FB: Conference of New England

Started by admin, August 16, 2005, 04:57:52 AM

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All you Fitchburg Falcon fans, and those that are not, Coach Pat Haverty suddenly  resigned last night.  Word is that all the players were called in for a "team meeting" and the coach gave the news.  As a recent fan of Falcon football, Pat Haverty was a great guy!  Many on the inside and outside have said he had an agenda but all I could see was that he had the players and their well being in mind.     

I have no idea who will replace him (does anybody?) and who knows what next year will bring.  We all thought that last year would be the "down year" after the NEFC championship but who knows now.  My best to Pat and I wish him the best.


Very sorry to hear the bad news, had a son that played for both Flynn and Haverty and found Coach Haverty to be a true professional and a great guy.  Everything that Fitchburg Football is, is due to his efforts and never ending work for Falcon Football!  I echo your sentiments!
Best wishes to him and his family!


coachzilly, you are right on track!  I played for both Coach Haverty and the other guy and let me tell you, the only reason Fitchburg has reached the level that it has is because of Coach Haverty.  This is a black period for all Fitchburg Alumni and current players, matter-of-fact this is a time for all alumni and players to speak up and find out what is going on with the people that make the decisions around there.  Do they really have the best intentions for their student athletes in mind? Or is it all about the money?  Why wasn't Haverty a full time coach anyway?  I guess he didn't win enough games.....oh yeah he won more games then all of the previous coaches combined...wierd 


Well, this does seem to bring up the NEFC issue of full time vs. part time coaches.  What is the savings for the college/university?  Does it help to have someone full time on the staff or must it be the head coach?


What it would mean is that most likely the overpaid AD's would have to loose some of thier salary......compare this....AD's typically make somewhere near the 100,000 mark yet "partime coaches" (no such thing in all reality) make less then 20,000....I don't want to hear the argument that because its a state school all the coaches have to make the same...this is not a socialist economy, pay should be based on performance/time actually put into your program.  Just doesn't seem right

Jonny Utah

Quote from: CoachInTheSouth on February 19, 2007, 07:39:28 PM
What it would mean is that most likely the overpaid AD's would have to loose some of thier salary......compare this....AD's typically make somewhere near the 100,000 mark yet "partime coaches" (no such thing in all reality) make less then 20,000....I don't want to hear the argument that because its a state school all the coaches have to make the same...this is not a socialist economy, pay should be based on performance/time actually put into your program.  Just doesn't seem right

yea but you can argue that theres some poor alabama family that probably could legitimaly use some of the millions of dollars the state has paid their football coach.


What are the paremters for off-season work-outs and spring practices for D3?  Who can participate?  How many days?  etc......

Jonny Utah

Quote from: ctgridironmom on February 22, 2007, 01:32:05 PM
What are the paremters for off-season work-outs and spring practices for D3?  Who can participate?  How many days?  etc......

Dont quote me on this but I think you can workout all you want to (without football related drills) and now d3 teams can have spring practices for a limited amounted time in the spring ( a few weeks?)


back at hobart we had both winter and spring weight training programs as well as winter (not kidding here) aerobics classes.

we didn't do any football related drills, but conditioning was a constant.


Still no coach at Fitchburg.  Anyone heard anything???


Regarding the 'speculation' about the Coast Guard Academy and the alleged 'hardest' schools to get into, here's the list from the Princeton Review:


To save time for anyone not interested in checking it out, the list, in order of difficulty, is: MIT, Yale, Princeton, Harvard, Olin, Caltech, Columbia, U Penn, Stanford, and Brown. 

Perhaps I missed some qualifying statement made by whoever first claimed CGA the hardest(not in top ten), but MIT is #1 and actually won a couple of football games this past season.



west point and the naval academy aren't on the list, maybe because appointment to either school (and CGA) is much different than traditional colleges... but they are definetly hard to get into.

Col. Partridge

Those are nice little lists, but they don't explain their methodology and they obviously exclude the service academies, all of which would appear on that list if hardest=lowest % of applicants admitted.


Although I am sure the academies are very difficult to get into and I know they have atypical requirements such as a letter of recommendation from an elected state official.  I think it is not reasonable to think that they have a lower % of accepted/applied students then the premier schools in the country, i.e., MIT, all of the Ivy Leagues, etc.