MBB: MAC Freedom League

Started by ljk, March 14, 2005, 09:28:34 AM

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Interesting take on the King's situation. I am a bit surprised that they weren't benched for any length of time. Perhaps the players in question are running extra laps after practice as punishment? I really don't know.

As for the official who played Lyco's cheerleader, I never heard of such a thing. However, I do remember a Scranton at Lebanon Valley playoff game a few years back where an LV player (Jack Lazicky) and an official had their arms around each other with about three minutes remaining in the game while LV was shooting free throws.
A fan sitting behind the Scranton bench yelled "why don't you two kiss each other as well."
The official heard it and gave Bob Bessoir a technical without even looking over at their bench.
Best part was, the person who said it was a woman. Unless Bessoir was disguising his voice, the referee was way out of line. Ironically, the woman was sitting next to Dr. Andy Panko and his son, who was being recruited by Scranton, but eventually ended with a Flying Dutchmen.

Leo The Lion

Well maybe I'm in the minority here, but I still think King's is a classy program.  Their players graduate, they play the game right, and they never showboat or showup their opponents.  Sounds classy to me.

As for the disciplenary issues, none of us (except maybe Bob Z.) know the internal disceplenarian program at the school.  I don't know if JP has a rule about this (I'm guessing he doesn't) but I don't think the school has a whole does.  When I went there, any alcohol citation was referred to the Dean of Students and the student received a punishment based on their prior record (previous citations, etc).  The punishment could be anytyhing from a warning to expulsion.

I'll go back and say it again, the majority of underage students drink alcohol, and more than a handful have been cited for it.  Athlete's and non-athletes included.  These three just got hosed because it was printed in the paper.

JP's  a good coach and a fair coach.  I'm sure he's handled this in a fair way.  A suspension isn't the only way to handle it.



Sect. J,
     My 2 biggest complaints about the coaching (and there aren't many for Danzig, I think he's doing a great job) are that he left a player in too long in the 2nd half that doesn't give you much on offense or defense, and his decision to go for 2 with only 5 seconds remaining (after the shot was made) and down 3.  It didn't leave enough time to foul and get another decent shot off.  Other than that, great game.

     You said that King's graduates it's players.  Don't most D-3 schools?  It's not like they are there for any other reason than to get an education.  Basketball is an extra-curricular activity.  I can't remember too many MAC players leaving early for the NBA recently.  I also think JP has done a very good job with the Kings program.  However, I think some type of punishment (even if it was minor) was warrented, and would have made him look even better.

Coach C

Yeah - just becasue we didnt hear about a suspension doesnt mean that it wasnt handled properly.

I think it's probably time to let this one go.


Leo The Lion

Quite the joyous trip down to Center Valley for this old Lion,

Despite their crowd taking advice from CJ4L (The front row had a kid dressed in a beer costume), The Monarchs handily defeated DeSales.  The Offense was on yesterday, it seemed like everyone was stroking it from beyond the arc (TM, Scalzo, Welsh, Nensteil, Swim, Kofi), a real rarity for this year's squad.  Hopefully, that momentum continues into a TOUGH game in Lyco on Wednesday.

Back around Christmas when the Monarchs were being beaten by powerhouses like BBC, this is the best they could have hoped for, alone atop the Freedom League and one win away from making the playoffs.  Of course the goals are much higher now, but man this team has come a long way



Having knocked down a few Molson's with JP in our teens, I doubt he worried much about this matter.  That said, JP's a class guy and I'd love to have my kids play for him.  Probably the best coach in the league.  Didn't he marry Bessoir's daughter?


The three King's players that were caught driniking a couple weeks back were disciplined by the school.
All the players involved were handed minimum fines of $200 by the college, but Moore's could be higher.
King's College has a fining system as a disciplinary action and a source said the punishment handed down was sufficient.
Anyone who thinks athletes get away with more than a student should think twice since this is Division III and everyone is a student first.

By the way, judging by the traffic, or lack thereof on the Freedom board, I take it Wilkes lost on Saturday?


Wilkes what? Saturday what?  I don't know what you're talking about.  [turns to side and whistles...]

All of a sudden, tomorrow night, Scranton and Wilkes are playing not to fall 2 games out of the conference lead.  How did THAT happen??

King James, JP drinks Molson?  Whole new respect for the guy...
Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes.


Quote from: ColonelJohn4Life on February 07, 2006, 05:35:55 AM

King James, JP drinks Molson?  Whole new respect for the guy...

Dude had a sweet 'fro too, think Napolean Dynomite sans moon boots.

The school fined those kids $200. a piece?  That just ain't right, IMO.

**rumor alert**
Down on southside W-B, Shovlin's suspended for the Scranton match for a lockerroom argument with "the rick".  I don't think he's being fined.  >:(
**rumor alert**


Quote from: kingjames on February 07, 2006, 07:36:50 AM

**rumor alert**
Down on southside W-B, Shovlin's suspended for the Scranton match for a lockerroom argument with "the rick".  I don't think he's being fined.  >:(
**rumor alert**

King, I can't see Shovlin sitting. And where is Togasara. I guess Scranton won on Saturday. :'(


Whois Togasara?

Now I'm hearing 2 games.

I'd say the entire season is in jeopardy.  They gotta hope Desales drops one more game just to get into the playoffs.  I wish I was a mind reader so I could have a clue as to what's going on in "the rick's" head.  He's trying to destroy a great player.  Talk about a shame.  Shovlin could have gone to a number of D1 schools, but "the rick" had him fooled to stay home be the star...  Too bad the kid was dumb enough to believe him.  What are the chances he can make a come back this season and get on the all conference team?


Sorry, I mean Sataroga. ;D

I wouldn't say Jerry conned Shovlin into coming to Wilkes. Shovlin has parents and I'm sure they weren't about the sacrifice the scholarship he got from Monmouth, unless they never offered him a full ride.
As for him missing anytime, I'll believe it when I believe, to coin a phrase from Yogi.

Leo The Lion

Coming from the part of Wilkes-Barre I come from, Chris Shovlin isn't too popular up North.  He has an amazing skill set has a player, but attitude wise I've seen much better.  There's alot of rumors floating around up North about this guy, his off the court actions, and his past.  I'm not gonna mention them because they are just that, rumors, possibly fueled by a inter-city rivalry. 

However, I think right now it's safe to say he is no Dave Januzzi.



Not only is there a rumor going around about Shovlin being suspended, but from a team source Shovlin is thinking about transfering as well.  He wants nothing to do with Rick anymore and he wants out.  Team source heard him making a comment to some of his boys saying, "I would love to just transfer to King's and be on a winning team"  If this rumor is true there are some serious problems going on between him and the rick.  Should be an interesting game I still see Scranton pulling this one out without or with Shovlin on the court.

Section J Guy

Did he pull a Chad Johnson and take a swing at Rickrode? 

CJ get on your sources , come on man.