MBB: MAC Freedom League

Started by ljk, March 14, 2005, 09:28:34 AM

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Cabrini Cavaliers 2012 National Runner-Up.
First official poster on the Atlantic East forum board.


The person who says something can't be done shouldn't stand in the way of the one who's doing it.


one guy's opinion on the most under-rated players in the league at the half-way point of the season.  I am certain I'm missing some deserving guys but also hopeful that it'll spark some discussion on the board, which seems to be lacking this season for some reason.  these may not be the all stars, but are players who do not seem to get the headlines that I have seen do a real nice job in the (limited) exposure to each I have seen so far.  Here goes, and be kind....

Chris Myers               Eastern    (team captain!)
Mike Wagner             Kings        (top sniper)
Chris Mayo                Del Val
George Twill              FDU
Bob Zanneo              DeSales
Robbie Johnson        Miseracordia
Marcus Little             Miseracordia
Paul Huchs               Wilkes

....apologies to the Valiants, sure there are some deserving mentions, just haven't seen enough of them to forward an opinion.    ok, have at it.....tell me where i screwed up. 
anybody want to venture a stab at the all-leaguers for the first half??


Whew! tiring game at EU....... Cavs should have stuck the knife in them when they could.  Thought the coaches were going to be ejected with the horrible calls on the wrong guys.

Coach N. was in the middle of the floor which disrupted a fast break and nothing called then they call the foul on the wrong player after checking the books they figured it out.........

Fans were loving it....... Kevin M. shines again.   EU shot well but not enough.  The EU fans were whooping it up until the end.  Emotions high just cannnot take the sardine can gym much longer.  Standing room only.

Lefty, when the Cavs win 8 CSAC titles I will change my name. 

I just hope Marcus Kahn starts running the scores up soon on some of these teams to prove a point.


Wolf -- Nadelhoffer called and was given the timeout by the official right in front of the bench as the three pointer went through the hoop. The players didn't hear the whistle. It was pretty loud at that point.

For a small contribution ( two or three million), I am sure Eastern will name the new facility after you and reserve you a seat for all future contests. Could be worth looking into. In all seriousness, i don't think another body could have made it into the gym.

Misevicious is a tough match-up, and I think Farrello has a nice all around game. Hard to understand how they are not running away with more games.

Eastern got a nice effort from Wright (23), but they are struggling to shut teams down in critical moments. Congrats to Cabrini. Things don't get easier as the Eagles host DeSales on Saturday.


One more thing. Doors didn't get locked until 15 minutes before game time. I think everyone who got to the game after 6:30 had to stand against a wall somewhere.


Quote from: chairman on January 28, 2010, 12:12:06 AM
Wolf -- Nadelhoffer called and was given the timeout by the official right in front of the bench as the three pointer went through the hoop. The players didn't hear the whistle. It was pretty loud at that point.

For a small contribution ( two or three million), I am sure Eastern will name the new facility after you and reserve you a seat for all future contests. Could be worth looking into. In all seriousness, i don't think another body could have made it into the gym.

Misevicious is a tough match-up, and I think Farrello has a nice all around game. Hard to understand how they are not running away with more games.

Eastern got a nice effort from Wright (23), but they are struggling to shut teams down in critical moments. Congrats to Cabrini. Things don't get easier as the Eagles host DeSales on Saturday.

Chairman,  from my vantage point I thought something odd was up with that 3pt shot.  I did not hear a buzzer a whistle or anything so I am sure there was concern for alarm on EU staff.  I did not know what was going on and only thought it was a close call in getting the shot off.......I understand now thank you.

The Cavs should and can score more points but I think they are keeping the reins on them right now for some reason.  Was a great game to watch despite someone had to lose. The fans were all passionate about the game and that is the way it should be every game.  Congratulations to both teams on their efforts.


Quote from: chairman on January 28, 2010, 12:19:18 AM
One more thing. Doors didn't get locked until 15 minutes before game time. I think everyone who got to the game after 6:30 had to stand against a wall somewhere.

Cavs fans know from experience to get there early.  I think they could add some seats behind the benches if they break through the wall for less than the cost of the turf fields.  This is d3 though and we know where priorities lie.......

Nuemann has a beautiful hoops facility finally...liked the juggler though.  Is he for hire?


The juggler is for hire. He is an Eastern student and big sports fan, so he does a routine at the Eastern games. his website, http://jugglerjoshhorton.com/2010/Home.html tells more about him and has contact info.

As there are academic resources on the other side of that wall that you suggest blowing out, I don't think the solution is as simple as you propose. The turf fields were considerably less expensive than you think, and they were built with a couple big donations and the now fulfilled promise of increased camp and conference revenue combined with decreased maintenance costs for he old dirt fields. That Eastern was able to resurrect Men's Lacrosse, which is still behind Cabrini, but on a really good track, is another plus of the turf field.

You can't build gyms with tuition dollars, and Eastern needs a couple big donors to step up to get the ball rolling. How about it?


I think if Eastern wins 8 or 9 conference titles their alumnae may find it worth it to donate.  Until then I find it difficult to believe Eu cannot raise money through campaign efforts with a history prior to 1957.  The alumnae of EU should have some pretty successful people coming of age financially to get support by now.  I sat with EU alumni who were pretty dressed up with some bling on themselves who cheered pretty loud.  These people were in their 40's and 50's too.

Maybe they need to hire a professional fundraiser or marketing person to obtain donors.  Afterall... they are a university and should have some grant money to cover other operating costs for capital investments and expenditures.

Do they have a nice fat endowment fund to cover fixed costs?  How about corporate sponsors, with all those parents of students there must be some connections.  I know several people who got degrees in divinity and kinesthetics who are marriage counselors and drive nice fat vehicles while they go to work in the coporate world of finance in the sofware business making big bucks! They are quite blessed I am sure..but if they do not like hoops well ........?

I think you could accomplish many goals to obtain a new facility if it is really a priority but until then we Cav fans will just live with it but walking over is good for us since the parking is inadequate as well.  Just need to focus efforts as they say if you value something you hold on to it and get what you need to get the job done.  Persistence is success.   Do not believe in great men with big money to contribute, believe in youself to create a campaign to raise capital.



On second thought, with the tough financial climate and global vulnerability we have to deal with these days, we should all feel fortunate to even have a basketball program for our young men and women despite the size of our facilities.

EU atmosphere does make for some intimate, loud, cozy games.


True enough. There are many people eager to see it happen, but there are a lot of other strains on dollars. I am fairly certain that there are explorations into a new facility and the fundraising that it would take to drive it, but I couldn't tell you whether a new gym is ahead of or behind a science building on the University's plan. The parking thing is the cost of the St. Davids mailing address. You can't weed-whack without a special permit. Cutting down a tree is completely out of the question. Those 'environmental issues' have complicated every building project in the last 8 years and promise to cause problems should the gym process get going.

I think Eastern has won Conference titles in 12 of the last 13 years in Volleyball-- Does that work?  ;)

Do you think the game could go neutral site every year until that gym is built?


Quote from: chairman on January 29, 2010, 03:42:33 PM
True enough. There are many people eager to see it happen, but there are a lot of other strains on dollars. I am fairly certain that there are explorations into a new facility and the fundraising that it would take to drive it, but I couldn't tell you whether a new gym is ahead of or behind a science building on the University's plan. The parking thing is the cost of the St. Davids mailing address. You can't weed-whack without a special permit. Cutting down a tree is completely out of the question. Those 'environmental issues' have complicated every building project in the last 8 years and promise to cause problems should the gym process get going.

I think Eastern has won Conference titles in 12 of the last 13 years in Volleyball-- Does that work?  ;)

Do you think the game could go neutral site every year until that gym is built?

I'm sure if you ask Cabrini they would entertain you as a neutral site... for a small nominal fee!!  :P ;D
Cabrini Cavaliers 2012 National Runner-Up.
First official poster on the Atlantic East forum board.


Depends on the EU staff I am sure Cabrini would host as Mailsy says for the safety and welfare of all who attend.   I heard some comments from some folks how dangerous the aisles filled with students and the moving handrails on the bleachers were ........ if there was a fire or emergency many would be doomed to get down the steps from the bleachers.

I do understand township permits and applications for variances quite well so I do sympathize with you there.  Make the best of what you have for now.  I would tend to agree the volleyball venue and championships would be a great starting point for pushing the issue....but do alot of people show up for those games?

Perhaps I am misled by the one capacity crowd a year when Cavs and Eagles play and the attendance at the other games do not warrant a larger facility.
Anyhow..... I see where you are coming from..I do not know if attendance alone would even break the hurdle unless the large resources agree with the athletic department.


It's pretty tight for every home basketball game. Not like Wednesday, but there are very few seast ever. That's not a bad thing for environment etc. The bigger reason for a new facility really comes down to serving the general student population with a better fitness facility, more space for classes and intramurals, and more convenient practice places for all the teams. The facility would obviously accommodate more ( maybe 1500) spectators in a safer and more comfortable fashion.

Eastern Volleyball is a great show, but the Eastern facility is probably the right size for single Volleyball games-- completely wrong for tournaments, but a crowd of 450 fills the gym and makes for a great environment. A bigger gym with locker rooms etc would give them the chance to host a Regional, but I was kidding about that being the rationale for a new facility.

The others -- including team rooms for all teams and locker facilities for opposing teams and officials are better reasons than increasing seating capacity for volleyball.

It will be interesting to see if the Eagles can bounce back against another very good team tomorrow.