and It looks like they are having a pretty good time. They are trying to take a small college and making it a big time football program, which I think is great. 

You should know that I do a lot of research since that's what my day job is.  If the Falcons have an attitude then they have the right to have one.  They have been the doormat of the NEFC for so long, that now that they are opening the door they are looked at as the BAD guys.  Well maybe some of these other D3 football programs need to start to do something other than complaining.  Framingham if I recall was getting ready to get rid of their football program last year.  They decided to hang in there.  Coach Scully may be trying to get the program off the ground and there is nothing but complaining from some of you posters.  If they make a coaching change there they would have to bring someone in that has the same plan as Fitchburg, Curry and Endicott.  Even maybe hiring one of those head coaches since they seem to be getting the players from outside the Northeast to play for them.

As far as Fitchburg being undisciplined, this year Fitchburg averages 4.5 penalties per game Opponents - 5.  This weekends big D1 Game USC - 9 penalties and Notre Dame - 6  I wouldn't want to go out on the limp here but the numbers speak for themselves.  I also think it's ashamed that a couple of you can really type on this message board.  To say that a Coach has no class is defamatory and should be ignored just from pure ignorance of the writers.  I have met and spoken to Pat Haverty he is well respected by his players and community.  This man works fulltime as a Fitchburg Firemen; part-time as a football coach that puts together practices; watches film and design game plans for the weekend while spending time with his family.  Other than this one time, I will never response to the likes of people who call any person classless.  By the way Girls "UNCLASSY" is not a word.  I would also add that some of you are showing your "CLASS" I know that this board is to be used to discuss D3 football but calling players names should not be one of them.  These guys are people who go to the classroom, workout every day and then give up their weekends for the love of playing a game.  You can continue to bad mouth the competition but you do realize that it means absolutely nothing unless YOU are playing between the lines on Saturday. Let's get back to talking about the skinny on this weekends games and what is going on in the NEFC that's what I registered to do on this board.  I'm off of my SOAPBOX.  Thank you 

I'm still researching the out of state players for Fitchburg.  Do have some very interesting results.

Jonny Utah

Quote from: HerbTuck89 on October 18, 2005, 06:23:00 PM
  I also think it's ashamed that a couple of you can really type on this message board. 

What do you mean?


where were you with the pom-poms when Fitchburg had a 25+ game losing streak?

My assumption would be that if they had the internet back then and you were around, you would be posting about how horrible the program was...

and are you suggesting that suggesting a coach/player/team/school has 'no class' should simply be ignored or not discussed? 

I mean you have to be kidding me here...do you actually think that this coach or any other coach/player is above critic?  Yikes...

and an open question to the NEFC forum...Why in God's green earth do some schools only play 9-games a year?  WHAT the heck is that?  All this talk of not having enough non-conference games and a simple glance at the schedules leads me to believe that there is at least ONE game where teams could do something extra...

Jonny Utah

they probably have no money to play the extra games....mass state schools are cheap


No one on here as ever said Coach Haverty didn't have any class. I think he is a nice guy, I have met him and talked to him briefly. A coach can't  control every move of his players. His only flaw is that he doesn't punish them when they act like fools. It's not him that has no class sometimes, it's the players.

retired coach

Just to set the record straight curry only played music during the first game. They still play music but only when play is stopped or timeouts.  I am new to this sight it seems to me a lot of people don't have their facts straight before they sound off.

retired coach

A coach has to control every move of his players on and off the field  thats part of being a disaplined team.