MBB: Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference

Started by miac newbie, February 17, 2005, 03:57:25 PM

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Everyone's been thinking about it....football has started, meaning it will soon be over...so, let's get to the "meat"....

What's everyone's predictions for the MIAC playoff teams, who will win the conference championship and will the conference champion win the MIAC playoff championship?

I'll go first...

1.  UST  (maybe only 2 losses)
2.  Carleton
3. GAC
4. SJU
5. Hamline
6. Concordia

Playoff Champion:   UST

[Moved to proper board]



One season at a time buddy.  All of us over here are looking forward to football season.  You may want to take this prediction thread on hoops to the hoops area and you'll get a better response.

PS You forgot MAC in your top 6.

2014 MWC North Division Champs
November 22nd, 2014:  NCAA 1st-round playoff game @ Clemens Stadium
Go Scots!


funballer - I would be shocked if anyone in the MIAC this season finished with only 2 losses.  There's too much parity in the league, in my humble opinion.  I could see the league champion finishing somewhere around 16-4.  Last year GAC finished the season 18-2 in conference and while UST looks stronger on paper this season then GAC did last year, I think the key will be UST's defense, patricularly from behind the three-point line.  GAC does an outstanding job at defensive end year in and year out and that's something that the Tommies will have to improve on.


No, I didn't forget about MAC...they won't be there


I think you have the right six teams in your top six but i think you have them in the wrong order. 

1. UST
2. Gac
3. Carlton
4. Hamline
5. Concordia
6. St. Johns

Playoff Champion looks like it could be UST.

You might be wondering why i have hamline up so high on the list.  Dont you know that this is the barry wohler era.  I think it will be fun to watch over the next couple years to see how each of his recruiting classes do.  Everyone has been so high on his recruiting class that he pulled in this year.  It will be interesting to see if they live up to their potential or will they be like every other hamline basketball team of late??? 


I may have been at the Twins game that night Westie...I sat next to the Mauer's UPS driver!

He nearly pissed his pants when I told him I played ball with him growing up.


demoney....I'm with you on the new Wohler/Hamline era; Barry can recruit/out-recruit any of the coaches in the MIAC. If he sticks around (meaning he'll have opportunities to move up if he so chooses & if he consistenly wins at HU) his teams will be in the hunt year in and year out.


car, sju and ham in the playoffs?   surely you jest.    i am a wohler fan, but i am also a realist.    hamline is still hamline.  give them a couple more years before you figure them in on the mix.  and sju's football prowess is not going to help them in december.   i will spot you car, based on recent successes.  otherwise gac is an easy pick cuz they are currently the miac bb icon; mac will be down.   bu and ust are always good, and will undoubtedly be around for the party.    aug and smu will blemish a few records (trip to winona can be a stinker), and sto will continue to continue near the cellar.   con could move up a notch from last year, and should be tougher than nails to beat on their own floor.   hey, let's keep it real. 


No "jest" intended, pal; SJU has five transfers coming in that should/will make them a contender for the playoffs; HU will be better than you think; besides, the MIAC, except for UST, is really not that strong this year. UST should absolutely dominate, especially with Keating in the lineup.


Alright I will keep it real. First of all, if your going to do a poll for the conference, you have to include all the teams so everyone can vote for their favorite teams. As you can tell everyone has their differences on who is going to be in the top six. Keep it fair for everyone. Also, I think you the miac fans will be plesantly surprised by SMU. Thats right, you heard it hear first. They will break some teams hearts as they use to think it was an automatic win, when they play smu. It won't be that easy. So that trip to Winona is going to really stink when your going home with a loss.
Sometimes you should hope for a bottom team to shock the conference. It makes the conference better and it makes games better to watch.  ;D


...and what kind of "poll" would that be by just voting for your favorite team? That has no merit, other than like pissing in your pants, it gives you a nice warm feeling!


It's not voting for your favorite team if the team you think is going to win it all isn't on your list! Ok let me break it down for you, so even your little mind can understand. If you add all the teams or even "none of the above" to your poll. You can give people the right to pick someone other than your top six. I don't believe it is a uniamous selection for the top 6. Why is the response number so low on a very active board? Could it be because you were pissing in your pants when you thought of dumb question anyway?  :P


LOL...you're right, I should have included SMU on the list of schools so you could have counted the number of votes they would have received. I just listed the teams that I thought might make the playoffs...I didn't say there was anything scientific about it. And no, I wasn't having a urination problem when I thought of the question. The stupidity on my part was that the timing of the poll is/was way too early and alot of us are thinking of the football season.

Tell you what....you create the poll in November and we'll all vote then.

Have a nice evening and.....lighten up a little bit!!


Here are some interesting College Rankings by the Princeton Review  and where some MIAC shools fell...


Overall Quality of Life - Mac-#17, Car-#19
Students Ignore God on a Regular Basis - Mac-#14, Car-#19
College with a Consience - Augsburg (no ranking just on the list)
Election? What Election? - SJU-#18
Best College Food - Olaf-#3, GAC-#16
Stone Cold Sober Schools - Olaf-#15

And my personal Favorite
Birkenstock-Wearing, Tree-Hugging, Clove-Smoking Vegetarians - Mac-#18

Hamilne, Bethel, St. Thomas, Concordia and SMU - were either not on any lists or not included in the surveys


Here were the same publications Academic Ratings of MIAC schools.

Academic Rating is defined here http://www.princetonreview.com/college/research/articles/find/ratings.asp#academic

Car   99
Mac   94
STO   91
SJU   86
GAC   86
Bet   85
Aug   83
SMU   82
UST   79
Con   n/a
Ham   n/a