MBB: MAC Freedom League

Started by ljk, March 14, 2005, 09:28:34 AM

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Saratoga...you're really putting that Scranton education to good use.  If you actually could read you would have realized base on my last post that I didn't go to Wilkes...but obviously reading isn't a requirement to attend Scranton.   ;D

Matt, I wasn't referring to CU girls but I do find it funny that you are up in arms.  Is it true?  Are CU girls easy?  Honestly i'm Catholic myself but if you've been to a Wilkes/Scranton game (I would bet a lot of money you haven't) you have probably heard that chant. 

It's about as well known as "if you can't get into college go to king's"  I find it sad that people like Saratoga are defending this move as "good for the school."   If Scranton was moving up to D-II or D-I then it would be much more understandable but to throw away you local affiliations for the US Merchant Marines, Drew, and Catholic is laughable at best.   Baptist Bible and Marywood are like minded with Scranton and Catholic...why aren't they in this conference?   ;)

This is too easy just like your women!.... BOOM goes the dynamite!!!


Hopefully one day we will get the "unofficial" reasons behind the move to Landmark.

Are posts dissapearing or is it me?
A school without football is in danger of deteriorating into a medieval study hall.
Vince Lombardi


Quote from: wb1313 on November 30, 2006, 04:35:05 PM
Baptist Bible and Marywood are like minded with Scranton and Catholic...why aren't they in this conference?   ;)

How about it!  My point exactly.

And Matt, I know you're a big timer on the CAC board, so I'll let ya slide, but it was just a joke.  At Wilkes, we respect both Catholics and Catholic University.  We just hate Scranton. :)  Anything you can chant to get under their skin, you chant.  Wise men, generations before myself, found that "Fags wear pur-ple" and "Catholic girls are easy" were funny enough to find favor with the student section, offensive enough to get under the skin of Scranton players, and avoided enough 4-letter words to save action from the Deans.

Again, hatred of Scranton, love for those of faith.  Don't go to Scranton, the city itself or Da U, don't wear purple, don't even root for the Reading Royals hockey team just to stay on the safe side.  Thanks to King's, Wilkes is now a full game up in-conference on UofS.

Wilkes & Lycoming - Naismith and LJK covered it well.  It was a coming out party for the Freshmen.  Kresge was game-high with 20, Gulla impressed me, and it's great to see Wilkes with a genuine inside game.  Someone even commented after the game, "That beating was so bad, Don Friday should have given back the '04 Freedom League title."
Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes.


Bob: It was a joke...if I said the 10 year period of games at only the Long Center was mandated by Congress would that have made it a little clearer?  Wb1313...of course you'll never work for someone that is a UofS graduate...not as long as you're on the grill at Wilkes & Barries Burger Barn. CJ, the feeling is quite mutual toward that bastion of higher education in "Da Valley". I even hate pop-corn Colonels!


wb1313: Your one statement regarding Marywood & Baptist Bible both being "like-minded & Catholic" is priceless! You are truly a man of the world. The fact that you think "like-minded" has anything at all to do with religion essentilly proves you have zero concept of what this move is all about. P.S. Baptist Bible is a very Protestant school...remember the Reformation? Sure you do!


Saratoga...there is a thing called Sarcasm that you're failing to grasp.  My point in all of this is how do these schools going to the Landmark Conference see themselves as "like-minded."  I understand a concept like this might be overwhelming to you, but I ask that you stay with us while we delve into reality.  What do Drew, the Merchant Marines, Susquehanna, and Scranton all have in common?  I won't even bring in the other schools in the conference, I just want to understand where they are going with this.  If this was Scranton and Catholic, I might think of this as the all-snob conference.  Ya know, the one where they stick their noses up and think they are better than everyone but in reality everyone knows that they are no better than any other D3 school.   

Trust me...the doors my diploma has opened are much greater than anything UofS could have given me.  I know what Baptist Bible is...but you don't understand that you can make a point by using exaggeration and sarcasm.  When you learn those concepts and stop taking yourself too seriously let everyone know.  I never used the term "like-minded & Catholic."  I only stated like minded..ya know as in the fact that they are institutions founded by religious organizations.    Maybe I can stop at Best Buy when i'm in town in a few weeks have you put that HDTV I'm looking to buy in my car.  If you're nice i'll even throw you a few bucks as tip so you can buy yourself a clue!


wb1313: You state, you "never used the term like-minded and Catholic" when referring to BOTH Marywood & Baptist Bible...look up your own quote from 4:35 this afternoon. As a matter of fact...even CJ quoted you. Not having a clue is when you can't even remember your own argument. I'd like mine well-done thank you.


"Baptist Bible and Marywood are like minded with Scranton and Catholic...why aren't they in this conference?"

This is my exact quote from earlier.  I was referring to the fact (so was Colonel John) that these are institutions founded by religious organizations.   Scranton alums should be disowning you for your inability to grasp such simple concepts.


As I stated previously..."like-minded" has ZERO to do with religion and just about everything to do with academics...once that concept is grasped by you, you will then be able to slowly see the bigger picture emerge and realize why the certain school you pull for will continue on one path while others move on. Nothing personal...just the way it is. And in the long run this may work out really well for Wilkes because the schools that play a significant part of your non-conference schedule may soon be bunk-mates in the "new" MAC. Just think, instead of playing Miseri & Marywood & Lancater Bible & Baptist Bible once per year...you can now feast on them & that other new MAC power Manhattenville twice a year. As a reference, I suggest you read the header as to why the Landmark was formed, its premise and collective goals.


Saratoga..stop making a fool of yourself.   You have no ability to understand sarcasm and can not tell us anything more about the institutions than what that press release says...Congratulations..You are a shill!  The conference was formed as like minded institutions...what is so like minded about them...and how does Scranton fit in?  I feel as though the purple people eaters are the red headed step child of the conference...I mean how does it feel to be the last one in...you barely beat out ETown...congrats!!   

About 5-10 years down the road you will realize that this will not help Scranton at all...but until then...keep living in your little fantasy world.   

"Saratoga, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

Matt Letourneau

Quote from: ColonelJohn4Life on November 30, 2006, 06:23:02 PM
Quote from: wb1313 on November 30, 2006, 04:35:05 PM
Baptist Bible and Marywood are like minded with Scranton and Catholic...why aren't they in this conference?   ;)

How about it!  My point exactly.

And Matt, I know you're a big timer on the CAC board, so I'll let ya slide, but it was just a joke.  At Wilkes, we respect both Catholics and Catholic University.  We just hate Scranton. :)  Anything you can chant to get under their skin, you chant.  Wise men, generations before myself, found that "Fags wear pur-ple" and "Catholic girls are easy" were funny enough to find favor with the student section, offensive enough to get under the skin of Scranton players, and avoided enough 4-letter words to save action from the Deans.

Again, hatred of Scranton, love for those of faith.  Don't go to Scranton, the city itself or Da U, don't wear purple, don't even root for the Reading Royals hockey team just to stay on the safe side.  Thanks to King's, Wilkes is now a full game up in-conference on UofS.

Wilkes & Lycoming - Naismith and LJK covered it well.  It was a coming out party for the Freshmen.  Kresge was game-high with 20, Gulla impressed me, and it's great to see Wilkes with a genuine inside game.  Someone even commented after the game, "That beating was so bad, Don Friday should have given back the '04 Freedom League title."

Right.  Well, in truth, I'm really not exactly a PC, touchy sort of guy, its just that for all the talk of good natured sarcasm, the tenor of the, shall we say, "discussions" on Landmark has not exactly been good natured.  And, over the years, we've had some not-so appropriate incidents in the CAC that have crossed the good natured line on the religious issue.  Ribbing on it, fine, but getting into sexual abuse (which has happened) and that sort of thing is just tasteless and wouldn't be tolerated in most settings, so I'm not sure why it is in basketball.  Plus...its really not that funny.

Perhaps the overarching question I have, for wb and others, is...this is obviously something that bothers you...WHY?  If this group of institutions decided that it was in their best interests to split off from their past alliances and come together, what's it to you, other than perhaps the disappointment of a regional rivarly that is diminished (but hardly impossible, given the ample opportunity to play non-conference, regional games)?


I wonder if Catholic has come under such scrutiny on its message board?
I also wonder if it's possible that the moderator can put together a Landmark forum now instead of in the spring?
Naismith, you told me something a few months ago that I had a hard time believing. I officially believe it.

Matt Letourneau

No, not really.  For Catholic, a lot has to do with the economics of their conference.  CUA and Goucher are by far the most expensive schools in their conference, and just by nature different.  It became very, very difficult for those two schools to compete against all the others for athletes.  We have to remember, this is not all about basketball.  In basketball, CUA has a great tradition and an incredible record of success, so recruiting is very strong.  But in other sports, its very difficult for a school like Catholic to compete with much cheaper public schools like Mary Washington, St. Mary's, and Salisbury.  Gallaudet is sort of a special case since its the national school for the deaf, and York is one of the cheapest private schools in the entire country.  That left CUA and Goucher in a different place, and that's part of the reason for the new conference.  All but Kings Point basically fit the same mold in terms of private, liberal arts oriented colleges.


Board is hot for late november/early december!
A school without football is in danger of deteriorating into a medieval study hall.
Vince Lombardi


Boy I go away for a few months and I am left to decipher everybody's comments.  Since I am finally done with football, with all teams but Lakeland eliminated in our region, let me get to some general comments.
First off, if you consult your Webster's Dictionary for the word Landmark, there is a good chance that Drew University isn't mentioned unless by landmark you mean "former garbage dump converted to university".  That new conference is in desperate need of a name change and they haven't even played one organized game.
That said, it is nice that Drew won't be the only whipping boy for the league with Juniata in there.  That Drew-Juniata bloodbath should set the tone.  A 4-hour drive either way to see a flaming blivit of a game, now that's progress!!
Colonel John took in a game and didn't tell me about his appearance, but then again I didn't get an invite to his wedding so I am still a little sore and may have ignored him.
I did see the highlights from the Martz Center and Scandlon Gym and the one thing I noticed was all the people dressed up as bleachers.  Both schools must have promoted the crap out of those games because so many people dressed alike.  that being said, an empty bleacher looks a whole lot better than those mustard yellow shirts the Colonels have passed out for the past five years.  You could get one of those shirts on E-Bay for the cost of a chicken wing bone.
And finally, the "Catholic Girls Are Easy" chant has been going on since the turn of the century.  I was at a 6th grade girls game at St. Mary's Assumption two years ago and some 50-year old guy in the corner was yelling it at the top of his nicotine-infested lungs.  However, this chant will lose some steam now that the Bishop has put the axe to so many storied schools.  The only things that will miss those institutions are low enrollment, asbestos and no heat in the winter.
Have a wonderful week.