MBB: MAC Freedom League

Started by ljk, March 14, 2005, 09:28:34 AM

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Quote from: cold_case on November 29, 2006, 12:36:29 PM
Checked sataroga's post at the top of the page and again. no mention of McGowan.

He is referring to Mcgowan with the foot injury
A school without football is in danger of deteriorating into a medieval study hall.
Vince Lombardi


quick report:

Have taken in the Kings-Albright ot game, Wilkes-I-Mac and Wilkes -Lyco.

Kings is liking watching a rerun of the same movie or putting the old record player on repeat for hours on end.
Same players, same sets, same strengths and same weaknesses.

Still think their guards are timid when pressured. Like their size and Scalzo's savvy.
Nice win tonight against the Royals.

Wilkes, on the other hand, looks like a new model car. Not sure if that is a hemi underneath the hood but they have some really fine high octane freshman.  Tom Kresge appears to all that was advertised. Size, agility, touch and toughness. ....Soph Kline seems a bit more decisive.....but he must be even more assertive..... Gabriel has big upside for a post player....he's first or 2nd off the bench and appears to be quite skilled.  Frosh Gula and a Kelly (LCC transfer) are going to demand serious minutes at guard.  Both can play.

Yew, CC...there was a Shovlin sighting on opening night against I-Mac.  He was greeted warmly by the sparse crowd. Hope things work out for him.

Lyco still has Sye and Morris plus a very very young team.  Tonight, Lyco made a bundle of unforced errors (walks, double dribbles etc. ) . The Warriors did not have their best game. Meanwhile, the Colonels really worked the ball down low. Seems more of an inside -inside offense with interior passing. Some inside out stuff as well.  They don't seem to be as reliant of the three pointer as they were last year with Kable, Coinstantine, Shovlin etc.

The defense played very well ...lot of pressue ....and their swtching was excellent. Mand to man most of the way.

Overall, always nice to win the first conference game but it is quite early and  the real tests to come.



By the way, Colonel John made a Marts appearance and that gold band glistened!!


Scranton played Kings tought at home but went cold in the last two minutes. They need to beat an undeafted FDU at home on Saturday to aviod a three game losing streak. I beleive Darren Cannon did not start last night (coaches decision).

Danzig wants to institute a BIG 5 a la philly with the local teams after Scranton leaves the MAC, sounds good to me.
A school without football is in danger of deteriorating into a medieval study hall.
Vince Lombardi


You're right Naismith, its early, but its nice to see that Wilkes finally has an inside game going on.  The front line has nice size for this level with (2)6'5" and (1)6'6" starters and (1)6'5" off the bench.   The freshmen have played hard and agresssive and have supplied a lot of spark.  Kresge has game and looks like the real deal.   Kline is very aggressive,  and goes to the hoop hard.  Adams mixes it up inside pretty good, but has to finish better.   Gabriel comes off the bench with a variety of inside moves and Gulla and Kelly give some nice depth at backcourt.  The defense played tough, led by Gould who had a nice floor game.  Kable hasnt found his rhythm yet.   Without Shovlin, who was their go to guy, they appear to be playing a much more team oriented game.  Its a  different style Wilkes team but so far so good.   I wasnt expecting this upside so quickly, but like Naismith said,  its way too early, with real tests to come.   That being said, a nice start, for what may be a very interesting year for the Colonels.  


"Catholic-I predict will be The U's new rival, in basketball at least."

NEPAFAN...let's start with this one...how is Penn State's new "rivalry" game with Michigan St. working out?     ::)     Exactly, my thoughts.

CJ, brought the panzers, i'm bringing the airborne units.  I phoned CJ yesterday and he let me know the knews and my first reaction went something along the lines of..."how stupid are they?" 

Conference affiliation...the Landmark.  What is a like-minded D3 school?   Maybe if they were all Jesuit or if they were all poor or something but what do these schools have in common? 

Why don't they just add Gaulladet and they can qualify for a government diversity grant!  Is Howard looking for conference affiliation?  This move is ok though..I mean I hear next year they're going to add a team from Hawaii and from Alaska because they're like-minded also.  It must be that each of these schools had a 5'2 pygmy running the point at one point...that's equal opporunity. 

F Scranton...at least the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International airport will be seeing more business from these pompous snobs.  Catholic Girls are still easy and Scranton still sucks!  I'm out!


wb1313: Your last statement was pretty original & classy...must be a Wilkes grad or a CJ wannabe. And you wonder why schools like Scranton, Drew & Susquehanna are leaving? By the way...I can't really say how Penn State's rivalry with Michigan State is going...but, I'm pretty confident their "rivalry" with Michigan & Ohio State is "working out" just fine. Now back to work...those burgers are burning.


Saratoga..you can save the whole classy crap.  You've tried that numerous times with different people...time to get a new line!  I'm neither a Wilkes grad nor a CJ wannabe...though I do root for Wilkes to do well.  If you knew anything about college football you would know that PSU is not really a rival of Michigan and the Ohio State games are fun and a developing rivalry but nothing like what they had with Pitt as of yet.  The Big 10 tried to make MSU into a rivalry game (Land Grant trophy) which hasn't developed into anything of any consequence.  Rivalries are developed by proximity, familiarality, and years of hard fought battles.  If Scranton thinks they will have that with Catholic they will be sorely mistaken.  Keep thumbing your noses in the air but I promise that with my education I will never work for a Scranton grad!  You better stick with those burgers Saratoga...don't want the drive thru to get backed up...


Obviously , it is a compliment to Scranton that everyone is up in arms. No one cares about Drew, or any other team leaving. Scranton has been the banner of the MAC for years. With the rumors of Lyco leaving too , dont worry Wilkes fans...you'll still have your games with Baptist Bible, Immaculata and Marywood!
A school without football is in danger of deteriorating into a medieval study hall.
Vince Lombardi

Matt Letourneau

Catholic Girls are still easy and Scranton still sucks! 

Woah there big fella.  I don't know you and I don't most people on this board, because I primarily stick to the CAC board, but where do you get off insulting the women that go to CUA?  What school are you affiliated with exactly?

Obviously, rivalries don't develop overnight.  When the CAC was formed in 1990, Catholic didn't have much with some of the teams in that conference, either.  But over the years, they've developed because of various games, incidents, etc.  That will happen in Landmark too.  Its logical to assume that to start out with, Catholic and Scranton will have somewhat of a rivarly.  They've played each other the last few years, Catholic has won the last two, they're both Catholic schools, and quite frankly, they're both consistently good.

I can understand some bitterness of hard feelings that may develop, but there's no reason for juvenile name calling and insults.


Matt: wb1313 is a classic example of the perils of Wilkes open admission policy.


Quote from: Matt Letourneau on November 30, 2006, 01:46:01 PM
Catholic Girls are still easy and Scranton still sucks! 

Woah there big fella.  I don't know you and I don't most people on this board, because I primarily stick to the CAC board, but where do you get off insulting the women that go to CUA?  What school are you affiliated with exactly?

Obviously, rivalries don't develop overnight.  When the CAC was formed in 1990, Catholic didn't have much with some of the teams in that conference, either.  But over the years, they've developed because of various games, incidents, etc.  That will happen in Landmark too.  Its logical to assume that to start out with, Catholic and Scranton will have somewhat of a rivarly.  They've played each other the last few years, Catholic has won the last two, they're both Catholic schools, and quite frankly, they're both consistently good.

I can understand some bitterness of hard feelings that may develop, but there's no reason for juvenile name calling and insults.


I believe the term "Catholic Girls" was in reference to the women who follow that religion, not those attending the institution.  Just another example of the "we are the center of the universe" attitude oozing from some schools. 
Its not all about you (Catholic) or you (Scranton).

Matt Letourneau

Ohhhh, I see, so if the insult is just intended for millions of women of a certain faith, its MUCH better, right?

Why don't you substitute "Catholic" for "Jewish" or "Muslim" and see how that flies.

Its not all about Scranton, or all about CUA for that matter.  It seems to me we aren't the ones making it that way.


As an outsider looking in, I think you're being a little sensitive.  Where I'm from its often joked that Catholic girls are 'easy' because as children their parents keep them locked in the house and away from the 'dirty little boys'.  Whenever I've heard it used its always been in jest. 
In this day in age with all the P.C. people out there and thin skin that people have, perhaps we shouldn't joke at all.
I for one will be asking the big fellas forgiveness for joking about the sexual activities of my catholic sisters.

You're acting like its Holy War.  Get a grip. Relax.  You think to much of yourself.


Saratoga, where in the world did you come up with the following quote?

.....the Royals get hot from the outside & their defense comes to play & in their last game in Kings gym for the next 10 years (if they play in the future Kings has to play in the Long Center)

Have you been nipping on too much Geritol????

Where ever you got that information from, you need a new source.

The teams will play again at the Long Center on January 31 and should the rivalry continue beyond this season, there is nothing set either way that deems one team should or would host the next game.  It is whatever the coaches can agree on and in most cases there will be a reciprocal aggreement that says if Team X comes to Team Y, then Team Y comes to Team X the following year.

How do you figure that IF they play in the future King's to come to the Long Center if they play beyond this season?